During the final weeks of Nazi Germany and World War II in Europe, many civilians, government officials, and military personnel throughout Germany and German-occupied Europe committed suicide. In addition to high-ranking Nazi officials like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Philipp Bouhler, and Martin Bormann, many others chose suicide rather than accept the defeat of Germany. [1] Motivating factors included fear of reprisals and atrocities by the Allies and especially the Red Army, Nazi propaganda glorifying suicide as preferable to defeat, and despondency after the suicide of Adolf Hitler. For example, in May 1945, up to 1,000 people killed themselves before and after the entry of the Red Army into the German town of Demmin. [2] In Berlin alone more than 7,000 suicides were reported in 1945.
Three distinct periods of suicides have been identified between January and May 1945 when thousands of German people took their own lives. Life magazine reported that: "In the last days of the war the overwhelming realization of utter defeat was too much for many Germans. Stripped of the bayonets and bombast which had given them power, they could not face a reckoning with either their conquerors or their consciences." [1] German psychiatrist Erich Menninger-Lerchenthal noted the existence of "organised mass suicide on a large scale which had previously not occurred in the history of Europe [...] there are suicides which do not have anything to do with mental illness or some moral and intellectual deviance, but predominantly with the continuity of a heavy political defeat and the fear of being held responsible". [3]
There were several reasons some Germans decided to end their lives in the last months of the war. First, by 1945, Nazi propaganda had created fear among some sections of the population about the impending military invasion of their country by the Soviets or Western Allies. Information films from the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda repeatedly chided audiences about why Germany must not surrender, telling the people they faced the threat of torture, rape, and death in defeat. These fears were not groundless, as many Germans were raped, mostly by Soviet soldiers. The number of rapes is disputed, but was certainly considerable – hundreds of thousands of incidents, according to most Western historians. [4]
Secondly, many Nazis had been indoctrinated in unquestioning loyalty to the party and with it its cultural ideology of preferring death over living in defeat. Finally, others killed themselves because they knew what would happen to them following defeat. The Soviets, Americans, and the British had made it clear in 1943, with the Moscow Declarations, that all those considered war criminals would face judgment. Many party officials and military personnel were, therefore, aware they would face severe punishment for their conduct during the war.
Suicides happened in three successive waves:
The scale of the suicide waves suggests that fear and anxiety were common motivations. [8] There were also a large number of family suicides or murder-suicides where mothers and fathers killed themselves and their children. [9]
In March 1945, as part of Operation Periwig, the British printed a German-language black propaganda postcard, supposedly issued by the fictitious anti-Nazi "Red Horse" resistance movement, and giving detailed instructions on how to hang oneself with the minimum amount of pain. [10] The professed goal of this group was the execution of high-ranking Nazi functionaries. In order to draw more attention to this goal among the German population, agents were commissioned to place this horse symbol on various buildings or objects while postcards were sent to prominent Germans containing threatening texts and showing the Red Horse symbol. When the recipients were asked to commit suicide, the hidden meaning was, that this was more honourable than being liquidated by the resistance group.
Cyanide capsules were one of the most common ways that people killed themselves in the last days of the war. On 12 April 1945, members of the Hitler Youth distributed cyanide pills to audience members during the last concert of the Berlin Philharmonic. [11] Prior to his own suicide in the Führerbunker , Hitler ensured all his staff had been given poison capsules.
Many German civilians would go into forests to hang themselves and their families in areas which were soon to be invaded by the Red Army, while others would use poison instead. [12] There are also numerous documented cases where parents killed their children before they killed themselves. [13]
Members of the German Armed Forces often used firearms to end their lives. For example, SS-Obergruppenführer Ernst-Robert Grawitz killed himself and his family with an Eierhandgranate , while Wehrmacht generals Wilhelm Emanuel Burgdorf and Hans Krebs shot themselves in the head with their pistols, and Josef Terboven, the Reichskommissar for German-occupied Norway, blew himself up in a bunker by detonating 50 kg (110 lb) of dynamite.[ citation needed ]
More than 7,057 suicides were reported in Berlin in 1945, but it is thought that many went unreported due to the chaos of the post-war period. [14] Other locations where suicides happened include:
The willingness to commit suicide before accepting defeat was a key Nazi idea during the Second World War. [17] Adolf Hitler declared his preference for death over defeat in a speech he gave to the Reichstag during the invasion of Poland in 1939, saying, "I now wish to be nothing other than the first soldier of the German Reich. Therefore I have put on that tunic which has always been the most holy and dear to me. I shall not take it off again until after victory is ours, or I shall not live to see the day!" [18]
When it became apparent that the Nazis were about to lose the war, Germany's leaders (including Hitler and Goebbels) spoke publicly in favor of suicide as an option. Hitler declared on 30 August 1944 during a military briefing, "It’s only [a fraction] of a second. Then one is redeemed of everything and finds tranquility and eternal peace." [19] [20] Many supporters of Nazi ideology and party shared the apocalyptic message of National Socialism and looked forward to ending their lives. [21] Years of exposure to Nazi propaganda also led many Germans to assume that suicide was the only way out. [20]
The glorification of violent death is believed to have originated with the post-World War I Nazi struggle for power and the early deaths of Nazi activists such as Horst Wessel. In the same way, the suicides of leading Nazis were meant to be seen as heroic sacrifices. [22] In a radio speech on 28 February 1945 (circulated in most newspapers in the Reich on 1 March), Goebbels declared on public radio that, if Germany were to be defeated, he would "cheerfully throw away his life" as Cato the Younger did. [22] On 28 March of the same year, the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter published an article titled "Risk of One's Life" by Wilhelm Pleyer, which called on Germans to fight to the death. [22]
The suicidal atmosphere was enhanced by the Nazis' report of numerous Soviet mass graves and other atrocities committed by the NKVD and the Red Army towards the end of the war. [23] A Nazi leaflet distributed in February 1945 in Czech territories warned German readers about the "Bolshevik murderer-pack" whose victory would lead to "incredible hatred, looting, hunger, shots in the back of the neck, deportation, and extermination" and appealed to German men to "save German women and girls from defilement and slaughter by the Bolshevik bloodhounds." [23] These fears, and the portrayal of "Soviet Bolsheviks" as sub-human monsters, led to a number of mass suicides in eastern Germany. One female clerk in the city of Schönlanke within Pomerania said, "Out of fear of these animals from the east, many Schönlankers ended their lives. (Around 500 of them.) Whole families were wiped out in this way." [24] The fear of Soviet occupation was so great that even people living far from Soviet lines, including a pensioner in Hamburg, killed themselves in fear of what Soviet soldiers would do to them. [25] The behavior of Soviet troops also played a role, as many Germans committed suicide to avoid rape or out of shame at having been raped. [3] In addition, many suicides are believed to have occurred due to depression caused or exacerbated by living in a war zone among ruins. [3]
Many prominent Nazis, Nazi followers, and members of the armed forces committed suicide during the last days of the war. Others killed themselves after being captured. The list includes 8 out of 41 NSDAP regional leaders who held office between 1926 and 1945, 7 out of 47 higher SS and police leaders, 53 out of 554 army generals, 14 out of 98 Luftwaffe generals, 11 out of 53 admirals in the Kriegsmarine , and an unknown number of junior officials. [26]
The Volkssturm was a levée en masse national militia established by Nazi Germany during the last months of World War II. It was set up by the Nazi Party on the orders of Adolf Hitler and established on 25 September 1944. It was staffed by conscripting males between the ages of 16 and 60 years, who were not already serving in some military unit. The Volkssturm comprised one of the final components of the total war promulgated by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, part of a Nazi endeavor to overcome their enemies' military strength through force of will. Volkssturm units fought unsuccessful battles against Allied forces at the end of the war and on several occasions, its members participated in atrocities accompanied by German civilians and the Hitler Youth, which were overseen by members of the SS or Gaue leaders.
Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German philologist and Nazi politician who was the Gauleiter of Berlin, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted followers, known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.
Werwolf was a Nazi plan which began development in 1944, to create a resistance force which would operate behind enemy lines as the Allies advanced through Germany in parallel with the Wehrmacht fighting in front of the lines. It is widely misconstrued as having been intended to be a guerrilla force to harass Allied forces after the defeat of Germany, a misconception created by Joseph Goebbels through propaganda disseminated in the waning weeks of the war through his "Radio Werwolf,” which was not actually connected in any way with the military unit.
August Franz Anton Hans Fritzsche was the Ministerialdirektor at the Propagandaministerium of Nazi Germany. He was the preeminent German broadcaster of his time, as part of efforts to present a more popular and entertaining side of the Nazi regime, and his voice was recognised by the majority of Germans.
Johanna Maria Magdalena "Magda" Goebbels was the wife of Nazi Germany's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. A prominent member of the Nazi Party, she was a close ally, companion, and political supporter of Adolf Hitler. Some historians refer to her as the unofficial "first lady" of Nazi Germany, while others give that title to Emmy Göring.
2nd Belorussian Front a major formation of the Soviet Army during World War II, being equivalent to a Western army group.
Adolf Hitler, chancellor and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, signed his political testament and his private will in the Führerbunker on 29 April 1945, the day before he committed suicide with his wife, Eva Braun.
The Bunker, also published as The Berlin Bunker, is a 1975 account, written by American journalist James P. O'Donnell and German journalist Uwe Bahnsen, as to the history of the Führerbunker in 1945, as well as the last days of German dictator Adolf Hitler. The English edition was first published in 1978. Unlike other accounts O'Donnell focused considerable time on other, less-famous, residents of the bunker complex. Additionally, unlike the more academic works by historians, the book takes a journalistic approach. The book was later used as the basis for a 1981 CBS television film of the same name.
During World War II, the German Wehrmacht committed systematic war crimes, including massacres, mass rape, looting, the exploitation of forced labour, the murder of three million Soviet prisoners of war, and participated in the extermination of Jews. While the Nazi Party's own SS forces was the organization most responsible for the genocidal killing of the Holocaust, the regular armed forces of the Wehrmacht committed many war crimes of their own, particularly on the Eastern Front.
Until the Final Hour, also published as Until the Final Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary or simply Hitler's Last Secretary is a memoir of the last days of Hitler's government, written by Traudl Junge in 1947, but not published until 2002 and 2003. The book was part of the basis for the 2002 Austrian documentary Im toten Winkel - Hitlers Sekretärin and the film Der Untergang in 2004.
Hans-Erich Voss was a German Vizeadmiral and one of the final occupants of the Führerbunker during the battle of Berlin in 1945. He was also among the last people to see both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels alive before they committed suicide. After the war in Europe ended, he spent several years in prison in both the Soviet Union and East Germany.
Helmut Kunz was an SS dentist who, after the suicide of Adolf Hitler, was ordered to administer anesthetic to the six children of Joseph Goebbels before they were killed.
The following events occurred in May 1945:
Hans Krebs was a German Army general of infantry who served during World War II. A career soldier, he served in the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht. He served as the last Chief of Staff of the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) during the final phase of the war in Europe. Krebs tried to open surrender negotiations with the Red Army; he committed suicide in the Führerbunker during the early hours of 2 May 1945, two days after Adolf Hitler killed himself.
After the Munich Agreement, the Soviet Union pursued a rapprochement with Nazi Germany. On 23 August 1939 the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Germany which included a secret protocol that divided Eastern Europe into German and Soviet "spheres of influence", anticipating potential "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries. Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, starting World War II. The Soviets invaded eastern Poland on 17 September. Following the Winter War with Finland, the Soviets were ceded territories by Finland. This was followed by annexations of the Baltic states and parts of Romania.
As Allied troops entered and occupied German territory during the later stages of World War II, mass rapes of women took place both in connection with combat operations and during the subsequent occupation of Germany by soldiers from all advancing Allied armies, although a majority of scholars agree that the records show that a majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet occupation troops. The wartime rapes were followed by decades of silence.
Josef Greiner was an Austrian writer. He supposedly knew Adolf Hitler during Hitler's time in Vienna and later published two memoirs on this topic, for which he is best known.
On 1 May 1945, hundreds of people killed themselves in the town of Demmin, in the Province of Pomerania, Germany. Although death toll estimates vary, it is acknowledged to be the largest mass suicide ever recorded in Germany. The suicide was part of a mass suicide wave amongst the population of Nazi Germany.
Events in the year 1945 in Germany.
Adolf Hitler's cult of personality was a prominent feature of Nazi Germany (1933–1945), which began in the 1920s during the early days of the Nazi Party. Based on the Führerprinzip ideology, that the leader is always right, promulgated by incessant Nazi propaganda, and reinforced by Adolf Hitler's success in fixing Germany's economic and unemployment problems by remilitarising during the global Great Depression, his bloodless triumphs in foreign policy prior to World War II, and the rapid military defeat of the Second Polish Republic and the Third French Republic in the early part of the war, it eventually became a central aspect of the Nazi control over the German people.