Migrant crisis

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A migrant crisis is a difficult or dangerous situation that arises due to the movements of large groups of immigrants (displaced people, refugees or asylum seekers) in the receiving state (destination country). Migrants are often escaping from conditions which negatively affected them (whether to do with security, the economy, politics or society) in the country of origin (departure). The "crisis" is not the amount of refugees, but the system's failure to respond in an orderly way to the government's legal obligations towards them. [1] Some notable crises are; European migrant crisis, English Channel migrant crisis and World War II evacuation and expulsion.


A refugee crisis refers to a movement of "large" groups of displaced people, and may or may not involve a migrant crisis. The US government's legal obligations inadvertently created the 2014 American immigration crisis. The crisis developed because of unaccompanied children [2] who do not have a legal guardian to provide physical custody (USA ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child), and care quickly overwhelmed the "local border patrols" creating a migrant crisis. [3] Push-Pull view: The "refugee crisis" is a humanitarian one for those adopting the "Push" factors as main cause, while they acknowledge that reasons for migration may be mixed, even the refugees as weapons. For those focusing on "Pull" factors, the "migration crisis" has its roots in border enforcement policies (Immigration system) that were perceived as not sufficiently strict and the need for cheap workers for US business (family separation policy), severe (Operation Streamline), or careful (catch & release) by potential migrants. [4] Compared to refugee crisis (refugee is a refugee), migrant crises also have a separate or distinguish between the “deserving” refugee from the “undeserving” migrant and play into fear of cultural, religious, and ethnic difference in the midst of increasing intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations and lacking in predictability, job security, material or psychological welfare for many in Europe (such in closure of Green Borders). [5]

"Migrant crisis management" involves dealing with issues ("immigration system", "resource management", etc.) before, during, and after they have occurred. According to Global Crisis Centre, migrant crisis management is shaped using the definitions and responsibilities outlined in the UN's Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and subsequent Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and international solidarity and burden-sharing with collaboration, communication and information dissemination, which are needed for solving migratory issues of the world. [6]

Crisis management

Immigrant receiving states need effective management strategies at achieving a set of tasks for responding to the threat [reasons of crisis] to re-establish a perceived normalcy. [7]

"Transboundary crisis management" (migration is transboundary) involves co-decision, shared procedures and collective instruments in aligned with the steps below: [8]

European migrant crisis

Management of the crisis shows succession of four scenarios. [9]

  1. (2011 fall of Gaddafi) Libya let the flow of irregular migrants. EU Commission approve "Communication on Global Approach to Migration and Mobility" (GAMM).
  2. (November 2013-October 2014) The Italy's humanitarian Operation Mare Nostrum.
  3. (November 2014-September 2015) The EU recognize humanitarian and migratory pressures shelves GAMM and develops another comprehensive approach
  4. (October 2015) Migrants and refugees: the European Council secure the borders against the unwanted migrants and refugees. (Valletta Summit on Migration)

Role of NGO

Institution that works in this area is the Migration Policy Institute. Global Crisis Centre of PricewaterhouseCoopers works on migrant crisis management.

Crisis and immigration system

Broken immigration system (Crisis) is what immigration experts and lawyers refer to as failure in management of "push and pull factors." Push forces for the displaced people are summarized as running from horrors and poverty in the departure country toward a broken immigration system in the receiving states. Pull forces are receiving states having a functioning economy, the safer-faster journey with the help of communication technology (organize and warn) and established smuggler networks which has safer-faster ways to move people. For a full description Human migration#Push and Pull. The condition of refugee or asylum seekers in receiving countries, from the perspective of governments, employers, and citizens, is a topic of continual debate (debate on migrant crises), and on the other end, the violation of migrant human rights is an ongoing crisis. [10]

Immigration reform

According to Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International,

“It is within world leaders’ power to prevent these crises from spiralling further out of control. Governments must halt their assault on our rights and strengthen the defences the world has put in place to protect them. Human rights are a necessity, not an accessory; and the stakes for humankind have never been higher.”

Secretary General of Amnesty International [10]

Crisis and resource management

Broken resource management toward the immigrants is part of the inability to develop efficient responses to people in need, causing crisis. The asylum offices in USA, United Kingdom and Australia manages the immigration services.

United States

During the 2014 American immigration crisis, immigration courts as well as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) asylum system are completely under-resourced and confronting an unmanageable caseload. [1] In June, 2019 (five years into crisis), more than 350 "unaccompanied children" have been removed from a holding facility in Texas to bring it into compliance as designed to hold around 120. [11]

Resource management towards the immigrants in USA includes "private sector" involvement as listed in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Law mandates that all companies must help the federal government. Specific immigration areas where human resource managers must ensure compliance by meeting the legal requirements of this immigration reform regulation by incorporating the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) Form I-9 into their hiring processes.

Another case for resource management for migrant crisis is the Mexico–United States border wall. President Trump signed Executive Order 13767, which formally directed the US government to begin attempting wall construction. Executive Order 13767 followed with the 2018 federal government shutdown because of presidential veto on any spending bill that did not include "resource" on wall funding. In February 2019, Trump signed a Declaration of National Emergency, saying situation is a "crisis," officially declaring a "Migrant Crisis" in the Mexico–United States border.

According to a New York Times article, thousands of people that migrated to the US in 2022 will fail to meet asylum requirements due to limited access to resources and legal assistance. [12]

European Union

The financial burden of crises: Germany allocated roughly 10 billion Euros for the cost of refugee care and acceptance in 2015. [13] On the other hand, Greece was exempt to pay from EU-wide refugee sharing initiatives between 2013 and 2015. The migrant crisis is thought to have influenced policies in countries seeking accession to the EU, such as Serbia. [14]

United Kingdom

Resource management toward the immigrants in UK managed under National Asylum Support Service (NASS) which is tasked with the responsibility for regulating entry to, and settlement in the interests of sustainable growth and social inclusion. [15] NASS is a section of the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) division of the Home Office which support "otherwise be destitute." Provision of accommodation is part of the process.

List of migrant crises

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emigration</span> Act of leaving ones country or region to settle in another

Emigration is the act of leaving a resident country or place of residence with the intent to settle elsewhere. Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another. A migrant emigrates from their old country, and immigrates to their new country. Thus, both emigration and immigration describe migration, but from different countries' perspectives.

An asylum seeker is a person who leaves their country of residence, enters another country, and makes in that other country a formal application for the right of asylum according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 14. A person keeps the status of asylum seeker until the right of asylum application has concluded.

An economic migrant is someone who emigrates from one region to another, including crossing international borders, seeking an improved standard of living, because the conditions or job opportunities in the migrant's own region are insufficient. The United Nations uses the term migrant worker.

Since 1945, immigration to the United Kingdom, controlled by British immigration law and to an extent by British nationality law, has been significant, in particular from the former territories of the British Empire and the European Union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dublin Regulation</span> European Union (EU) law regarding political asylum

The Dublin Regulation is a Regulation of the European Union that determines which EU member state is responsible for the examination of an application for asylum, submitted by persons seeking international protection under the Geneva Convention and the Qualification Directive, within the European Union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Immigration to Germany</span>

Immigration to Germany, both in the country's modern borders and the many political entities that preceded it, has occurred throughout the country's history. Today, Germany is one of the most popular destinations for immigrants in the world, with well over 1 million people moving there each year since 2013. As of 2019, around 13.7 million people living in Germany, or about 17% of the population, are first-generation immigrants.

Illegal immigration is the migration of people into a country in violation of that country's immigration laws, or the continuous residence in a country without the legal right to do so. Illegal immigration tends to be financially upward, from poorer to richer countries. Illegal residence in another country creates the risk of detention, deportation, and other imposed sanctions.

An unaccompanied minor is a child without the presence of a legal guardian.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Immigration to Greece</span>

Immigration to Greece percentage of foreign populations in Greece is 7.1% in proportion to the total population of the country. Moreover, between 9 and 11% of the registered Greek labor force of 4.4 million are foreigners. Migrants additionally make up 25% of wage and salary earners.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 American immigration crisis</span> Surge in immigration along U.S. southern border

The 2014 American immigration crisis was a surge in unaccompanied children and women from the Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA) seeking entrance to the United States in 2014. According to U.S. law, an unaccompanied alien child refers to a person under 18 years of age, who has no lawful immigration status in the U.S., and who does not have a legal guardian to provide physical custody and care.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2015 European migrant crisis</span> 2010s refugee crisis in the European Union

The 2015 European migrant crisis was a period of significantly increased movement of refugees and migrants into Europe, namely from the Middle East. An estimated 1.3 million people came to the continent to request asylum, the most in a single year since World War II. They were mostly Syrians, but also included a significant number of people from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Eritrea, and the Balkans. The increase in asylum seekers has been attributed to factors such as the escalation of various wars in the Middle East and ISIL's territorial and military dominance in the region due to the Arab Winter, as well as Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt ceasing to accept Syrian asylum seekers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Voluntary return</span>

Voluntary return or voluntary repatriation is the return of an migrant such as illegal immigrants, rejected asylum seekers, refugees, unaccompanied minors, as well as second-generation immigrants who with their own free-will make an autonomous decision to return to their country of origin, or homeland when they are unable or unwilling to remain in the host country.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Timeline of the 2015 European migrant crisis</span>

This is a timeline of the European migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Reception of unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle</span>

The Northern American Triangle refers to the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

"Refugees as weapons" is a term used to describe a hostile government organizing, or threatening to organize, a sudden influx of refugees into another country or political entity with the intent of causing political disturbances in that entity. The responsible country usually seeks to extract concessions from the targeted country and achieve some political, military, and/or economic objective.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkish migrant crisis</span> Migrant crisis experienced by the Republic of Turkey in the 2010s

The Turkish migrant crisis, sometimes referred to as the Turkish refugee crisis, was a period during the 2010s characterised by a high number of people migrating to Turkey. Turkey received the highest number of registered refugees of any country or territory each year from 2014 to 2019, and had the world's largest refugee population according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The majority were refugees of the Syrian Civil War, numbering 3.6 million as of June 2020. In 2018, the UNHCR reported that Turkey hosted 63.4% of all "registered Syrian refugees."

The migration and asylum policy of the European Union is within the area of freedom, security and justice, established to develop and harmonise principles and measures used by member countries of the European Union to regulate migration processes and to manage issues concerning asylum and refugee status in the European Union.

Pushback is a term that refers to "a set of state measures by which refugees and migrants are forced back over a border – generally immediately after they crossed it – without consideration of their individual circumstances and without any possibility to apply for asylum". Pushbacks violate the prohibition of collective expulsion of asylum seekers in Protocol 4 in countries party to the European Convention on Human Rights and often violate the international law prohibition on non-refoulement.

Externalization describes the efforts of wealthy, developed countries to prevent asylum seekers and other migrants from reaching their borders, often by enlisting third countries or private entities. Externalization is used by Australia, Canada, the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom. Although less visible than physical barriers at international borders, externalization controls or restricts mobility in ways that are out of sight and far from the country's border. Examples include visa restrictions, sanctions for carriers that transport asylum seekers, and agreements with source and transit countries. Consequences often include increased irregular migration, human smuggling, and border deaths.

The European Union response to the 2015 migrant crisis focused on how the countries organized the efforts in response to the 2015 European migrant crisis at the EU level. The European Commission in May 2015 proposed distributing the incoming refugees based on GDP and population. This proposal was divisive with Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic refusing any refugees. Some nation states then called on the EU to reduce funding for member countries who did not want to share burdens and didn't share "values...need to start asking themselves questions about their place in the European Union". This attempt to coalition build failed, the European Commission proceeded to strengthen existing systems such as the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), reforming the Dublin Regulation and centralizing the asylum process. There was also challenges to the European borders which came from the Mediterranean Sea; as a response the European Border and Coast Guard Agency engaged in a new operation called Operation Triton.


  1. 1 2 Guttentag, Lucas. "Crisis at the Border? An Update on Immigration Policy with Stanford's Lucas Guttentag". Stanford Law School.
  2. "unaccompanied alien child". law.cornell.edu.
  3. Lind, Dara (19 September 2014). "The child migrant crisis seems to be over. What happened?". Vox. Vox.
  4. Musalo, Karen; Lee, Eunice (2017-03-01). "Seeking a Rational Approach to a Regional Refugee Crisis: Lessons from the Summer 2014 "Surge" of Central American Women and Children at the US-Mexico Border". Journal on Migration and Human Security. 5 (1): 137–179. doi: 10.1177/233150241700500108 . ISSN   2330-2488. S2CID   219950796.
  5. Holmes, Seth M. (2016-02-01). "Representing the "European refugee crisis" in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death" (PDF). American Ethnologist. 43 (1): 12. doi:10.1111/amet.12259 . Retrieved 28 August 2019.
  6. Butler, Melanie. "Managing the refugee and migrant crisis The role of governments, private sector and technology" (PDF). www.pwc.com. Global Crisis Centre. Retrieved 28 August 2019.
  7. Attinà, Fulvio (December 2016). "Migration Drivers, the EU External Migration Policy and Crisis Management" (PDF). Romanian Journal of European Affairs. 16 (4): 27.
  8. Attinà, Fulvio (December 2016). "Migration Drivers, the EU External Migration Policy and Crisis Management" (PDF). Romanian Journal of European Affairs. 16 (4): 23.
  9. Attinà, Fulvio (December 2016). "Migration Drivers, the EU External Migration Policy and Crisis Management" (PDF). Romanian Journal of European Affairs. 16 (4): 16.
  10. 1 2 "Amnesty International State of the World 2015-2016". AmnestyUSA.org. Amnesty International USA. 23 February 2016.
  11. Kevin D. Williamson (25 June 2019). "Immigration Policy: Bordering on Madness". National Review. Retrieved 30 August 2019.
  12. "New Migrants Have a Year to Apply for Asylum. Many Won't Make It". New York times.
  13. staff (5 September 2015). "estimated the cost of refugees at ten billion euros (Deutschland: Kosten für Flüchtlinge auf zehn Milliarden Euro geschätzt)". Spiegel Online. Reuters.
  14. Badali, J.J. (10 February 2021). "Migrants in the Attic: The Case of Migrants with Disabilities and Resettlement Services in Serbia". Laws 2021. Vol. 10. MDPI. p. 10. doi: 10.3390/laws10010010 .
  15. Staff. "support asylum seekers" (PDF). assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. UK government. Retrieved 28 August 2019.