Monodontomerus obscurus

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Monodontomerus obscurus
Scientific classification
M. obscurus
Binomial name
Monodontomerus obscurus
Westwood, 1833

Callimome pubescen
Monodontomerus anthophora
Monodontomerus intermedius
Monodontomerus masii
and others

Monodontomerus obscurus is a parasitic wasp in the family Torymidae. [1] It is native to Europe and has been introduced to North America. [2]

List of Hosts:


Stelis chlorocyanea [3]

Bolivaria brachyptera oothecae [4]

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  1. "Catalogue of Life - 2014 Annual Checklist :: Species details".
  2. Stanisavljević, Ljubiša; Pinzauti, M; Krunic, M (2005). "The accompanying fauna of Osmia cornuta and Osmia rufa and effective measures of protection". Bulletin of Insectology. 58 (2). Retrieved 8 February 2023.
  3. Rust et al., 1974
  4. Mirzaee, Zohreh; Lotfalizadeh, Hossein; Sadeghi, Saber (April 2022). "Chalcidoid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Torymidae and Eupelmidae) of mantids (Mantodea) oothecae in Iran". Phytoparasitica. 50 (2): 487–499. doi:10.1007/s12600-021-00965-1.