Otobius lagophilus

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Otobius lagophilus
Scientific classification
O. lagophilus
Binomial name
Otobius lagophilus

Otobius lagophilus is a soft-bodied tick that is only parasitic in the larval and nymphal stages. The tick's parasitic forms are usually found within the ears of the definitive host particularly rabbits and in rare cases cats. [1]



O. lagophilus ticks are generally associated with semiarid or arid environments such as those found in the Southwestern United States. They have been observed in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming, but have in isolated cases been seen as far north as Alberta, Canada. [2]

Life cycle

Otobius lagophilus has a lifecycle similar to Otobius megnini , only being parasitic in the nymphal stage. The most common hosts are rabbits, with the ticks attaching themselves particularly around the face and ears, although in rare cases, cats have also served this role. The adult form of O. lagophilus are nonparasitic, yet are still often found around and in rabbit burrows. [3]

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  1. Cooley RA, Kohls GM. 1940. Two new species of Argasidae (Acarina: Ixodoidea). Pub Hlth Rep 55:925-933.
  2. Cooley RA, Kohls GM. 1940. Two new species of Argasidae (Acarina: Ixodoidea). Pub Hlth Rep 55:925-933.
  3. Hoskins JD and Cupp EW. 1988. Ticks of veterinary importance. Part II. The Argasidae family: Identification, behavior, and associated diseases. Comp Cont Ed Prac Vet 10:699-709.