NUTS statistical regions of Hungary

Last updated

The NUTS codes of Hungary have three levels:

NUTS 1 Statistical large regions (Hungarian : Statisztikai nagyrégiók)3
NUTS 2 Planning and statistical regions (Tervezési-statisztikai régiók)8
NUTS 3 Counties (Megyék) + Budapest 20


NUTS 1 regions of Hungary HU NUTS 1.png
NUTS 1 regions of Hungary
NUTS 2 regions of Hungary HU NUTS 2 valid from 2018.01.01.png
NUTS 2 regions of Hungary
NUTS 3 regions of Hungary HU NUTS 3.png
NUTS 3 regions of Hungary
NUTS 1CodeNUTS 2CodeNUTS 3Code
Central Hungary
HU1 Budapest HU11 Budapest HU110
Pest HU12 Pest HU120
HU2 Central Transdanubia
HU21 Fejér HU211
Komárom-Esztergom HU212
Veszprém HU213
Western Transdanubia
HU22 Győr-Moson-Sopron HU221
Vas HU222
Zala HU223
Southern Transdanubia
HU23 Baranya HU231
Somogy HU232
Tolna HU233
Great Plain and North
(Alföld és Észak)
HU3 Northern Hungary
HU31 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén HU311
Heves HU312
Nógrád HU313
Northern Great Plain
HU32 Hajdú-Bihar HU321
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok HU322
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg HU323
Southern Great Plain
HU33 Bács-Kiskun HU331
Békés HU332
Csongrád-Csanád HU333

Local administrative units

Below the NUTS levels, the two LAU (Local Administrative Units) levels are:


LAU 1 Statistical sub-regions (Statisztikai kistérségek)174
LAU 2 Settlements (Települések)3152

The LAU codes of Hungary can be downloaded here: Page white excel.png

Changes in NUTS 2016 classification

The NUTS classification is regularly updated to reflect changes and modifications proposed by Member States. As part of this process the European Commission has adopted changes concerning Hungary in December 2016. The new classification that has been introduced have split the region Central Hungary in two: Budapest (previously HU101) and Pest county (previously HU102). The new classification is in use since 1 January 2018.

See also
