Manufacturer | Dutch Space |
Designer | Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes, Finnish Meteorological Institute and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) |
Country of origin | Netherlands |
Operator | NASA |
Applications | Atmospheric composition, air pollution, ozone layer monitoring |
Specifications | |
Constellation | A-Train |
Launch mass | 5 kg (OMI) |
Dimensions | 50x40x35 cm3 (OMI) |
Power | 66 watts ((OMI) |
Regime | Sun-Synchronous (Aura Satellite) |
Design life | 20 years |
The ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) [1] is a nadir-viewing visual and ultraviolet spectrometer aboard the NASA Aura spacecraft, which is part of the satellite constellation A-Train. In this group of satellites Aura flies in formation about 15 minutes behind Aqua satellite, both of which orbit the Earth in a polar Sun-synchronous pattern, and which provides nearly global coverage in one day. Aura satellite was launched on July 15, 2004, and OMI has collected data since August 9, 2004. [2]
From a technical point of view, OMI instrument use hyperspectral imaging to observe solar-backscatter radiation to the space with an spectral range that covers the visible and ultraviolet. Its spectral capabilities were designed to achieve specific requirements of total ozone amounts retrievals in terms of accuracy and precision. Also its characteristics provide accurate radiometric and wavelength self calibration over the long-term project requirements.
The OMI project is a cooperation between the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes (NIVR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA).
The OMI project was carried out under the direction of the NIVR and financed by the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs, Transport and Public Works and the Ministry of Education and Science. The instrument was built by Dutch Space in co-operation with Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Science and Industry and Netherlands Institute for Space Research. The Finnish industry supplied the electronics. The scientific part of the OMI project is managed by KNMI (principal investigator Prof. Dr. P. F. Levelt now at the Delft University of Technology), in close co-operation with NASA and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
One of the scientific objectives of OMI is to measure trace gases: ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide [3] (NO2), sulfur dioxide [4] (SO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), [5] BrO, [6] and OClO. However, OMI sensors can distinguish between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust, and sulfates, [7] and can measure cloud pressure [8] [7] and cloud coverage, which provide data to derive tropospheric ozone. [9] In that regard OMI follows in the heritage of TOMS, SBUV, GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOMOS. On top of that, OMI aims to detect emissions in volcanic eruptions with up to at least 100 times more sensitivity than TOMS. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument has been proved an useful platform to monitor other traces gases like Glyoxal, [10] variables like surface UV radiation, [11] or total column estimations like the water vapor, [12] NO2 and Ozone. Has been uses in operational services by European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for ozone and air quality forecasts, and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs) for the rerouting of aircraft in case of a volcanic eruption.
The instrument observes Earth's backscattered radiation and uses two imaging grating spectrometers, and each grating spectrometer is coupled to a CCD detector with 780x576 (spectral x spatial) pixels. The instrument can operate in two different modes: the normal operational mode where a single pixel in the observation has an spatial resolution 13x24 km2 at nadir (straight down), and the zoom mode where this resolution is increased to 13x12 km2.
Channel | Total Range | Full Performance Range | FWHM | ASSD (nm/pixel) |
UV-1 | 264-311 nm | 270-310 nm | 0.63 | 0.33 |
UV-2 | 307-383 nm | 310-365 nm | 0.42 | 0.14 |
VIS | 349-504 nm | 365-504 nm | 0.63 | 0.21 |
OMI measurements cover a spectral region of 264–504 nm (nanometers) with a spectral resolution between 0.42 nm and 0.63 nm and a nominal ground footprint of 13 × 24 km2 at nadir. This spectral coverage is divided in three different channels two of them in the ultraviolet range, and one in the visible spectrum. Note that the ground pixel size of the UV-1 channel is twice as large in the swath direction compared to the other two channels, this optical design of the UV channel were done to reduce straylight in this wavelength range. [13]
The Aura satellite orbits at an altitude of 705 km in a sun-synchronous polar orbit with an exact 16-day repeat cycle and with a local equator crossing time of 13. 45 ( 1:45 P.M.) on the ascending node. The orbital inclination is 98.1 degrees, providing latitudinal coverage from 82° N to 82° S. It is a wide-field-imaging spectrometer with a 114° across-track viewing angle range that provides a 2600 km wide swath, enabling measurements with a daily global coverage.
The discussion of the calibration and validation processes began before the launch of Aura Satellite. [14] [15] Once the instrument was in orbit the information of these calibration was published, [16] showing specific details of the absolute radiometric calibration, the bi-directional scattering distribution function (BSDF) calibration and the spectral calibration carried on. Note also that the instrument is equipped with an internal white light source for detector calibration purposes. The validation, [17] which aim to assess the inherent uncertainties in satellite data products of the instrument together with retrieval algorithms used for each data product, was carried on continuously since the launch of Aura satellite. The validation include products like: total ozone column, [18] [19] NO2, [20] [21] ozone vertical profiles. [22] [23]
One important aspect of satellite instruments for scientific measurements is the evolution of the performance during the life-cycle of the sensors, as well as, the continuous evaluation of the quality of the data products. In the case of an instrument like OMI the main aspects to consider are: the radiometric and spectral stability, the row anomaly, and detector degradation. In the first aspect: the radiometric degradation of OMI ranges from ∼2% in the UV channels to ∼0.5% in the VIS channel, which is much lower than any other similar satellite instrument. Regarding the wavelength calibration of the instrument it remains stable to 0.005–0.020 nm which indicates a high wavelength stability. It was detected a row anomaly due, probably, to a partial cover of the instrument, [24] warning flags were included in the raw products to avoid the use of these specific rows and keep the quality of the retrieval products. Further information of the long-term calibration indicated in 2017 [24] that the instrument will be able to provide useful science data for another 5 to 10 years.
The OMI project has been monitoring the atmospheric composition and providing measurements widely used in the field of atmospheric chemistry research. [25] The fact that it has been operational for more than a decade makes it also useful for trend monitoring. The reference describing the first 14 years of the OMI [7] details the research data products provided by NASA, KNMI, FMI and SAO, also according to these authors, beyond the initial goals, OMI has been important due the high-resolution NO2 and SO2 measurements (OMI is the first instrument that is able to obtain daily global coverage combined with such spatial resolution), and the fact that top-down studies allowed for source attribution analyses.
The International Team of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument has received several awards for its contributions to a better understanding of the Earth system:
Satellite temperature measurements are inferences of the temperature of the atmosphere at various altitudes as well as sea and land surface temperatures obtained from radiometric measurements by satellites. These measurements can be used to locate weather fronts, monitor the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, determine the strength of tropical cyclones, study urban heat islands and monitor the global climate. Wildfires, volcanos, and industrial hot spots can also be found via thermal imaging from weather satellites.
Ground-level ozone (O3), also known as surface-level ozone and tropospheric ozone, is a trace gas in the troposphere (the lowest level of the Earth's atmosphere), with an average concentration of 20–30 parts per billion by volume (ppbv), with close to 100 ppbv in polluted areas. Ozone is also an important constituent of the stratosphere, where the ozone layer (2 to 8 parts per million ozone) exists which is located between 10 and 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The troposphere extends from the ground up to a variable height of approximately 14 kilometers above sea level. Ozone is least concentrated in the ground layer (or planetary boundary layer) of the troposphere. Ground-level or tropospheric ozone is created by chemical reactions between NOx gases (oxides of nitrogen produced by combustion) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The combination of these chemicals in the presence of sunlight form ozone. Its concentration increases as height above sea level increases, with a maximum concentration at the tropopause. About 90% of total ozone in the atmosphere is in the stratosphere, and 10% is in the troposphere. Although tropospheric ozone is less concentrated than stratospheric ozone, it is of concern because of its health effects. Ozone in the troposphere is considered a greenhouse gas, and as such contribute to global warming. as reported in IPCC reports. Actually, tropospheric ozone is considered the third most important greenhouse gas after CO2 and CH4, as indicated by estimates of its radiative forcing.
A ceilometer is a device that uses a laser or other light source to determine the height of a cloud ceiling or cloud base. Ceilometers can also be used to measure the aerosol concentration within the atmosphere. A ceilometer that uses laser light is a type of atmospheric lidar instrument.
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is an on-going NASA climatological experiment from Earth orbit. The CERES are scientific satellite instruments, part of the NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS), designed to measure both solar-reflected and Earth-emitted radiation from the top of the atmosphere (TOA) to the Earth's surface. Cloud properties are determined using simultaneous measurements by other EOS instruments such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Results from the CERES and other NASA missions, such as the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), could enable nearer to real-time tracking of Earth's energy imbalance (EEI) and better understanding of the role of clouds in global climate change.
STS-66 was a Space Shuttle program mission that was flown by the Space Shuttle Atlantis. STS-66 launched on November 3, 1994, at 11:59:43.060 am EDT from Launch Pad 39-B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Atlantis landed at Edwards Air Force Base on November 14, 1994, at 10:33:45 am EST.
Aura is a multi-national NASA scientific research satellite in orbit around the Earth, studying the Earth's ozone layer, air quality and climate. It is the third major component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) following on Terra and Aqua. Aura follows on from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). Aura is a joint mission between NASA, the Netherlands, Finland, and the U.K. The Aura spacecraft is healthy and is expected to operate until at least 2023, likely beyond.
The Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instrument is a space-borne sensor that measures the reflectance of the Earth in five spectral bands that are relatively wide by today's standards. AVHRR instruments are or have been carried by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) family of polar orbiting platforms (POES) and European MetOp satellites. The instrument scans several channels; two are centered on the red (0.6 micrometres) and near-infrared (0.9 micrometres) regions, a third one is located around 3.5 micrometres, and another two the thermal radiation emitted by the planet, around 11 and 12 micrometres.
Over the last two centuries many environmental chemical observations have been made from a variety of ground-based, airborne, and orbital platforms and deposited in databases. Many of these databases are publicly available. All of the instruments mentioned in this article give online public access to their data. These observations are critical in developing our understanding of the Earth's atmosphere and issues such as climate change, ozone depletion and air quality. Some of the external links provide repositories of many of these datasets in one place. For example, the Cambridge Atmospheric Chemical Database, is a large database in a uniform ASCII format. Each observation is augmented with the meteorological conditions such as the temperature, potential temperature, geopotential height, and equivalent PV latitude.
Tropospheric ozone depletion events are phenomena that reduce the concentration of ozone in the earth's troposphere. Ozone (O3) is a trace gas which has been of concern because of its unique dual role in different layers of the lower atmosphere. Apart from absorbing UV-B radiation and converting solar energy into heat in the stratosphere, ozone in the troposphere provides greenhouse effect and controls the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere.
SAGE III on ISS is the fourth generation of a series of NASA Earth-observing instruments, known as the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment. The first SAGE III instrument was launched on a Russian Meteor-3M satellite. The recently revised SAGE III was mounted to the International Space Station where it uses the unique vantage point of ISS to make long-term measurements of ozone, aerosols, water vapor, and other gases in Earth's atmosphere.
GEOMS – Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard is a metadata standard used for archiving data from groundbased networks, like the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), and for using this kind of data for the validation of NASA and ESA satellite data.
The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a global network of instruments that measure the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and other trace gases in the Earth's atmosphere. The TCCON began in 2004 with the installation of the first instrument in Park Falls, Wisconsin, USA, and has since grown to 23 operational instruments worldwide, with 7 former sites.
OSIRIS is an instrument that measures vertical profiles of spectrally dispersed, limb scattered sunlight from the upper troposphere into the lower mesosphere. OSIRIS is one of two instruments on the Odin satellite, launched February, 2001 into a Sun-synchronous, 6 pm/6 am local time orbit at 600 km. This restricts OSIRIS sunlit observations to the Northern hemisphere in May, June, July and August, and the Southern hemisphere in November, December, January and February. Global coverage from 82°S to 82°N occurs on the months adjoining the equinoxes. OSIRIS measurements began November, 2001 and continue to the present.
The infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) is a Fourier transform spectrometer based on the Michelson interferometer, associated with an integrated imaging system (IIS).
Sentinel-5 Precursor (Sentinel-5P) is an Earth observation satellite developed by ESA as part of the Copernicus Programme to close the gap in continuity of observations between Envisat and Sentinel-5. It was launched in October 2017, and has a design life of 7 years. The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (Tropomi) provides the most detailed methane emissions monitoring available.
Space-based measurements of carbon dioxide are used to help answer questions about Earth's carbon cycle. There are a variety of active and planned instruments for measuring carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere from space. The first satellite mission designed to measure CO2 was the Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases (IMG) on board the ADEOS I satellite in 1996. This mission lasted less than a year. Since then, additional space-based measurements have begun, including those from two high-precision satellites. Different instrument designs may reflect different primary missions.
Yolanda Shea is a Research Physical Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. In 2019, Shea earned a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for her work in pioneering shortwave spectral measurements.
Anne Ritger Douglass is atmospheric physicist known for her research on chlorinated compounds and the ozone layer.
John W. Birks is an American atmospheric chemist and entrepreneur who is best known for co-discovery with Paul Crutzen of the potential atmospheric effects of nuclear war known as nuclear winter. His most recent awards include the 2019 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award for his contributions to atmospheric chemistry and the 2022 Future of Life Award for discovery of the nuclear winter effect.
Randall V. Martin is a scientist, engineer, academic and author. He is the Raymond R. Tucker Distinguished Professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering, with a courtesy appointment in Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, McKelvey School of Engineering.