Hall (surname)

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Meaning"Someone who lived in or worked in a hall or manor house"
Region of origin Scotland, Ireland

Hall is a surname of Scottish origin.

The surname Hall originated in Scotland, and can be found in many mediaeval manuscripts in Scotland and Ireland. Today, the name is found throughout the world as a consequence of large scale emigration from Scotland from the 18th century onwards and the settlement of the Scottish diaspora in many countries particularly the United States, Canada and Australia. Today, with about 181,000 namesakes Hall is the 17th most popular surname in England and Wales. Around the world Halls are most common in Melbourne (one in 582 families), Canberra (one in 590) and Sydney (one in 601). The United States has more Halls than the entire population of Bristol-an estimated total of just over 494,000 makes this their 24th most popular surname. [2]




In Scotland, the Halls (Clan Hall) were one of the sixty major riding families of the Scottish Marches and were involved in reiving as other border clans were. As with all Reiving families, they would consider themselves loyal to neither the English nor the Scots, the family name holding allegiance over all else. [3] [4] Another particular grouping of Halls were one of the sixty major families of the Marches of Scotland. [5]

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  1. British Surnames, citing Lower, Mark A (1860) Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom. London: J.R. Smith. Accessed 23 August 2014
  2. "Hall Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History".
  3. "Clan Hall".
  4. "Clan Hall Society Home". Archived from the original on 2010-01-03.
  5. "Hall Surname Origin, Meaning & Family Tree".