Mycosphaerella linicola

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Mycosphaerella linicola
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Capnodiales
Family: Mycosphaerellaceae
Genus: Mycosphaerella
M. linicola
Binomial name
Mycosphaerella linicola
Naumov, (1926)

Mycosphaerella linorum(Wollenw.) García-Rada,: 14 (1942)
Phlyctema linicolaSpeg., (1910)
Septogloeum linicolaSpeg.
Septoria linicola(Speg.) Garass., (1938)
Sphaerella linicola(Naumov) Wollenw., (1938)
Sphaerella linorumWollenw., (1938)

Mycosphaerella linicola is a fungal plant pathogen.

Caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On leaves, stems and peduncles of Linum usitatissimum, and Linum spp. DISEASE: Pasmo disease of flax GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Widespread with host (CMI Map 18, ed. 5, 1977). TRANSMISSION: The fungus carries over on crop debris and other Linum spp. It is said to remain viable in soil for several years (60, 2047). Infested seeds on germination produce infected seedlings (5, 365; 25, 449). In New Zealand seed-borne infection was said to be a minor factor and wind-borne infection

See also

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