A national research and education network (NREN) is a specialised internet service provider dedicated to supporting the needs of the research and education communities within a country.
It is usually distinguished by support for a high-speed backbone network, often offering dedicated channels for individual research projects.
In recent years, with the widespread availability of high-speed internet services, their importance has diminished.
Name | Type |
Internet2 | national |
National LambdaRail | national [closed] |
vBNS | national [closed] |
Edge | state (New Jersey) |
ESnet | national |
NEREN | regional (New England) |
CAAREN | regional (Washington metropolitan area) |
CENIC | state (California) |
CEN | state (Connecticut) |
NEREN | regional (Midwest) |
Illinois Century Network | state (Illinois) |
KanREN | state (Kansas) |
LEARN | state (Texas) [2] |
Merit Network | state (Michigan) |
NERO | state (Oregon) |
NCREN | state (North Carolina) |
NYSERNet | state (New York) |
OARnet | state (Ohio) |
OneNet | state (Oklahoma) |
OSHEAN | state (Rhode Island) |
PennREN | state (Pennsylvania) |
THEnet | state (Texas) [3] |
UEN | state (Utah) |
WVNET | state (West Virginia) |
WiscNet | state (Wisconsin) |
Name | Type |
CANARIE | national |
ACORN-NL | provincial (Newfoundland and Labrador) |
ACORN-NS | provincial (Nova Scotia) |
BCNET | provincial (British Columbia) |
Cybera | provincial (Alberta) |
GTAnet | provincial (Ontario) |
ECN | provincial (New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island) |
MRnet | provincial (Manitoba) [4] |
ORION | provincial (Ontario) |
RISQ | provincial (Quebec) |
SRNet | provincial (Saskatchewan) |
GÉANT is the pan-European data network for the research and education community. It interconnects national research and education networks (NRENs) across Europe, enabling collaboration on projects ranging from biological science, to earth observation, to arts and culture. The GÉANT project combines a high-bandwidth, high-capacity 50,000 km network with a growing range of services. These allow researchers to collaborate, working together wherever they are located. Services include identity and trust, multi-domain monitoring perfSONAR MDM, dynamic circuits and roaming via the eduroam service.
Janet is a high-speed network for the UK research and education community provided by Jisc, a not-for-profit company set up to provide computing support for education. It serves 18 million users and is the busiest National Research and Education Network in Europe by volume of data carried. Previously, Janet was a private, UK-government funded organisation, which provided the JANET computer network and related collaborative services to UK research and education.
CARNET is the national research and education network of Croatia. It is funded from the government budget and it operates from offices in Zagreb and five other cities.
Estonian Education and Research Network (EENet) is a structural unit of the Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) whose main goal is to ensure the development and stable functioning of the information technology infrastructure necessary for research, education and culture.
CLARA is an international organization whose aim is to connect Latin America's Research and Education Networks (NRENs), that manages RedCLARA, the network.
The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association was a not-for-profit association of European national research and education networks (NRENs) incorporated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The association was originally formed on 13 June 1986 as Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne (RARE) and changed its name to TERENA in October 1994. In October 2015, it again changed its name to GÉANT and at the same time acquired the shares of GEANT Limited.
CESNET is developer and operator of national e-infrastructure for science, research, development and education in Czech Republic. The CESNET association was founded in 1996 by Czech public universities and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. An important part of CESNET's activities is research of advanced network technologies and applications from hybrid networking, programmable hardware, metacomputing to middleware and video transmissions. CESNET fulfils the role of NREN within the Czech Republic and represents it in international organisations such as the GÉANT Association, EGI and GLIF. CESNET is involved in the implementation of the European backbone network project called GÉANT. Within the Czech Republic CESNET fulfils the role of a coordinator of large infrastructures involved in the field of information technology.
SURF is an organization that develops, implements and maintains the national research and education network (NREN) of the Netherlands. It operates the national research network formally called SURFnet.
eduroam is an international Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education. It provides researchers, teachers, and students network access when visiting an institution other than their own. Users are authenticated with credentials from their home institution, regardless of the location of the eduroam access point. Authorization to access the Internet and other resources are handled by the visited institution. Users do not have to pay to use eduroam.
Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (DANTE) is a not-for-profit company that plans, builds and operates the consecutive generations of the backbone network that interconnects the national research and education networks (NRENs) in Europe. The organisation is based in Cambridge, United Kingdom and was formed in 1993 as a limited liability company owned by Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne (RARE). Ownership was transferred to a number of NRENs and government agencies in 1994.
UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking is the regional Research and Education Network of Eastern and Southern Africa. It was founded in the later half of 2005 by established and emerging NRENs in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa with the vision of securing high speed connectivity, mainly optical fibre-based, for the research and education community - at affordable prices - that connect African NRENs to each other, to other NRENs worldwide and to the Internet generally. It was incorporated in 2006 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the Trade Registrar of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry as a non-for-profit association of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). Prior to the beginning of AfricaConnect2, in May 2013, UbuntuNet Alliance formally registered in Malawi.
BREN is both the name of the Bulgarian National research and education network as well as the name of the Association that plans, deploys and maintains it.
RedIRIS is the national research and education network (NREN) for Spain. It is part of Red.es, which also administers and oversees the .es national Top-level domain. Most Spanish universities and research centers are interconnected through RedIRIS, currently totalling about 260 institutions. RedIRIS also acts as an Internet Service Provider for affiliated institutions, through links with Cogent Communications and Level 3 Communications. As a national NREN, RedIRIS is connected to the high-speed European GÉANT backbone, similar to the US-based Abilene Network.
The Academic Scientific Research Computer Network of Armenia (ASNET-AM) is the national research and education network (NREN) of Armenia. ASNET-AM was created in 1994. The structure and policy of ASNET-AM operation was developed and realized by the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
GARR is the Italian national computer network for universities and research. The main objective of GARR is to design and manage a very high-performance network infrastructure that delivers advanced services to the Italian academic and scientific community. The GARR network is connected to other national research and education networks in Europe and the world, is an integral part of the global Internet, and thereby promotes the exchange and collaboration between researchers, teachers, and students worldwide.
The Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova (RENAM) is the national research and education networking organisation (NREN) of Moldova. RENAM was incorporated in June 1999 as an association under Moldovan law. It is a member of TERENA.
SANET is the national research and education networking organisation of Slovakia. The SANET association is a non-profit organisation whose members contribute to the operations of the network. It is a member of TERENA.
AMRES is the National Research and Education Networking organisation (NREN) in Serbia. After it was founded on 22 April 2010 as an institution by the Serbian government, AMRES took over the responsibility for the academic network and the associated services from the Computer Centre of the University of Belgrade. AMRES represents Serbia in international forums such as TERENA, but the University of Belgrade is still the organisation representing Serbia in the project that provides the funding for the European backbone network GÉANT.
ACOnet is the name of the national research and education network in Austria. The ACONET association promotes the development and use of that network. ACOnet is not managed and operated by ACONET, but by a unit in the Computing Centre of the University of Vienna that also operates the Vienna Internet Exchange. The University of Vienna represents ACOnet internationally, for example as a member of TERENA and as a participant in the project that funds the European backbone network GÉANT.
Dorte Marianne Olesen is a Danish mathematician. In 1988 at Roskilde University, she became the first Danish woman to be appointed a full professor of mathematics. She has also played a leading role in the development of education and research networks, both in Denmark and at the European level.