NUTS statistical regions of Latvia

Last updated

The three NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) levels for Latvia (LV) are:


NUTS 1 — (the whole country)1
NUTS 2— (the whole country)1
NUTS 3 Statistical regions (Statistiskie reģioni)6

NUTS codes

LV0 Latvia
LV00 Latvia
LV003 Kurzeme
LV005 Latgale
LV006 Rīga
LV007 Pierīga
LV008 Vidzeme
LV009 Zemgale

Local administrative units

NUTS 3 level is subdivided into LAU 1 units. LAU 1 units are subdivided into LAU 2 units.

LAU (Local Administrative Units) in Latvia according to NUTS regulation (up to 31.12.2011):

LAU 1 Administrative districts, cities under state jurisdiction (Administratīvie rajoni, republikas pilsētas)33
LAU 2 Towns, cities under state jurisdiction, municipalities, parishes (Pilsētas, republikas pilsētas, novadi, pagasti)522

History of changes of LAU 2 codes till 1 July 2009 can be viewed here.

LAU in Latvia according to NUTS regulation (starting 01.01.2012):

LAU 1—*
LAU 2 Cities under state jurisdiction, municipalities (Republikas pilsētas, novadi)119

* Due to Administrative Territorial Reform (1 July 2009) administrative districts no longer exist as administrative units in Latvia. Municipalities and parishes amalgamated and formed new LAU 2 units – municipalities. LAU 2 codes from 1 July 2009 updated version. [1]

Changes of LAU 2 codes on 1 July 2009 can be viewed here

See also


  1. Page white excel.png