In computer science, locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) is a fuzzy hashing technique that hashes similar input items into the same "buckets" with high probability. [1] (The number of buckets is much smaller than the universe of possible input items.) [1] Since similar items end up in the same buckets, this technique can be used for data clustering and nearest neighbor search. It differs from conventional hashing techniques in that hash collisions are maximized, not minimized. Alternatively, the technique can be seen as a way to reduce the dimensionality of high-dimensional data; high-dimensional input items can be reduced to low-dimensional versions while preserving relative distances between items.
Hashing-based approximate nearest-neighbor search algorithms generally use one of two main categories of hashing methods: either data-independent methods, such as locality-sensitive hashing (LSH); or data-dependent methods, such as locality-preserving hashing (LPH). [2] [3]
Locality-preserving hashing was initially devised as a way to facilitate data pipelining in implementations of massively parallel algorithms that use randomized routing and universal hashing to reduce memory contention and network congestion. [4] [5]
A finite family of functions is defined to be an LSH family [1] [6] [7] for
if it satisfies the following condition. For any two points and a hash function chosen uniformly at random from :
Such a family is called -sensitive.
Alternatively [8] it is possible to define an LSH family on a universe of items U endowed with a similarity function . In this setting, a LSH scheme is a family of hash functions H coupled with a probability distribution D over H such that a function chosen according to D satisfies for each .
Given a -sensitive family , we can construct new families by either the AND-construction or OR-construction of . [1]
To create an AND-construction, we define a new family of hash functions g, where each function g is constructed from k random functions from . We then say that for a hash function , if and only if all for . Since the members of are independently chosen for any , is a -sensitive family.
To create an OR-construction, we define a new family of hash functions g, where each function g is constructed from k random functions from . We then say that for a hash function , if and only if for one or more values of i. Since the members of are independently chosen for any , is a -sensitive family.
LSH has been applied to several problem domains, including:
One of the easiest ways to construct an LSH family is by bit sampling. [7] This approach works for the Hamming distance over d-dimensional vectors . Here, the family of hash functions is simply the family of all the projections of points on one of the coordinates, i.e., , where is the th coordinate of . A random function from simply selects a random bit from the input point. This family has the following parameters: , . That is, any two vectors with Hamming distance at most collide under a random with probability at least . Any with Hamming distance at least collide with probability at most .
Suppose U is composed of subsets of some ground set of enumerable items S and the similarity function of interest is the Jaccard index J. If π is a permutation on the indices of S, for let . Each possible choice of π defines a single hash function h mapping input sets to elements of S.
Define the function family H to be the set of all such functions and let D be the uniform distribution. Given two sets the event that corresponds exactly to the event that the minimizer of π over lies inside . As h was chosen uniformly at random, and define an LSH scheme for the Jaccard index.
Because the symmetric group on n elements has size n!, choosing a truly random permutation from the full symmetric group is infeasible for even moderately sized n. Because of this fact, there has been significant work on finding a family of permutations that is "min-wise independent" — a permutation family for which each element of the domain has equal probability of being the minimum under a randomly chosen π. It has been established that a min-wise independent family of permutations is at least of size , [19] and that this bound is tight. [20]
Because min-wise independent families are too big for practical applications, two variant notions of min-wise independence are introduced: restricted min-wise independent permutations families, and approximate min-wise independent families. Restricted min-wise independence is the min-wise independence property restricted to certain sets of cardinality at most k. [21] Approximate min-wise independence differs from the property by at most a fixed ε. [22]
Nilsimsa is a locality-sensitive hashing algorithm used in anti-spam efforts. [23] The goal of Nilsimsa is to generate a hash digest of an email message such that the digests of two similar messages are similar to each other. The paper suggests that the Nilsimsa satisfies three requirements:
Testing performed in the paper on a range of file types identified the Nilsimsa hash as having a significantly higher false positive rate when compared to other similarity digest schemes such as TLSH, Ssdeep and Sdhash. [24]
TLSH is locality-sensitive hashing algorithm designed for a range of security and digital forensic applications. [17] The goal of TLSH is to generate hash digests for messages such that low distances between digests indicate that their corresponding messages are likely to be similar.
An implementation of TLSH is available as open-source software. [25]
The random projection method of LSH due to Moses Charikar [8] called SimHash (also sometimes called arccos [26] ) uses an approximation of the cosine distance between vectors. The technique was used to approximate the NP-complete max-cut problem. [8]
The basic idea of this technique is to choose a random hyperplane (defined by a normal unit vector r) at the outset and use the hyperplane to hash input vectors.
Given an input vector v and a hyperplane defined by r, we let . That is, depending on which side of the hyperplane v lies. This way, each possible choice of a random hyperplane r can be interpreted as a hash function .
For two vectors u,v with angle between them, it can be shown that
Since the ratio between and is at least 0.439 when , [8] [27] the probability of two vectors being on different sides of the random hyperplane is approximately proportional to the cosine distance between them.
The hash function [28] maps a d-dimensional vector onto the set of integers. Each hash function in the family is indexed by a choice of random and where is a d-dimensional vector with entries chosen independently from a stable distribution and is a real number chosen uniformly from the range [0,r]. For a fixed the hash function is given by .
Other construction methods for hash functions have been proposed to better fit the data. [29] In particular k-means hash functions are better in practice than projection-based hash functions, but without any theoretical guarantee.
Semantic hashing is a technique that attempts to map input items to addresses such that closer inputs have higher semantic similarity. [30] The hashcodes are found via training of an artificial neural network or graphical model.[ citation needed ]
One of the main applications of LSH is to provide a method for efficient approximate nearest neighbor search algorithms. Consider an LSH family . The algorithm has two main parameters: the width parameter k and the number of hash tables L.
In the first step, we define a new family of hash functions g, where each function g is obtained by concatenating k functions from , i.e., . In other words, a random hash function g is obtained by concatenating k randomly chosen hash functions from . The algorithm then constructs L hash tables, each corresponding to a different randomly chosen hash function g.
In the preprocessing step we hash all nd-dimensional points from the data set S into each of the L hash tables. Given that the resulting hash tables have only n non-zero entries, one can reduce the amount of memory used per each hash table to using standard hash functions.
Given a query point q, the algorithm iterates over the L hash functions g. For each g considered, it retrieves the data points that are hashed into the same bucket as q. The process is stopped as soon as a point within distance cR from q is found.
Given the parameters k and L, the algorithm has the following performance guarantees:
For a fixed approximation ratio and probabilities and , one can set and , where . Then one obtains the following performance guarantees:
When t is large, it is possible to reduce the hashing time from . This was shown by [31] and [32] which gave
It is also sometimes the case that the factor can be very large. This happens for example with Jaccard similarity data, where even the most similar neighbor often has a quite low Jaccard similarity with the query. In [33] it was shown how to reduce the query time to (not including hashing costs) and similarly the space usage.
In data mining and statistics, hierarchical clustering is a method of cluster analysis that seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters. Strategies for hierarchical clustering generally fall into two categories:
A randomized algorithm is an algorithm that employs a degree of randomness as part of its logic or procedure. The algorithm typically uses uniformly random bits as an auxiliary input to guide its behavior, in the hope of achieving good performance in the "average case" over all possible choices of random determined by the random bits; thus either the running time, or the output are random variables.
In cryptography, Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) is a padding scheme often used together with RSA encryption. OAEP was introduced by Bellare and Rogaway, and subsequently standardized in PKCS#1 v2 and RFC 2437.
In statistics, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric supervised learning method. It was first developed by Evelyn Fix and Joseph Hodges in 1951, and later expanded by Thomas Cover. Most often, it is used for classification, as a k-NN classifier, the output of which is a class membership. An object is classified by a plurality vote of its neighbors, with the object being assigned to the class most common among its k nearest neighbors (k is a positive integer, typically small). If k = 1, then the object is simply assigned to the class of that single nearest neighbor.
The Jaccard index is a statistic used for gauging the similarity and diversity of sample sets. It is defined in general taking the ratio of two sizes, the intersection size divided by the union size, also called intersection over union (IoU).
The GOST hash function, defined in the standards GOST R 34.11-94 and GOST 34.311-95 is a 256-bit cryptographic hash function. It was initially defined in the Russian national standard GOST R 34.11-94 Information Technology – Cryptographic Information Security – Hash Function. The equivalent standard used by other member-states of the CIS is GOST 34.311-95.
In mathematical optimization theory, duality or the duality principle is the principle that optimization problems may be viewed from either of two perspectives, the primal problem or the dual problem. If the primal is a minimization problem then the dual is a maximization problem. Any feasible solution to the primal (minimization) problem is at least as large as any feasible solution to the dual (maximization) problem. Therefore, the solution to the primal is an upper bound to the solution of the dual, and the solution of the dual is a lower bound to the solution of the primal. This fact is called weak duality.
In mathematics and computing, universal hashing refers to selecting a hash function at random from a family of hash functions with a certain mathematical property. This guarantees a low number of collisions in expectation, even if the data is chosen by an adversary. Many universal families are known, and their evaluation is often very efficient. Universal hashing has numerous uses in computer science, for example in implementations of hash tables, randomized algorithms, and cryptography.
In computational complexity theory, Yao's principle relates the performance of randomized algorithms to deterministic (non-random) algorithms. It states that, for certain classes of algorithms, and certain measures of the performance of the algorithms, the following two quantities are equal:
Nearest neighbor search (NNS), as a form of proximity search, is the optimization problem of finding the point in a given set that is closest to a given point. Closeness is typically expressed in terms of a dissimilarity function: the less similar the objects, the larger the function values.
A randomness extractor, often simply called an "extractor", is a function, which being applied to output from a weak entropy source, together with a short, uniformly random seed, generates a highly random output that appears independent from the source and uniformly distributed. Examples of weakly random sources include radioactive decay or thermal noise; the only restriction on possible sources is that there is no way they can be fully controlled, calculated or predicted, and that a lower bound on their entropy rate can be established. For a given source, a randomness extractor can even be considered to be a true random number generator (TRNG); but there is no single extractor that has been proven to produce truly random output from any type of weakly random source.
In discrete mathematics, ideal lattices are a special class of lattices and a generalization of cyclic lattices. Ideal lattices naturally occur in many parts of number theory, but also in other areas. In particular, they have a significant place in cryptography. Micciancio defined a generalization of cyclic lattices as ideal lattices. They can be used in cryptosystems to decrease by a square root the number of parameters necessary to describe a lattice, making them more efficient. Ideal lattices are a new concept, but similar lattice classes have been used for a long time. For example, cyclic lattices, a special case of ideal lattices, are used in NTRUEncrypt and NTRUSign.
In computer science and data mining, MinHash is a technique for quickly estimating how similar two sets are. The scheme was published by Andrei Broder in a 1997 conference, and initially used in the AltaVista search engine to detect duplicate web pages and eliminate them from search results. It has also been applied in large-scale clustering problems, such as clustering documents by the similarity of their sets of words.
In computing, the count–min sketch is a probabilistic data structure that serves as a frequency table of events in a stream of data. It uses hash functions to map events to frequencies, but unlike a hash table uses only sub-linear space, at the expense of overcounting some events due to collisions. The count–min sketch was invented in 2003 by Graham Cormode and S. Muthu Muthukrishnan and described by them in a 2005 paper.
Fuzzy extractors are a method that allows biometric data to be used as inputs to standard cryptographic techniques, to enhance computer security. "Fuzzy", in this context, refers to the fact that the fixed values required for cryptography will be extracted from values close to but not identical to the original key, without compromising the security required. One application is to encrypt and authenticate users records, using the biometric inputs of the user as a key.
Similarity learning is an area of supervised machine learning in artificial intelligence. It is closely related to regression and classification, but the goal is to learn a similarity function that measures how similar or related two objects are. It has applications in ranking, in recommendation systems, visual identity tracking, face verification, and speaker verification.
In machine learning, the kernel embedding of distributions comprises a class of nonparametric methods in which a probability distribution is represented as an element of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). A generalization of the individual data-point feature mapping done in classical kernel methods, the embedding of distributions into infinite-dimensional feature spaces can preserve all of the statistical features of arbitrary distributions, while allowing one to compare and manipulate distributions using Hilbert space operations such as inner products, distances, projections, linear transformations, and spectral analysis. This learning framework is very general and can be applied to distributions over any space on which a sensible kernel function may be defined. For example, various kernels have been proposed for learning from data which are: vectors in , discrete classes/categories, strings, graphs/networks, images, time series, manifolds, dynamical systems, and other structured objects. The theory behind kernel embeddings of distributions has been primarily developed by Alex Smola, Le Song , Arthur Gretton, and Bernhard Schölkopf. A review of recent works on kernel embedding of distributions can be found in.
A central problem in algorithmic graph theory is the shortest path problem. One of the generalizations of the shortest path problem is known as the single-source-shortest-paths (SSSP) problem, which consists of finding the shortest paths from a source vertex to all other vertices in the graph. There are classical sequential algorithms which solve this problem, such as Dijkstra's algorithm. In this article, however, we present two parallel algorithms solving this problem.
In computer science, a retrieval data structure, also known as static function, is a space-efficient dictionary-like data type composed of a collection of pairs that allows the following operations:
In mathematics, the Chambolle-Pock algorithm is an algorithm used to solve convex optimization problems. It was introduced by Antonin Chambolle and Thomas Pock in 2011 and has since become a widely used method in various fields, including image processing, computer vision, and signal processing.