Primitive ideal

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In mathematics, specifically ring theory, a left primitive ideal is the annihilator of a (nonzero) simple left module. A right primitive ideal is defined similarly. Left and right primitive ideals are always two-sided ideals.


Primitive ideals are prime. The quotient of a ring by a left primitive ideal is a left primitive ring. For commutative rings the primitive ideals are maximal, and so commutative primitive rings are all fields.

Primitive spectrum

The primitive spectrum of a ring is a non-commutative analog [note 1] of the prime spectrum of a commutative ring.

Let A be a ring and the set of all primitive ideals of A. Then there is a topology on , called the Jacobson topology , defined so that the closure of a subset T is the set of primitive ideals of A containing the intersection of elements of T.

Now, suppose A is an associative algebra over a field. Then, by definition, a primitive ideal is the kernel of an irreducible representation of A and thus there is a surjection

Example: the spectrum of a unital C*-algebra.

See also


  1. A primitive ideal tends to be more of interest than a prime ideal in non-commutative ring theory.

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