Orlov (crater)

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Orlov crater 1038 med.jpg
Coordinates 25°42′S175°00′W / 25.7°S 175.0°W / -25.7; -175.0 Coordinates: 25°42′S175°00′W / 25.7°S 175.0°W / -25.7; -175.0
Diameter 81 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 184° at sunrise
Eponym Aleksandr I. Orlov
Sergei V. Orlov
Lunar Orbiter 2 image Orlov crater 2033 med.jpg
Lunar Orbiter 2 image

Orlov is a lunar impact crater. It is located on the Moon's far side, to the northeast of the larger crater Leeuwenhoek. To the north-northwest of Orlov is De Vries, and to the east-southeast is Rumford.

Lunar craters

Lunar craters are impact craters on Earth's Moon. The Moon's surface has many craters, almost all of which were formed by impacts.

Impact crater Circular depression on a solid astronomical body formed by a hypervelocity impact of a smaller object

An impact crater is an approximately circular depression in the surface of a planet, moon, or other solid body in the Solar System or elsewhere, formed by the hypervelocity impact of a smaller body. In contrast to volcanic craters, which result from explosion or internal collapse, impact craters typically have raised rims and floors that are lower in elevation than the surrounding terrain. Impact craters range from small, simple, bowl-shaped depressions to large, complex, multi-ringed impact basins. Meteor Crater is a well-known example of a small impact crater on Earth.

Moon Earths natural satellite

Earth's Moon is an astronomical body that orbits the planet and acts as its only permanent natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest satellite in the Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits. The Moon is, after Jupiter's satellite Io, the second-densest satellite in the Solar System among those whose densities are known.

This crater lies between two larger satellite craters. Orlov Y is attached to the northern rim, and Leeuwenhoek E is connected along the southwest. The latter is also the location of an outward bulge in the rim of Orlov, giving it a wider interior wall along that side. There is some terracing along the eastern inner wall of Orlov. Orlov D, an oval-shaped crater, is attached to the outer rim along the northeast.

The interior floor of Orlov is relatively level with a central ridge formation located near the midpoint. There are some small craters along the extended inner wall to the southwest.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Orlov.

D24.8° S173.4° W27 km
Y22.8° S175.1° W126 km
Oblique view of Orlov at left and Orlov Y at right, with Leeuwenhoek in left background. Facing southwest. Apollo 17 image. Orlov crater AS17-162-24105.jpg
Oblique view of Orlov at left and Orlov Y at right, with Leeuwenhoek in left background. Facing southwest. Apollo 17 image.

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