Polychromatic symmetry

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Three-colour symmetry operation of colour group p3[3]1 Threecolouranimation.gif
Three-colour symmetry operation of colour group p3[3]1

Polychromatic symmetry is a colour symmetry which interchanges three or more colours in a symmetrical pattern. It is a natural extension of dichromatic symmetry. The coloured symmetry groups are derived by adding to the position coordinates (x and y in two dimensions, x, y and z in three dimensions) an extra coordinate, k, which takes three or more possible values (colours). [1]


An example of an application of polychromatic symmetry is crystals of substances containing molecules or ions in triplet states, that is with an electronic spin of magnitude 1, should sometimes have structures in which the spins of these groups have projections of + 1, 0 and -1 onto local magnetic fields. If these three cases are present with equal frequency in an orderly array, then the magnetic space group of such a crystal should be three-coloured. [2] [3]


The group p3 has three different rotation centres of order three (120°), but no reflections or glide reflections.

Uncoloured and 3-coloured p3 patterns [4] :415
Uncoloured pattern p33-colour pattern p3[3]13-colour pattern p3[3]2
P3 pattern.svg Three-colour group p3(3)1.svg Three-colour group p3(3)2.svg

There are two distinct ways of colouring the p3 pattern with three colours: p3[3]1 and p3[3]2 where the figure in square brackets indicates the number of colours, and the subscript distinguishes between multiple cases of coloured patterns. [5]

Taking a single motif in the pattern p3[3]1 it has a symmetry operation 3', consisting of a rotation by 120° and a cyclical permutation of the three colours white, green and red as shown in the animation.

This pattern p3[3]1 has the same colour symmetry as M. C. Escher's Hexagonal tessellation with animals: study of regular division of the plane with reptiles (1939). Escher reused the design in his 1943 lithograph Reptiles and it was also used as the cover art of Mott the Hoople’s debut album.

4-, 6-, 7-, 9- and 12-coloured p3 patterns
4 colours p3[4] [6] :287 4.03.016 colours p3[6]7 colours p3[7]9 colours p3[9]112 colours p3[12]1
Four-colour group p3(4).svg Six-colour group p3(6).svg Seven-colour group p3(7).svg Nine-colour group p3(9)1.svg Twelve-colour group p3(12)1.svg

Group theory

Initial research by Wittke and Garrido (1959) [7] and by Niggli and Wondratschek (1960) [8] identified the relation between the colour groups of an object and the subgroups of the object's geometric symmetry group. In 1961 van der Waerden and Burckhardt [9] built on the earlier work by showing that colour groups can be defined as follows: in a colour group of a pattern (or object) each of its geometric symmetry operations s is associated with a permutation σ of the k colours in such a way that all the pairs (s,σ) form a group. Senechal showed that the permutations are determined by the subgroups of the geometric symmetry group G of the uncoloured pattern. [10] When each symmetry operation in G is associated with a unique colour permutation the pattern is said to be perfectly coloured. [11] [12]

The Waerden-Burckhardt theory defines a k-colour group G(H) as being determined by a subgroup H of index k in the symmetry group G. [13] If the subgroup H is a normal subgroup then the quotient group G/H permutes all the colours. [14]


Number of colour groups

Number of strip (frieze) k-colour groups for k ≤ 12 [4] [6]
 Number of colours (k)
      Total strip
17   719   717   719   717   719
Numbers of periodic (plane) k-colour groups for k ≤ 12 [4] [6] [37]
 Number of colours (k)
p1 11211122112
pg 224252736211
pm 5210211216312223
cm 3272721338217
p2 21312142213
pgg 21414172519
pmg 5211211219312226
pmm 511319121210125
cmm 51111812129122
p3 -21-11-3--4
p31m 121-5-13--7
p3m1 121-4-13--7
p4 2-512-914-9
p4g 3-7-2-1313-10
p4m 5-13-2-2813-16
p6 121-5113--8
p6m 322-11-33--20
Total periodic

Both of the 3-colour p3 patterns, the unique 4-, 6-, 7-colour p3 patterns, one of the three 9-colour p3 patterns, and one of the four 12-colour p3 patterns are illustrated in the Example section above.

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  30. Shubnikov, A.V. and Koptsik, V.A. (1974). Symmetry in science and art, Plenum Press, New York, ISBN   9780306307591 (original in Russian published by Nauka, Moscow, 1972)
  31. Senechal, M. (1983). Coloring symmetrical objects symmetrically, Math. Magazine, 56(1), 3-16, doi : 10.2307/2690259
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  36. Conway, J.H., Burgeil, H. and Goodman-Strauss, C. (2008). The symmetries of things, A.K. Peters, Wellesley, MA, ISBN   9781568812205
  37. Jarratt, J.D. and Schwarzenberger, R.L.E. (1980). Coloured plane groups, Acta Crystallogr., A36, 884-888, doi : 10.1107/S0567739480001866

Further reading