Mickey Goldberg

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Michael E. Goldberg
BornNew York, New York
EducationHarvard College, Harvard Medical School
FieldsCognitive and sensory neuroscience, neurology

Michael E. Goldberg (born August 10, 1941), also known as Mickey Goldberg, is an American neuroscientist and David Mahoney Professor at Columbia University. He is known for his work on the mechanisms of the mammalian eye in relation to brain activity. He served as president of the Society for Neuroscience from 2009 to 2010.


Early life

Michael E. Goldberg was born on August 10, 1941, in New York, New York. His father received his master's degree in chemistry from Columbia University and proceeded to get his DDS from New York University Dental School. Soon after, he opened up his own dental practice. Michael’s eventual passion for science budded from his father’s encouragement to study chemistry.  His father often gave him chemistry sets and children’s books about chemistry to pique his interest in science. [1]

During his high school career, Goldberg was a very bright student [1] and became an Eagle Scout. He had the highest score in New York State on the statewide scholarship exam. In the summer between high school and college he landed a job working in a lab for the Burroughs-Wellcome drug company. [1] The lab was headed by George Hitchings and Gertrude Elion and focused its work on purine and pyrimidine antimetabolites. Goldberg was a lab technician collecting data on a research project that eventually ending up producing the drugs azathioprine (Immuran) and azacytosine (AZT). Immuran was the first successful nonsteroid immunosuppressant used in kidney transplants and AZT became the first successful treatment for AIDS. For their major discovery, Hitchings and Elion shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1988. [2]

Education and career

Butler Library at Columbia University Butler Library Columbia University.jpg
Butler Library at Columbia University

This is a list of Goldberg's education from 1959 to 1968 and subsequent professional positions.



Cerebral hemispheres - the parietal cortex in question is located at the back and top of the cerebral cortex Cerebral hemisphere - animation.gif
Cerebral hemispheres - the parietal cortex in question is located at the back and top of the cerebral cortex

Goldberg is known for his research on brain activity in relation to the mechanisms of mammalian eye movement.

Because the mammalian eye is constantly in motion, the brain must create a mechanism for how to represent space in order to accurately perceive the outside world and enact voluntary movement. The rapid movement of the eye between two points, called a saccade, [3] draws the focus of the eye towards new or moving stimuli. If this is in the middle of a movement after the brain has sent out plans to complete a movement, the eye will see the movement being performed. That movement being perceived will be sent back to the eye, and the brain will perceive what action was completed and will compensate to fit the actual movement desired. This is called corollary discharge, [3] and it is one of the mechanisms in the cerebral cortex to account for spatially accurate vision. Many areas of the brain help with this function, including the frontal eye fields and the lateral intraparietal area, where neurons are active before the saccade is discharged, which brings the new point of focus into the visual field. This presaccadic shift [3] in the neuron’s receptive field excites the neuron before the eye even moves onto the next site. Brain areas including the superior colliculus are important for visual processing. The pre-striate area of the visual cortex, V4, and the parietal reach regions are all also important for this.

3D Medical Animation Eye Structure 3D Medical Animation Eye Structure.jpg
3D Medical Animation Eye Structure

However, the most important region of the brain for this type of processing would be the lateral intraparietal area, which has been studied in relation to attention and intention, [4] as well as processing in the brain of those saccadic eye movements. [4] The lateral intraparietal area, the LIP, is associated with attention in the visual space and saccades. [4] The LIP acts like a priority map, [5] with each stimulus being represented according to their priority as part of the behavior that is going to be performed, usually as part of corollary discharge. [3] The higher priority the task, the more activity in the LIP. [5] This priority map has both top-down and bottom-up influences; the top-down influences come from a drive from behavioral and task demands, as well as reward. [5] This top-down influence can specifically be seen in the high activity in the LIP when a distractor, a task-irrelevant stimulus, is introduced into the receptive field of a monkey, a common animal model in the study of complex brain processing. If a distractor is flashed in the receptive field of the monkey during its time to plan a memory-guided saccade, a saccade driven toward a remembered object or point in the receptive field from a previous visual stimulus, [4] the monkey will target the eye the move first towards the distractor, then back to the target of the memory-guided saccade. [4] The activity in the LIP predicts the center of attention, such as how the memory-guided saccade elicits a more robust response in the LIP than the distractor and is particularly active during the time in which the eye moves from the distractor back to the target of the memory-guided saccade. The top-down influence on saccades is the drive of the eye to move back to the target of the memory-guided saccade due to task demands or potential rewards.

Gibraltar Barbary Macaque commonly used as an animal model for complex brain processing Gibraltar Barbary Macaque.jpg
Gibraltar Barbary Macaque commonly used as an animal model for complex brain processing

The priority map [5] is interpreted by the oculomotor system to determine where the center of attention should be focused, as well as where the goal of the saccade is. The bottom-up influence is a saliency signal likely generated by the primary visual cortex (V1) from external sensory inputs, [5] [6] it is seen simply when the LIP neurons elicit a rapid response when that distractor is flashed quickly into the visual field, and the eye moves towards the distractor, instead of following to the target of the memory-guided saccade [5] due to the stimulation of the visual receptors with the distractor. Bottom-up processing primarily consists of the brain processing indicating that there is an object in the receptive field, with no understanding of what that object is.

Most background and irrelevant stimuli shows low activity in the LIP. This priority map receives input from both the dorsal and ventral streams of processing, which process moving visual stimuli and recognize objects. Areas of the visual cortex including V2, V3, V3a, V4, all part of visual processing, and MT and MST, which specifically respond to moving stimuli [5] are all also important in visual processing. The LIP drives saccades, attention, and gathers evidence about the environment in order to properly discharge movement. Psychophysical evidence has also suggested two ways in which space is represented in the brain during corollary discharge: a retinotopic representation, which is rapid and driven by the position of the eye, and a craniotopic representation, which is slower due to the processing of the receptive field within the brain. [3] How space is represented within the brain, in relation to attention and movement, is a complex process that is still being studied currently.

Although his efforts have always been primarily dedicated to research, Goldberg has always served as a clinical neurologist, seeing patients and teaching neurology to students and residents, from 1977 to 2001 at Georgetown University Hospital, and from 2003 until the present at the Columbia campus of the New York Presbyterian Hospital.


This is a list of the highlights of Goldberg's publications. He has been a part of many different publications from 1971-2020. Some of these include:

Awards and honors

S. Weir Mitchell Award won by Michael E. Goldberg in 1971. Michael E. Goldberg.png
S. Weir Mitchell Award won by Michael E. Goldberg in 1971.

As well as taking part in many publications, Michael E. Goldberg has won multiple honors and awards for his research. Some of them include: [7]

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lateral geniculate nucleus</span> Component of the visual system in the brains thalamus

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Parietal lobe</span> Part of the brain responsible for sensory input and some language processing

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Superior colliculus</span> Structure in the midbrain

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Microsaccades are a kind of fixational eye movement. They are small, jerk-like, involuntary eye movements, similar to miniature versions of voluntary saccades. They typically occur during prolonged visual fixation, not only in humans, but also in animals with foveal vision. Microsaccade amplitudes vary from 2 to 120 arcminutes. The first empirical evidence for their existence was provided by Robert Darwin, the father of Charles Darwin.

The two-streams hypothesis is a model of the neural processing of vision as well as hearing. The hypothesis, given its initial characterisation in a paper by David Milner and Melvyn A. Goodale in 1992, argues that humans possess two distinct visual systems. Recently there seems to be evidence of two distinct auditory systems as well. As visual information exits the occipital lobe, and as sound leaves the phonological network, it follows two main pathways, or "streams". The ventral stream leads to the temporal lobe, which is involved with object and visual identification and recognition. The dorsal stream leads to the parietal lobe, which is involved with processing the object's spatial location relative to the viewer and with speech repetition.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frontal eye fields</span> Region of the frontal cortex of the brain

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Supplementary eye field</span> Region of the frontal cortex of the brain

Supplementary eye field (SEF) is the name for the anatomical area of the dorsal medial frontal lobe of the primate cerebral cortex that is indirectly involved in the control of saccadic eye movements. Evidence for a supplementary eye field was first shown by Schlag, and Schlag-Rey. Current research strives to explore the SEF's contribution to visual search and its role in visual salience. The SEF constitutes together with the frontal eye fields (FEF), the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and the superior colliculus (SC) one of the most important brain areas involved in the generation and control of eye movements, particularly in the direction contralateral to their location. Its precise function is not yet fully known. Neural recordings in the SEF show signals related to both vision and saccades somewhat like the frontal eye fields and superior colliculus, but currently most investigators think that the SEF has a special role in high level aspects of saccade control, like complex spatial transformations, learned transformations, and executive cognitive functions.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Intraparietal sulcus</span> Sulcus on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe

The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is located on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe, and consists of an oblique and a horizontal portion. The IPS contains a series of functionally distinct subregions that have been intensively investigated using both single cell neurophysiology in primates and human functional neuroimaging. Its principal functions are related to perceptual-motor coordination and visual attention, which allows for visually-guided pointing, grasping, and object manipulation that can produce a desired effect.

Attentional shift occurs when directing attention to a point increases the efficiency of processing of that point and includes inhibition to decrease attentional resources to unwanted or irrelevant inputs. Shifting of attention is needed to allocate attentional resources to more efficiently process information from a stimulus. Research has shown that when an object or area is attended, processing operates more efficiently. Task switching costs occur when performance on a task suffers due to the increased effort added in shifting attention. There are competing theories that attempt to explain why and how attention is shifted as well as how attention is moved through space.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Posterior parietal cortex</span>

The posterior parietal cortex plays an important role in planned movements, spatial reasoning, and attention.

The lateral intraparietal cortex is found in the intraparietal sulcus of the brain. This area is most likely involved in eye movement, as electrical stimulation evokes saccades of the eyes. It is also thought to contribute to working memory associated with guiding eye movement, examined using a delayed saccade task described below:

  1. A subject focuses on a fixation point at the center of a computer screen.
  2. A target is presented at a peripheral location on the screen.
  3. The target is removed and followed by a variable-length delay period.
  4. The initial focus point in the middle of the screen is removed.
  5. The subject's task is to make a saccade to the location of the target.

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Transsaccadic memory is the neural process that allows humans to perceive their surroundings as a seamless, unified image despite rapid changes in fixation points. Transsaccadic memory is a relatively new topic of interest in the field of psychology. Conflicting views and theories have spurred several types of experiments intended to explain transsaccadic memory and the neural mechanisms involved.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Peter Schiller (neuroscientist)</span> German-born neuroscientist (born 1931)

Peter H. Schiller was a German-born neuroscientist. At the time of his death, he was a professor emeritus of Neuroscience in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Schiller is well known for his work on the behavioral, neurophysiological and pharmacological studies of the primate visual and oculomotor systems.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Michael E. Goldberg - Society for Neurosciencewww.sfn.org › About › Volume-10 › HON-V10_Michael_E_Goldberg
  2. "Press Release". The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988. 1988.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Sun, LD; Goldberg, ME (2016). "Corollary Discharge and Oculomotor Proprioception: Cortical Mechanisms for Spatially Accurate Vision". Annual Review of Vision Science . 2 (1): 61–84. doi:10.1146/annurev-vision-082114-035407. PMC   5691365 . PMID   28532350.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Goldberg, ME; Bisley, JW; Powel, KD; Gottlieb, J (2006). Saccades, salience and attention: the role of the lateral intraparietal area in visual behavior. Progress in Brain Research. Vol. 155. pp. 157–175. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(06)55010-1. PMC   3615538 . PMID   17027387.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bisley, JW; Goldberg, ME (2010). "Attention, Intention, and Priority in the Parietal Lobe". Annual Review of Neuroscience . 33: 1–21. doi:10.1146/annurev-neuro-060909-152823. PMC   3683564 . PMID   20192813.
  6. Li, Zhaoping (2002-01-01). "A saliency map in primary visual cortex". Trends in Cognitive Sciences . 6 (1): 9–16. doi:10.1016/S1364-6613(00)01817-9. ISSN   1364-6613. PMID   11849610. S2CID   13411369.
  7. "Michael E. Goldberg, MD". Columbia University Medical Center DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSCIENCE. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  8. "Keynote". NCM Society. Retrieved 2020-03-30.