Mayor of Samarinda

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Mayor of Samarinda
Wali Kota Samarinda
Coats of arms of Samarinda City.svg
Coat of arms of Samarinda
Wali Kota Samarinda Andi Harun (cropped).png
Andi Harun
since 26 February 2021
Type Mayor
Appointer Elected by the citizenry
Term length Five years, renewable once
Inaugural holder Soedjono AJ  [ id ]
DeputyVice Mayor of Samarinda
Salary Rp 2.1 million per month (since 2000) [1]

The Mayor of Samarinda (Indonesian : Wali Kota Samarinda) is the executive head of the Indonesian city of Samarinda, as well as Government of Samarinda City (Indonesian : Pemerintah Kota Samarinda). The current officeholder is Andi Harun, a member of Gerindra Party, since 26 February 2021.


During Indonesian liberal democracy period from 1950 to 1959, Samarinda was governed by residents as capital of East Kalimantan Residency from 1950 to 1957, then governors or regional head from 1957 to 1959 as capital of East Kalimantan Province since 1957. [2] In addition, Samarinda became the capital of the Special Region of Kutai ruled by Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara, Aji Muhammad Parikesit  [ id ] from 1953 until 1956. [3] [4]

The first inaugural mayor of Samarinda is Soedjono Anton Joedhotedjoprawiro  [ id ] from 1960 to 1961, [a] after Samarinda was given status of township (Indonesian : kota praja) on 21 January 1960, [b] in which celebrated as the city anniversary ever since. [8] Afterwards, in the penultimate year of Indonesian guided democracy period, Samarinda was given status of municipality (Indonesian : kota madya) in 1965. [9] Finally, after the fall of Indonesian new order period, the status of city proper (Indonesian : kota) received by Samarinda during the presidency of B. J. Habibie in 1999. [10]

The longest-serving mayor has been Kadrie Oening  [ id ] (1967–1980) who was in office for nearly thirteen years (two successive five-year terms), with the interval from 1972 to 1975 served as acting mayor for approximately three years. [11] The next longest-serving mayors have been Abdul Waris Husain  [ id ] (1985–1995) and Achmad Amins  [ id ] (2000–2010) whom was in office uninterrupted for ten years (two consecutive five-year terms), and Syaharie Jaang  [ id ] (2010–2015 and 2016–2021) who was in office for a total of ten years (two successive five-year terms). The shortest terms in office since 1960 has been Sugeng Chairuddin served as daily acting mayor for one week (from 18 to 25 February 2021). Meanwhile, the shortest-serving mayor has been Iswanto Rukin  [ id ] who was in office for under one month (from 11 February to 7 March 1985) due to passing away shortly after taking office. [11]

Overall, Samarinda has been governed by ten mayors and five vice mayors, with three acting mayors. Out of ten mayors, Kadrie Oening was the first and only mayor known to have been born in Samarinda. Extensively, out of three acting mayor, Meiliana is the only acting mayor born in the city. [12] Additionally, Syaharie Jaang (born in 1964) is the first mayor born after the city government's inception in 1960. [13]


Mayor of Samarinda Township (1960–1965)

  1. Soedjono Anton Joedhotedjoprawiro  [ id ] (1960–1961)
  2. Ngoedio  [ id ] (1961–1965)

Mayor of Samarinda Municipality (1965–1999)

  1. Ngoedio  [ id ] (1965–1967)
  2. M. Kadrie Oening  [ id ] (1967–1980, acting during 1972–1975)
  3. Anang Hasyim  [ id ] (1980–1985)
  4. Iswanto Rukin  [ id ] (1985)
  5. Abdul Waris Husain  [ id ] (1985–1995)
  6. Lukman Said  [ id ] (1995–1999)

Mayor of Samarinda (since 1999)

  1. Lukman Said  [ id ] (1999–2000)
  2. Achmad Amins  [ id ] (2000–2010)
  3. Syaharie Jaang  [ id ] (2010–2015 and 2016–2021)
  4. Andi Harun (incumbent since 2021)

Acting mayors

  • Meiliana (2015–2016)
  • Zairin Zain (2018) as temporary acting mayor
  • Sugeng Chairuddin (2021) as daily acting mayor


Andi HarunCity (Indonesia)MunicipalityTownshipMayor of Samarinda


  1. Soedjono served as mayor for twenty months. [5]
  2. The township status was passed on 26 June 1959, and enacted on 4 July 1959. [6] However, the official ceremony was just held on 21 January 1960 to commemorate the arrival of Bugis people from Wajo in an area now called Samarinda Seberang on 21 January 1668. [5] [7] The event took place with the signing of the official handover document from Sultan Parikesit of Kutai to Cpt. Soedjono, who became the first mayor of Samarinda Township, which signified the formation of the Government of Samarinda City. [5]


  1. Wahid, Abdurrahman; Effendi, Djohan (26 July 2000). "PP No. 59 Tahun 2000" [Government Regulation Number 59 of 2000] (Regulation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: President of Republic Indonesia. p. 2. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  2. Soekarno; Sunarjo; Muljatno (7 December 1956) [29 November 1956]. "UU No. 25 Tahun 1956" [Law Number 25 of 1956] (Legislation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: President of Republic Indonesia. p. 3. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  3. Soekarno; Roem, Moh.; Wiriadinata, Lukman (13 January 1953) [7 January 1953]. "UU Darurat Nomor 3 Tahun 1953" [Ordinance-as-Act Number 3 of 1953](PDF) (Legislation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: President of Republic Indonesia. p. 6. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  4. Sejarah Kota Samarinda (PDF). Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan — Proyek Penerbitan Buku Bacaan dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah. 1986.
  5. 1 2 3 Purwanto, Antonius (25 April 2022). "Kota Samarinda: Kota Tepian yang Jadi Pusat Perdagangan dan Industri" [ Samarinda City: A Coastal City That Becomes a Center for Trade and Industry]. Kompaspedia . Kompas ID. Archived from the original on 26 February 2024. Retrieved 2 December 2024.
  6. Sartono; Maengkom, G.A.; Hardjadinata, Sanoesi (4 July 1959) [26 June 1959]. "UU No. 27 Tahun 1959" [Law Number 27 of 1959] (Legislation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Official of President of Republic Indonesia. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  7. Lusintha, Amilla (1 September 2023). Lusintha, Amilla (ed.). "Sejarah Hari Jadi Kota Samarinda yang Diperingati Setiap 21 Januari" [History of Samarinda City Anniversary which is Commemorated Every 21 January]. Tribunnews Kaltim . Samarinda. Archived from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 2 December 2024.
  8. Fitri, Dini (21 January 2024). "Ikuti Puncak Perayaan HUT, Romif : Samarinda Semakin Berubah dan Tertata Rapi" [Join the Peak of the Anniversary Celebration, Romif: Samarinda is Increasingly Changing and Neatly Organized]. Government of Paser Regency . Samarinda: Public Relations of Government of Paser Regency. Archived from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  9. Sukarno; Ichsan, Mohd (1 September 1965). "UU No. 18 Tahun 1965" [Law Number 18 of 1965] (Legislation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: President of Republic Indonesia. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  10. Habibie, Bacharuddin Jusuf; Tandjung, Akbar (7 May 1999). "UU No. 22 Tahun 1999" [Law Number 22 of 1999] (Legislation) (in Indonesian). Jakarta: President of Republic Indonesia. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 December 2024. Retrieved 1 December 2024.
  11. 1 2 Zailani, Akhmad (2001). Wali kota Samarinda, Dari Masa ke Masa. Samarinda: Metro. p. 148.
  12. Cahyoko, Kholis (2024). "Profil Dr. Hj. MEILIANA, S.E., M.M. - Info Pemilu". Retrieved 2 December 2024.
  13. Andri (2023). "H. Syaharie Jaang, SH, MSi - Jejak Walikota Samarinda". Government of Samarinda City . Library and Archives Service of Samarinda City. Archived from the original on 7 June 2023. Retrieved 2 December 2024.