Local councils of Malta

Last updated

Local councils of Malta
Kunsilli lokali ta' Malta (Maltese)
Malta - administrative division.svg
Category Unitary state
Location Republic of Malta
Number68 Local Councils
Populations243 (Mdina) – 29,097 (St. Paul's Bay)
Areas0.16 km2 (0.06 sq mi) (Senglea) – 26.6 km2 (10.27 sq mi) (Rabat)
  • Local Community Council

Since June 30, 1993, Malta has been subdivided into 68 localities, governed by local councils, Maltese : kunsilli lokali, meaning municipalities or borough, and considered by the Maltese as the equivalent to a basic village or towns, where appropriate. These form the most basic type of local government and are subdivisions of the country's first-level regions.


According to the Local Councils Act (Chapter 363 of the Laws of Malta), Art. 3: [1]

(1) Every locality shall have a Council which shall have all such functions as are granted to it by this Act
(5) Each locality shall be referred to by the name as designated in the Second Schedule and any reference to that locality shall be by the name so designated.

List of Maltese local councils

Flag English nameMaltese nameIsland Region Statistical
(2021 census)
Flag of Attard.svg Attard Ħ'Attard Malta Central West 6.612,268
Flag of Balzan.svg Balzan Ħal BalzanMaltaCentralWest0.64,774
Flag of Birgu.svg Birgu Birgu (Città Vittoriosa)Malta South East South Harbour 0.52,261
Flag of Birkirkara.svg Birkirkara BirkirkaraMaltaCentral North Harbour 2.725,807
Flag of Birzebbuga.svg Birżebbuġa BirżebbuġaMalta South South East 9.211,844
Flag of Cospicua (Bormla).svg Cospicua (Bormla)Bormla (Città Cospicua)MaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour0.94,654
Flag of Dingli.svg Dingli Ħad-DingliMalta North West5.73,865
Flag of Il-Fgura.svg Fgura FguraMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour1.113,066
Flag of Floriana.svg Floriana FlorianaMaltaSouth EastSouth East0.941,985
Flag of Fontana.svg Fontana Fontana (It-Triq tal-Għajn) Gozo Gozo Gozo & Comino 0.51,042
Ghajnsielem Malta flag.svg Għajnsielem GħajnsielemGozo, Comino GozoGozo & Comino7.23,523
Flag of Gharb.svg Għarb GħarbGozoGozoGozo & Comino4.61,549
GharghulSVG.svg Għargħur Ħal GħargħurMaltaNorth North 23,741
Flag of Ghasri.svg Għasri GħasriGozoGozoGozo & Comino5518
Flag of Ghaxaq.svg Għaxaq Ħal GħaxaqMaltaSouthSouth East3.95,538
Flag of Gudja.svg Gudja GudjaMaltaSouthSouth East2.33,229
Flag of Gzira.svg Gżira GżiraMaltaCentralNorth Harbour1.510,331
Flag of Hamrun.svg Ħamrun ĦamrunMaltaSouthNorth Harbour1.110,514
Flag of Iklin.svg Iklin IklinMaltaCentralWest1.73,399
Kalkara KalkaraMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour1.83,105
Flag of Kercem.svg Kerċem KerċemGozoGozoGozo & Comino5.51,881
Flag of Kirkop.svg Kirkop Ħal KirkopMaltaSouthSouth East1.12,527
Flag of Lija.svg Lija Ħal LijaMaltaCentralWest1.13,162
Flag of Luqa.svg Luqa Ħal LuqaMaltaSouthSouth Harbour6.77,249
Flag of Marsa.svg Marsa MarsaMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour2.85,468
Flag of Marsaskala.svg Marsaskala Marsaskala (Wied il-Għajn)MaltaSouth EastSouth East5.416,804
Flag of Marsaxlokk.svg Marsaxlokk MarsaxlokkMaltaSouth EastSouth East4.73,988
Flag of Mdina.svg Mdina Imdina (Città Notabile)MaltaNorthWest0.9193
MelliehaHTML.svg Mellieħa MellieħaMaltaNorthNorth22.612,738
Flag of Mgarr.svg Mġarr ImġarrMaltaNorthNorth16.14,840
Flag of Mosta.svg Mosta MostaMaltaNorthNorth6.823,482
Flag of Mqabba.svg Mqabba ImqabbaMaltaSouthSouth East2.63,525
Flag of Msida.svg Msida ImsidaMaltaCentralNorth Harbour1.713,587
Flag of Mtarfa.svg Mtarfa ImtarfaMaltaNorthWest0.72,566
Flag of Munxar.svg Munxar MunxarGozoGozoGozo & Comino2.81,707
Flag of Nadur.svg Nadur NadurGozoGozoGozo & Comino7.24,548
Flag of Naxxar.svg Naxxar NaxxarMaltaNorthNorth11.616,912
Paola Raħal ĠdidMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour2.59,339
Flag of Pembroke.svg Pembroke PembrokeMaltaNorthNorth Harbour2.33,545
Flag of Pieta.svg Pietà Tal-PietàMaltaCentralNorth Harbour0.55,892
Flag of Qala.svg Qala Il-QalaGozoGozoGozo & Comino5.92,300
Flag of Qormi.svg Qormi Ħal Qormi (Città Pinto)MaltaSouthNorth Harbour518,099
Flag of Qrendi.svg Qrendi QrendiMaltaSouthSouth East4.93,148
Rabat Malta flag.svg Rabat RabatMaltaNorthWest26.611,936
Flag of Safi.svg Safi Ħal SafiMaltaSouthSouth East2.32,641
Flag of San Giljan.svg St. Julian's San ĠiljanMaltaCentralNorth Harbour1.611,653
Flag of Saint Paul's Bay.svg St. Paul's Bay San Pawl il-BaħarMaltaNorthNorth14.4732,042
MLT San Gwann flag.svg San Ġwann San ĠwannMaltaCentralNorth Harbour2.614,244
Flag of San Lawrenz.svg San Lawrenz San LawrenzGozoGozoGozo & Comino3.6772
Flag of Sannat.svg Sannat Ta' SannatGozoGozoGozo & Comino3.82,186
Flag of Santa Lucija.svg Santa Luċija Santa LuċijaMaltaSouthSouth Harbour0.72,617
Flag of Santa Venera.svg Santa Venera Santa VeneraMaltaCentralNorth Harbour0.98,834
Flag of Isla.svg Senglea L-Isla (Città Senglea, Città Invicta)MaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour0.22,304
Flag of Siggiewi.svg Siġġiewi Is-Siġġiewi (Città Ferdinand)MaltaSouthWest19.99,318
Flag of Sliema.svg Sliema Tas-SliemaMaltaCentralNorth Harbour1.319,655
Flag of Swieqi.svg Swieqi SwieqiMaltaNorthNorth Harbour3.113,044
Flag of Tarxien.svg Tarxien Ħal TarxienMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour0.99,464
Flag of Valletta, Malta.svg Valletta Il-Belt Valletta (Città Umillisima)MaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour0.85,157
Flag of Victoria, Gozo.svg Victoria (Rabat)Il-Belt Victoria (Città Victoria)GozoGozoGozo & Comino2.97,242
Flag of Ta' Xbiex.svg Ta' Xbiex Ta' XbiexMaltaCentralNorth Harbour0.82,092
Flag of Xaghra.svg Xagħra Ix-XagħraGozoGozoGozo & Comino7.65,161
Flag of Xewkija, Malta.svg Xewkija Ix-XewkijaGozoGozoGozo & Comino4.53,555
Flag of Xghajra.svg Xgħajra Ix-XgħajraMaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour12,192
Flag of Zabbar.svg Żabbar Ħaż-Żabbar (Città Hompesch)MaltaSouth EastSouth Harbour5.317,148
Flag of Zebbug, Malta.svg Żebbuġ Ħaż-Żebbuġ (Città Rohan)MaltaSouthWest8.713,785
Flag of Zebbug, Gozo.svg Żebbuġ Iż-Żebbuġ, GħawdexGozoGozoGozo & Comino7.63,303
Zejtun flag.svg Żejtun Iż-Żejtun (Città Beland)MaltaSouth EastSouth East7.412,409
Flag of Zurrieq.svg Żurrieq Iż-ŻurrieqMaltaSouthSouth East10.512,295

Political affiliation of mayors

Labour Party
48 / 68
Nationalist Party
18 / 68
Għarb First
1 / 68
2 / 68

List of Maltese and Gozitan local communities councils

Elections for these administrative committees were first ever held 27 March 2010, in the first 8 hamlets listed in this list, the rest were held in later in June.

Political affiliation of members administrative committees

2010 elections (March and June results merged)

PartyCommittees Members
Partit Nazzjonalista
45 / 80
Partit Laburista
28 / 80
Association for the Common Purpose
5 / 80
Better Environment for Bumarrad
1 / 80
1 / 80
Total:80 seats

2014 election

PartyCommittees Members
Partit Nazzjonalista
49 / 75
Partit Laburista
22 / 75
Association for the Common Purpose
4 / 75
Total:75 seats

Other recognised hamlets without a local community committee

See also

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  1. "Report". justiceservices.gov.mt.