Phaeocollybia herrerae

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Phaeocollybia herrerae
Scientific classification
P. herrerae
Binomial name
Phaeocollybia herrerae
Bandala & Montoya (1996)

Phaeocollybia herrerae is a species of fungus in the family Cortinariaceae. Found in Morelos, Mexico, where it grows in subtropical (mesophytic) forest with oak and in pine-oak forest, it was described as new to science in 1996 by mycologists Victor Bandala and Leticia Montoya. It is in the section Microsporae of genus Phaeocollybia . Its roughly ellipsoid to somewhat egg-shaped spores measure 5–5.5 by 2.5–3  µm. The specific epithet herrerae honors Teófilo Herrera Suárez, "because of his prominent contribution to Mexican mycology 50 year ago". [1]

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  1. Bandala VM, Montoya L, Guzmán G, Horak E (1996). "Four new species of Phaeocollybia". Mycological Research. 100 (2): 239–243. doi:10.1016/S0953-7562(96)80130-4.