List of museums in Finland

Last updated

This is an incomplete list of museums in Finland. According to a report, the total number of museums in Finland is 280 (2013), of which 139 are cultural history museums, 71 special museums, 55 art museums and 17 natural history museums. [1] Circa 160 of these are run professionally. The central organisation for Finnish museums is the 1923 established Finnish Museums Association. [2]


National museums

National central museums of Finland are the Finnish Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of Finland and the Finnish National Gallery which comprises three museums; Ateneum, Kiasma, and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. [3]

Finnish Museum of Natural History Helsingin Luonnontieteellinen museo.JPG Helsinki Natural history 1923
National Museum of Finland Kansallismuseo Helsinki.jpg Helsinki History 1916
Finnish National Gallery
Ateneum Helsinki Art Museum.JPG Helsinki Art 1887
Kiasma Kiasma museum of contemporary art.png Helsinki Contemporary art 1996
Sinebrychoff Art Museum Sinebrychoffin taidemuseo.jpg Helsinki Art 1921

Regional museums and regional art museums

Finland has 22 regional museums and 16 regional art museums. They are responsible for promoting and guiding museum activities in their own area. The regional museum network was established in 1980 by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The regional network covers the whole of Finland excluding Åland. [2]

Regional museums

Ekenäs museumcentre EKTA Ekenäs Uusimaa 1906
Helsinki City Museum Sofiankatu 4 Helsinki.jpg Helsinki Greater Helsinki 1911
Hämeenlinna Historical Museum Castle-of-Hame-main-keep.JPG Hämeenlinna Tavastia Proper 1910
Kainuu Museum Kajaani Kainuu 1930
K. H. Renlund Museum – Central Ostrobothnia Regional Museum K.H. Renlundin museo.jpg Kokkola Central Ostrobothnia 1909
Kuopio Cultural History Museum Kuopion museo 2012.jpg Kuopio Northern Savonia 1884
Kuopio Natural History Museum Kuopio Northern Savonia 1897
Lahti Historical Museum Fellmanin kartano Lahti.jpg Lahti Päijänne Tavastia 1924
Museum Centre of Turku Turku Castle.jpg Turku Southwest Finland 1881
Museum Centre Vapriikki Vapriikin etupiha ja sisaankaynti.jpg Tampere Pirkanmaa 1996
Museum of Central Finland Museum of Central Finland.jpg Jyväskylä Central Finland 1932
Museum of Kymenlaakso Sea museum Vellamo.JPG Kotka Kymenlaakso 1927
North Karelian Museum Carelicum winter.JPG Joensuu Northern Karelia 1917
Northern Ostrobothnia museum Ainola Museum Oulu 20081125.JPG Oulu Northern Ostrobothnia 1896
Ostrobothnian Museum OsterbottensMuseum.jpg Vaasa Ostrobothnia 1896
Porvoo Museum Porvoo CityHall Photographer.JPG Porvoo Eastern Uusimaa 1980
Provincial Museum of Lapland ArtikumOutside adjusted.jpg Rovaniemi Lapland (excluding Torne Valley and Sea Lapland)1975
Regional Museum of South Ostrobothnia Liinamaa-house-at-Tornava-outdoor-museum.jpg Seinäjoki Southern Ostrobothnia 1980
Satakunta Museum Satakunnan Museo.JPG Pori Satakunta 1888
Savonlinna Provincial Museum Savonlinna Museo 1.JPG Savonlinna Southern Savonia 1985
South Karelia Museum De Bange 90 mm Lappeenranta 1.JPG Lappeenranta South Karelia 1963
Torne Valley Museum

The Museum of Torne Valley in Tornio 20220605 001.jpg

Tornio Torne Valley, Sea Lapland 1914

Regional art museums

Helsinki City Art Museum Tennispalatsi Helsinki.jpg Helsinki Uusimaa 1974
Hämeenlinna Art Museum Hameenlinnantaidemuseo.jpg Hämeenlinna Tavastia Proper 1952
Jyväskylä Art Museum Jyvaskyla art museum 01.jpg Jyväskylä Central Finland 1998
Joensuu Art Museum Joensuu art museum.jpg Joensuu Northern Karelia 1962
Kemi Art Museum Kemi Cultural Centre.JPG Kemi Torne Valley, Sea Lapland 1947
Kuopio Art Museum Kuopion taidemuseo talvella.jpg Kuopio Northern Savonia 1980
Lahti Art Museum

Lahti Art Museum 2014.png

Lahti Päijänne Tavastia 1950
Mikkeli Art Museum Mikkelin taidemuseo.JPG Mikkeli Southern Savonia 1976
Nelimarkka Museum Nelimarkka art museum Alajarvi Finland.jpg Alajärvi Southern Ostrobothnia 1964
Ostrobothnian Museum OsterbottensMuseum.jpg Vaasa Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia 1896
Oulu Museum of Art OuluTaidemuseo.jpg Oulu Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu 1963
Pori Art Museum Porin taidemuseo.jpg Pori Satakunta 1979
Rovaniemi Art Museum 0427 Korundi urheilukadulta 1.jpg Rovaniemi Lapland (excluding Torne Valley and Sea Lapland)1983
South Karelia Art Museum Courtyard of Lappeenranta Fortification.jpg Lappeenranta South Karelia, Kymenlaakso 1965
Tampere Art Museum Tampere Art Museum1.jpg Tampere Pirkanmaa 1931
Turku Art Museum Turku Museum of Art.jpg Turku Southwest Finland 1904

National specialist museums

Seventeen [4] National specialist museums are responsible for the storage, research and exhibition of the subjects on their own field. [2] The first specialist museums were named in 1992. [5]

Craft Museum of Finland Suomen kasityon museo Jyvaskylassa derivative.jpg Jyväskylä Craft 1982
Design Museum Designmuseo I Helsinki.jpg Helsinki Industrial design 1873
Finnish Aviation Museum FinnishAviationMuseumBuilding.jpg Vantaa Aviation 1969
Finnish Glass Museum

Suomen lasimuseo, Riihimaki, Finland (48797406772).jpg

Riihimäki Glass production 1961
Finnish Labour Museum Werstas Werstas Entrance.JPG Tampere Social history, working life 1993
Finnish Museum of Agriculture Sarka Sarka agricultural museum, Loimaa Finland.jpg Loimaa Agriculture 2005
Finnish Museum of Photography Kaapelitehdas 2010.jpg Helsinki Photography 1969
Finnish Railway Museum Suomen rautatiemuseo Hyvinkaa 2013.jpg Hyvinkää Railway 1898
Forum Marinum Forum Marinum MainBuilding.jpg Turku Maritime, naval history 1999
Lusto Lusto 1 AB.jpg Punkaharju Forestry 1994
Military Museum of Finland Sotamuseo1.jpg Helsinki Military 1929
Mobilia Mobilia Car Museum.jpg Kangasala Automobile 1992
Museum of Finnish Architecture Kasarmikatu 24 Helsinki.jpg Helsinki Architecture 1956
Museum of Technology Vanhakaupunki vesiputous 2009.jpg Helsinki Technology 1969
Siida SIIDA Inari, Suomi Finland 2013-03-10 001.jpg Inari Sámi culture 1959
Sports Museum of Finland Sports Museum of Finland.jpg Helsinki Sport 1943
Theatre Museum Kaapelitehdas 2010.jpg Helsinki Theatre 1962

Other selected museums

Art museums

Aine Art Museum Rajakartano building in Tornio Sep2008.jpg Tornio Art 1986
Amos Rex Lasipalatsi - Amos Rex 20180821 152847.jpg Helsinki Art 2018
Cygnaeus Gallery Cygnauksen galleria.jpg Helsinki Art 1882
Didrichsen Art Museum Didrichsenin taidemuseo.jpg Helsinki Contemporary art 1965
Espoo Museum of Modern Art EMMA from outside.jpg Espoo Contemporary art 2006
Hirvitalo Hirvitalo.JPG Tampere Contemporary art 2006
Kirpilä Art Collection Taidekoti Kirpila 02 matsal.JPG Helsinki Art 1992
Kunsthalle Helsinki Taidehalli Helsinki.jpg Helsinki Contemporary art, design 1928
Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art Kuntsi modern art museum Vaasa Finland.jpg Vaasa Contemporary art 2007
Rauma Art Museum Vanharauma28.jpg Rauma Art 1970
Sara Hildén Art Museum Sara Hildenin taidemuseo.jpg Tampere Art 1979
Serlachius Museums Gosta Serlachiuksen taidemuseo.jpg Mänttä-Vilppula Art, history 1945
Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art Waino Aaltosen museo.jpg Turku Contemporary art 1967

History and specialized museums

Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Aboa Vetus Ars Nova 2.jpg Turku History, contemporary art 1995
Alvar Aalto Museum Alvar Aalto Museum.jpg Jyväskylä, Helsinki Architecture 1966
Archipelago Museum Loviisa Cultural history 1985
Ark Nature Centre Luontotalo Arkki.jpg Pori Natural history 2000
Artillery Museum of Finland Linnankasarmi Finland.jpg Hämeenlinna Military 1977
Aviation Museum of Central Finland Keski-Suomen ilmailumuseo.jpg Jyväskylä Military aviation 1979
Eckerö Mail and Customs House Eckeroe-Storby Postmuseum.jpg Eckerö Mail, art 1994
Emil Cedercreutz Museum Ulkokuva II.JPG Harjavalta History, art 1916
Finnish Museum of Games Pelimuseo overview.jpg Tampere Games, History 2017
Glims Farmstead Museum Glims mainbuilding.JPG Espoo Agriculture, open-air museum 1958
Hallinportti Aviation Museum Bristol Bulldog.jpg Jämsä Military aviation 1971
Helsinki University Museum Snellmaninkatu 3-5.jpg Helsinki University museum 2003
Hotel and Restaurant Museum Kaapelitehdas 2010.jpg Helsinki Cuisine, tourism 1971
Huittinen Museum Museum of Huittinen Aug2008.jpg Huittinen History 1950
Jakobstad - Pietarsaari Museum

Malmin talo.jpg

Jakobstad History 1904
Jokioinen Museum Railway Jokioinen railway b.jpg Jokioinen Heritage railway 1978
Karelia Aviation Museum Folland Gnat GN-103 2.JPG Lappeenranta Military aviation 2000
Karhulan ilmailukerho Aviation Museum Gloster Gauntlet II GT-400 (OH-XGT) Karhulan ilmailukerhon lentomuseo 3.JPG Kotka Aviation 1992
Lahti Ski Museum Lahden hiihtomuseo.JPG Lahti Winter sports 1959
Luostarinmäki Luostarinmaki Handicrafts Museum.JPG Turku Open-air museum 1940
Maritime Museum of Finland Sea museum Vellamo.JPG Kotka Maritime 2008
Museum Masuuni Brunou Juankoski Industry1991
Moomin Museum Tampereen taidemuseo.JPG Tampere Art 1987
Museum for Motion Pictures Helsinki Film 2004
Nanoq Jakobstad Cultural history, open-air museum 1991
Parola Tank Museum Parola Armoured Vehicle Museum Hattula Finland.jpg Hämeenlinna Military 1961
Pukstaavi Pukstaavi.JPG Sastamala Literature 2011
Päijänne Tavastia Aviation Museum Blackburn Ripon IIF.jpg Asikkala Military aviation 2006
Päivälehti Museum

Paivalehden museo ulkoa.jpg

Helsinki Media, newspaper 2001
Qwensel House Aurajoki, Apteekkimuseo.jpg Turku Pharmacy 1958
Raahe Museum Raahe History 1862
Radio and TV Museum (Lahti, Finland) Lahti Media 1993
Rauma Maritime Museum Rauman merimuseo.jpg Rauma Maritime 2004
Rauma Museum Vanharauma3.jpg Rauma History 1891
RIISA- Orthodox Church Museum of Finland Suomen ortodoksinen kirkkomuseo 2012.jpg Kuopio Religion 1957
Rosenlew Museum Rosenlew-museo.jpg Pori Industry2006
Rupriikki Media Museum Rupriikki Entrance.JPG Tampere Media 2001
Salpa Line Museum Salpa line ball bunker mould.jpg Miehikkälä Military, open-air museum 1987
Savo Railway Museum Pmoldas.jpg Pieksämäki Railway 1989
Seurasaari Moulin a vent, musee de Seurasaari (Helsinki) (2758563319).jpg Helsinki Open-air museum 1909
Spy Museum Spy Museum Tampere.JPG Tampere Espionage 1998
Tampere Lenin Museum Lenin-museum.JPG Tampere History 1946
Turkansaari Turkansaari open air museum 2006 06 13.JPG Oulu Open-air museum 1961
Uusikaupunki Automobile Museum Automobile museum, Uusikaupunki, Finland.jpg Uusikaupunki Automotive museum 1984
Verla Verla groundwood and board mill museum.jpg Kouvola Open-air museum, industry1972
Åland Maritime Museum Alands sjofartsmuseum.jpg Mariehamn Maritime 1954
Åland Museum Aland Museum.JPG Mariehamn History, art 1963

Historic house museums

NameImageLocationDedicated toEstablished
Ahola Ahola, Jarvenpaa.JPG Järvenpää Juhani Aho, Venny Soldan-Brofeldt 1997
Ainola Ainola.JPG Järvenpää Jean Sibelius 1974
Aleksis Kivi Memorial Cottage Aleksis Kiven kuolinmokki IMG 2897 C.JPG Tuusula Aleksis Kivi 1908
Birthplace of Jean Sibelius Hameenlinna Sibelius House 1.jpg Hämeenlinna Jean Sibelius 1965
Burgher's House Burghers House (Ruiskumestarin Talo) (396478185).jpg Helsinki Alexander Wickholm1980
Halosenniemi Halosenniemi.jpg Tuusula Pekka Halonen 1977
Hvitträsk Hvittraskin sisapiha.jpg Kirkkonummi Eliel Saarinen 1971
Imperial fishing lodge Langinkoski Imperial Fishing Lodge.jpg Kotka Alexander III of Russia 1933
Kalela Kalela 2010.jpg Ruovesi Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1965
Lepikon torppa The birthplace Lepikon Torppa of the finnish president Urho Kekkonen.jpg Pielavesi Urho Kekkonen 1966
Louhisaari Manor Louhisaari.JPG Masku Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim 1967
Mannerheim Museum Mannerheim Museum.jpg Helsinki Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim 1951
Marela Rauma Marela.jpg Rauma Gabriel Granlund1979
Studio Aalto Aalto studio.JPG Helsinki Alvar Aalto
Tamminiemi Tamminiemi.jpg Helsinki Urho Kekkonen 1987
Tarvaspää Tarvaspaa.JPG Espoo Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1961
Villa Aalto Helsinki AaltoHouse 01.jpg Helsinki Alvar Aalto 1998
Villa Kokkonen Villa Kokkonen.jpg Järvenpää Joonas Kokkonen 1998
Visavuori Visavuori1.JPG Valkeakoski Emil Wikström 1967

Science museums

Science Centre Tietomaa

Tietomaa science museum Oulu Finland.jpg

Oulu Science 1988
Heureka Science Centre

Heureka, Tiedepuisto Galilei.jpg

Vantaa Science 1989

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  1. "Report on the situation of libraries, museums and archive". Archived from the original on 2014-09-03. The total number of library units was 1471. The total number of museums in Finland is 280, of which 139 are cultural history museums, 71 special museums, 55 art museums and 17 natural history museums.
  2. 1 2 3 Museums and cultural heritage in the state administration Archived 2014-09-03 at the Wayback Machine Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Retrieved 29 August 2014.
  3. Museums & Galleries Discovering Finland. Retrieved 29 August 2014.
  4. Specialized museums Archived 2009-03-06 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 29 August 2014.
  5. Valtakunnalliset erikoismuseot; Selvitys erikoismuseojärjestelmän tilasta ja tulevaisuudesta Archived 2014-09-03 at the Wayback Machine Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (in Finnish). Retrieved 29 August 2014.