Lists of most common surnames in North American countries

Last updated

This article contains lists of the most common surnames in some of the countries of North America. Countries are arranged in alphabetical order.



Top 10 common surnames in Canada [1]
1 Smith 192,145
2 Brown 108,859
3 Tremblay 106,668
4 Martin 91,680
5 Roy 90,417
6 Gagnon 85,120
7 Lee 83,424
8 Wilson 82,768
9 Johnson 79,492
10 MacDonald 78,766


Top 10 common surnames in Quebec as of 2006. [2]

RankSurname % of pop
1 Tremblay 1.08%
2 Gagnon 0.790%
3 Roy 0.753%
4 Côté 0.624%
5 Bouchard 0.530%
6 Gauthier 0.522%
7 Morin 0.498%
8 Lavoie 0.458%
9 Fortin 0.449%
10 Gagné 0.448%

Costa Rica

Most common surnames in Costa Rica as of 2007. [3]

#SurnamePersons % of pop.
1 Hernández
2 Mora
3 Rodríguez
4 González
5 Jiménez
6 Morales
7 Sánchez
8 Ramírez
9 Pérez
10 Calderón
11 Gutiérrez
12 Rojas
13 Vargas
14 Torres
15 Salas
16 Segura
17 Valverde
18 Villalobos
19 Araya
20 Herrera
21 López
22 Madrigal
Total pop. (2008)4,016,173100.00


Most common surnames in Cuba. [4]

1 Rodríguez 301,136
2 Pérez 300,189
3 González 262,311
4 Hernández 215,593
5 García 208,965
6 Martínez 148,674
7 Díaz 136,364
8 Fernández 134,470
9 López 127,525
10 Álvarez 101,010

Dominican Republic

#SurnameAdults % of adultsOrigin
1 Rodríguez 225,321Spanish
2 Pérez 158,059Spanish
3 Martínez 141,259Spanish
4 García 137,124Spanish
5 Reyes 104,892Spanish
6 Sánchez 104,392Spanish
7 Díaz 95,106Spanish
8 Peña 94,396Spanish
9 Jiménez 92,978Spanish
10 Ramírez 92,863Spanish
11 Hernández 91,080Spanish
12 Rosario 89,630Spanish
13 González 85,757Spanish
14 Santana 81,973Portuguese/Spanish
15 Núñez 79,374Spanish
16 Castillo 78,338Spanish
17 de la Cruz 76,977Spanish
18 Cruz 64,613Portuguese/Spanish
19 Guzmán 63,073Spanish
20 Gómez 62,310Spanish
21 Santos 60,613Spanish/Portuguese
22 López 59,566Spanish
23 Fuentes 58,518Spanish
24 Vásquez 56,149Spanish
25 De Los Santos 54,634Spanish
26 Mejía 51,605Spanish
27 Ponce 49,952Spanish
28 Fernández 49,712Spanish
29 Vargas 49,353Portuguese/Spanish
30 Montes 48,574Spanish
Total pop.

El Salvador

Most common surnames in El Salvador as of 2005. [5]

#SurnameNumber of people % of population
1 Hernández
2 Martínez
3 López
4 García
5 Rodríguez
6 Flores
7 Pérez
8 Ramírez
9 González
10 Rivera
11 Vásquez
12 Cruz
13 Mejía
14 Rivas
15 Sánchez
16 Reyes
17 Díaz
18 Ramos
19 Gómez
20 Portillo
21 Escobar
22 Orellana
23 Romero
24 Aguilar
25 Alvarado
Total population (2007)5,744,113 [6] 100.00


Most common surnames in Guatemala as of 2015. [7]

#SurnamePersons % of pop.
1 López 371,5252.5%
2 García 285,6701.9%
3 Morales 228,1671.5%
4 Hernández 222,7551.5%
5 Pérez 209,9631.4%
6 González 208,7951.4%
7 Rodríguez 135,9780.9%
8 De León 134,0100.9%
9 Ramírez 131,7960.9%
10 Martínez 123,1860.8%
11 Castillo 116,2980.8%
12 Estrada 115,2520.8%
13 Marroquín 113,9610.8%
14 Gómez 110,8240.7%
15 Vásquez 102,1530.7%
16 Méndez 98,4620.7%
17 Reyes 95,4490.6%
18 Díaz 94,4030.6%
19 Aguilar 94,0960.6%
20 Velásquez 89,9750.6%
First 203,082,71820.7%
Total population (2015)14,918,999 [8] 100%


Below are the most common surnames of Mexico. All of the surnames listed are of Spanish origin. [9]

1 Hernández 5,526,929
2 García 4,129,360
3 Martínez 3,886,887
4 González 3,188,693
5 López 3,148,024
6 Rodríguez 2,744,179
7 Pérez 2,746,468
8 Sánchez 2,234,625
9 Ramírez 2,070,723
10 Flores 1,392,707
11 Gómez 989,295
12 Torres 841,966
13 Díaz 811,553
14 Vásquez 806,894
15 Cruz 800,874
16 Morales 771,796
17 Gutiérrez 748,789
18 Reyes 738,320
19 Ruíz 708,718
20 Jiménez 670,453
21 Mendoza 613,683
22 Aguilar 611,904
23 Ortíz 576,989
24 Álvarez 557,332
25 Castillo 553,799
26 Romero 540,922
27 Moreno 539,927
28 Chávez 517,392
29 Rivera 508,022
30 Ramos 455,728
31 Herrera 451,226
32 Medina 431,518
33 Vargas 427,854
34 Castro 419,216
35 Méndez 410,239
36 Guzmán 392,284
37 Fernández 385,741
38 Juárez 384,929
39 Muñoz 376,633
40 Ortega 372,471
41 Salazar 368,231
42 Rojas 365,457
43 Guerrero 361,557
44 Contreras 358,521
45 Luna 357,578
46 Domínguez 348,182
47 Garza 335,829
48 Velásquez 331,510
49 Estrada 324,103
50 Soto 306,227
51 Cortez 301,954
52 Lara 298,034
53 Espinoza 289,842
54 Vega 285,864
55 Ávila 284,530
56 Cervantes 276,101
57 Sandoval 273,091
58 Carrillo 267,333
59 Alvarado 266,993
60 Silva 265,553
61 León 260,246
62 Ríos 260,141
63 Navarro 258,408
64 Delgado 254,273
65 Márquez 248,933
66 Campos 246,709
67 Ibarra 241,343
68 Solís 240,008
69 Rosas 237,339
70 Miranda 233,910
71 Camacho 233,858
72 Valdez 232,680
73 Cárdenas 230,848
74 Orozco 228,963
75 Aguirre 228,754
76 Mejía 227,392
77 Acosta 224,385
78 Padilla 223,205
79 Robles 222,472
80 Núñez 222,153
81 Peña 220,868
82 Cabrera 220,647
83 Rosales 218,935
84 Molina 217,049
85 Pacheco 212,981
86 Castañeda 212,078
87 Fuentes 210,342
88 Valenzuela 210,221
89 Rangel 209,232
90 Ayala 208,964
91 Meza 207,662
92 Nava 203,308
93 Valencia 198,634
94 Maldonado 195,043
95 Ochoa 192,341
96 Serrano 185,071
97 Tapia 183,351
98 Salinas 183,098
99 Suárez 182,020
100 Zamora 181,835

United States

The table below presents the most common 100 surnames as of the 2010 Census. It includes the total number of people with each surname as well as the rate per 100,000 people. Figures for the 2000 Census are also included for comparison. [10]

In 2010, there were 51,089,493 people with last names in the top 100, representing 16.5% of the total (308,745,538). Surnames appearing less than 100 times represented less than 10% of the population. [11] The most common surname remains Smith; over two million Americans have that name and it is the most common name for white, native and multiracial residents. The most common name among black Americans was Williams and the most common name among Asian Americans was Nguyen. The name Wilson was 10th in the 2000 census but was replaced by Martinez in 2010. The names Garcia and Rodriguez had previously entered the top ten in the 2000 Census, replacing Taylor and Moore. [12]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Central America</span>

The economy of Central America is the eleventh-largest economy in Latin America, behind Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. According to the World Bank, the nominal GDP of Central America reached 204 billion US dollar in 2010, as recovery from the crisis of 2009, where gross domestic product (GDP) suffered a decline to 3.8%. The major economic sectors are agriculture and tourism, although the industrial sector has shown strong growth, mainly in Panama.


  1. "Most Common Last Names In Canada". Forebears. Retrieved 28 July 2021.
  2. "Les 1 000 premiers noms de famille selon le rang, Québec". (in French). Institut de la statistique du Québec. 2006-05-05. Retrieved 2020-02-20.
  3. "Conozca los nombres más curiosos del país". Periódico Al Día . June 17, 2007. Archived from the original on February 22, 2009.
  4. "Cuba Genealogy Resources & Vital Records".
  5. "¿Quiénes somos?". El Diario de Hoy . 2005.
  6. CIA (14 July 2022). "El Salvador". CIA World Factbook. Langley, Virginia: CIA.
  7. "¿Piensas que tu apellido es común? Mira los 50 que más se repiten en Guatemala". Publinews (in Spanish). November 10, 2015. Archived from the original on November 13, 2015. Retrieved November 13, 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  8. CIA (14 July 2022). "Guatemala". CIA World Factbook. Langley, Virginia: CIA.
  9. Z, Antonio L. (23 April 2008). "Habla para que te conozca: 3 148 024 SEÑORAS Y SEÑORES LÓPEZ".
  10. "Common U.S. Surnames". US Census. February 26, 2024. Retrieved 23 Dec 2024.
  11. "Frequently Occurring Surnames in the 2010 Census" (PDF). US Census. October 2016. Retrieved 23 Dec 2024.
  12. "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the 1990 Census". US Census. December 16, 2021. Retrieved 23 Dec 2024.

Further reading