Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

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The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project is an international scholarly project aimed at collecting and publishing ancient Assyrian texts of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and studies based on them. Its headquarters are in Helsinki in Finland.


State Archives of Assyria

The following works are published in the State Archives of Assyria series:
IThe Correspondence of Sargon II, Part 1: Letters from Assyria and the WestSimo Parpola1987
IINeo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths Simo Parpola and Kazuko Watanabe1988
IIICourt Poetry and Literary Miscellanea Alasdair Livingstone 1989
IVQueries to the Sungod: Divination and Politics in Sargonid AssyriaI. Starr1990
VThe Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern ProvincesG. B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola1990
VILegal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part 1: Tiglath-Pileser III through EsarhaddonT. Kwasman and S. Parpola1991
VIIImperial Administrative Records, part 1: Palace and Temple AdministrationFrederick M. Fales and J. N. Postgate1992
VIIIAstrological Reports to Assyrian KingsH. Hunger1992
IXAssyrian PropheciesS. Parpola1997
XLetters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars Simo Parpola 1993
XIImperial Administrative Records, Part 2: Provincial and Military AdministrationF. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate1995
XIIGrants, Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian PeriodL. Kataja and R. Whiting1995
XIIILetters from Assyrian and Babylonian Priests to Kings Esarhaddon and AssurbanipalS. W. Cole and P. Machinist1998
XIVLegal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part 2: Assurbanipal Through Sin-šarru-iškunR. Mattila2002
XVThe Correspondence of Sargon II, Part III: Letters from Babylonia and the Eastern ProvincesA. Fuchs and S. Parpola2001
XVIThe Political Correspondence of EsarhaddonM. Luukko and G. Van Buylaere2002
XVIIThe Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and SennacheribM. Dietrich2003
XVIIIThe Babylonian Correspondence of Esarhaddon and Letters to Assurbanipal and Sin-šarru-iškun from Northern and Central BabyloniaF. S. Reynolds2003
XIXThe Correspondence of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon IIM. Luukko2012
XXAssyrian Royal Rituals and Cultic TextsSimo Parpola2017
XXIThe Correspondence of Assurbanipal, Part I: Letters from Assyria, Babylonia, and Vassal StatesSimo Parpola2018
XXIIThe Correspondence of Assurbanipal, Part II: Letters from Southern BabyloniaGrant Frame and Simo Parpola2023
XXIIISupplement to SAA I–XXII: Letters, Treaties, Literary Texts, Legal and Administrative Documents, Astronomical Reports, Oracle Queries, and RitualsMikko Luukko and Greta van Buylaere2024

State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts

The following works are published in the State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts series:
Volume NumberTitleAuthorYear
IThe Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh Simo Parpola 1997
IIThe Standard Babylonian Etana Epic Jamie R. Novotny 2001
IIIThe Standard Babylonian Epic of Anzû Amar Annus 2001
IVThe Standard Babylonian Creation Myth Enūma Eliš Philippe Talon2005
VEvil Demons: Canonical Utukkū Lemnūtu/Udug IncantationsM.J. Geller2007
VIThe Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar Descent and ResurrectionPirjo Lapinkivi2010
VII Ludlul bēl Nēmeqi Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi 2010
VIIIThe Standard Babylonian Myth of Nergal and EreškigalM. Luukko and Simonetta Ponchia2013
IXThe Babylonian Theodicy Takayoshi Oshima2013
XSelected Royal Inscriptions of Assurbanipal Jamie R. Novotny 2014
XIThe Anti-Witchcraft Series Maqlû Tzvi Abusch 2015
XIIThe Tale of the Poor Man of NippurBaruch Ottervanger2016

State Archives of Assyria Studies

The following works are published in the: State Archives of Assyria Studies series:
INeuassyrische Glyptik des 8.-7.Jh. v. Chr. unter besonderer Berūcksichtigung der Siegelungen auf Tafeln und TonverschlŭsseSuzanne Herbordt1992
IIThe Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910612 BC Alan Millard 1994
IIIThe Use of Numbers and Quantifications in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions Marco De Odorico1995
IV Nippur in Late Assyrian Times c. 755 612 BCSteven W. Cole1996
V Neo-Assyrian Judicial ProceduresRemko Jas1996
VIDie neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden als Quelle fŭr Mensch und Umwelt Karen Radner 1997
VIIReferences to Prophecy in Neo-Assyrian SourcesMartti Nissinen1998
VIIIDie Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr. nach Prismenfragmenten aus Nineve und Assur Andreas Fuchs1998
IXThe Role of Naqia/Zakutu in Sargonid PoliticsSarah C. Melville1999
XHerrschaftswissen in Mesopotamien: Formen der Kommunikation zwischen Gott und Kǒnig im 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. ChrBeate Pongratz-Leisten1999
XIThe King's Magnates; A Study of the Highest Officials of the Neo-Assyrian EmpireRaija Mattila2000
XIIA Survey of Neo-Elamite HistoryMatthew W. Waters2000
XIIIA Sketch of Neo-Assyrian Grammar Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila 2000
XIVThe God Ninurta in the Mythology and Royal Ideology of Ancient MesopotamiaAmar Annus2002
XVThe Sumerian Sacred Marriage in the Light of Comparative EvidencePirjo Lapinkivi2004
XVIGrammatical Variation in Neo-AssyrianM. Luukko2004
XVIILa Magie neo-assyrienne en Contexte: Recherches sur le métier d’exorciste et le concept d’ashiputuCynthia Jean2006
XVIIIVoyages et Voyageurs à l'Époque Néo-AssyrienneSabrina Favaro2007
XIXSecrecy and the Gods: Secret Knowledge in Ancient Mesopotamia and Biblical IsraelAlan Lenzi2008
XXThe Scourge of God: The Umman-manda and Its Significance in the First Millennium BCSelim Adali2011
XXIBeyond Hearth and Home: Women in the Public Sphere in Neo-Assyrian SocietySherry MacGregor2012
XXIIThe Babylonian Astrolabe: The Calendar of CreationRumen Kolev2013
XXIIIWomen and Power in Neo-Assyrian PalacesSaana Svärd2015
XXIVThe Overturned Boat: Intertextuality of the Adapa Myth and Exorcist LiteratureAmar Annus20116
XXVDie assyrischen Königstitel und –epithetaVladimir Sazonov2016
XXVIAlterity in Ancient Assyrian PropagandaMattias Karlsson2017
XXVIIMythopoeïa: ou l’art de forger les « mythes » dans l’« aire culturelle » syro-mésopotamienne, méditerranéenne et indo-européenneJérôme Pace2019
XXVIIINeo-Assyrian Sources in Context: Thematic Studies of Texts, History, and CultureShigeo Yamada2019
XXIXWriting Neo-Assyrian History: Sources, Problems, and ApproachesGiovanni Battista Lanfranchi, Raija Mattila, and Robert Rollinger (eds)2019
XXXUntersuchungen Zur Transtextuellen Poetik: Assyrischer Herrschaftlich-Narrativen TexteJohannes Bach2020
XXXIFrom the Nile to the Tigris: African Individuals and Groups in Texts from the Neo-Assyrian EmpireMattias Karlsson2022
XXXIIAramaic Loanwords in Neo-Assyrian 911–612 B.C.Zack Cherry2023
XXXIIIThe Queens of the Arabs During the Neo-Assyrian PeriodEllie Bennett2024
XXXIVRoyal Image and Political Thinking in the Letters of AssurbanipalSanae Ito2024

State Archives of Assyria Literary Texts

The following works are published in the State Archives of Assyria Literary Texts series:
IThe Induction of the Cult Image in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Mesopotamian Mis Pî RitualChristopher Walker and Michael Dick2001

See also
