NGC 7217

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NGC 7217
NGC 7217 Hubble.jpg
Spiral Galaxy NGC 7217 by HST, 1.62 view
Observation data (J2000 epoch)
Constellation Pegasus
Right ascension 22h 07m 52.4s [1]
Declination +31° 21 33 [1]
Redshift 952 ± 2 km/s [1]
Distance 50.0 Mly
Apparent magnitude  (V)11.0 [1]
Type (R)SA(r)ab [1]
Apparent size  (V)3.9 × 3.2 [1]
Other designations
UGC 11914, [1] PGC 68096 [1]

NGC 7217 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Pegasus.



NGC 7217 is a gas-poor system [2] whose main features are the presence of several rings of stars concentric to its nucleus: three main ones –the outermost one being of the most prominent and the one that features most of the gas and star formation of this galaxy – [2] plus several others inside the innermost one discovered with the help of the Hubble Space Telescope; a feature that suggests NGC 7217's central regions have suffered several starbursts. [3] There is also a very large and massive spheroid that extends beyond its disk. [4]

Other noteworthy features this galaxy has are the presence of a number of stars rotating in the opposite direction around the galaxy's center to most of them [5] and two distinct stellar populations: one of intermediate age on its innermost regions and a younger, metal-poor version on its outermost ones. [6]

It has been suggested these features were caused by a merger with another galaxy [7] and, in fact, computer simulations show that NGC 7217 could have been a large lenticular galaxy that merged with one or two smaller gas-rich ones of late Hubble type becoming the spiral galaxy we see today; [6] however right now this galaxy is isolated in space, with no nearby major companions. [6] More recent research presents a somewhat different scenario in which NGC 7217's massive bulge and halo would have been formed in a merger and the disk formed later (and is still growing) either accreting gas from the intergalactic medium or smaller gas-rich galaxies, or most likely from a previously existing reserve. [8]

Wide field view of the galaxy N7217s.jpg
Wide field view of the galaxy

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