A prison nursery is a section of a prison that houses incarcerated mothers and their very young children. Prison nurseries are not common in correctional facilities in the United States, although prior to the 1950s many states had them and they are widespread throughout the rest of the world.
Most prison nurseries in the United States are only open to mothers who give birth to their children while they are serving their sentence; in most states, women who give birth prior to their incarceration are not eligible, though New York is an exception. [1] Housing an infant in a prison nursery costs approximately $24,000 per year. [2] However, the cost can be reduced through partnerships between prisons and local nonprofits, volunteer efforts, or government grants. [2] [3]
As of May 2013, nine states have prison nurseries in the United States: New York, Nebraska, Washington, Ohio, Indiana, South Dakota, Illinois, West Virginia, and Wyoming. [4] [5]
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women, a maximum security women's prison in New York, has the oldest prison nursery in the United States. [6] The prison nursery opened in 1901. [1] A child is permitted to stay at Bedford Hills with their mother until 1 year of age; however, there are possible exceptions if the mother's release date is within the next 6 months. Mothers at Bedford Hills must also participate in parental classes taught by qualified inmates. The prison also provides vocational services for mothers, in addition to providing comprehensive visiting services for the older children of incarcerated mothers including daily visiting hours and a special children's visiting room. [1]
In 1994 the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women opened their prison nursery. An infant is allowed to reside with the mother in prison if the mother's release date is before the child turns 18 months. Childbirth and parenting classes are mandatory before and after the birth of an incarcerated inmate's child.
The nursery at Washington Corrections Center for Women, which opened in 1999, offers inmates with a sentence less than 3 years after her child is born the opportunity to keep her child with her in the nursery until the child is 18 months old. At this point the mother and child move to a pre-release center for the next 18 months. The prison nursery has a partnership with the Early Head Start program, which provides developmental screenings, childcare, activities for the children, healthy food, and family services. [1] The Mothers at the Washington Corrections Center for Women can choose to have a caregiver who looks after the infant while the mother is at work.
The Ohio Reformatory for Women nursery opened in April 2001. The nursery can hold up to 20 inmates and their infants up to 18 months old. Every mother has a nanny who, like the mother, is an inmate who has taken parental classes and is serving time for a non-violent offense. The nanny is a volunteer inmate who is available at any time to care for a mother's child when the mother has made a prior commitment.
Preungesheim, a maximum-security women's prison in Frankfurt, Germany, has one of the best-known programs for incarcerated mothers and their children. Mothers who are on high-security and must stay on prison grounds are able to keep their children until they are around 3 years old. They live in a "closed mother-child house" that is a separate enclosed building on the prison grounds. During the day, children attend preschool while their mothers are at work. Those mothers who are not a high-security risk live in an “open mother-child house” with their children. An open mother-child house opens to the nearby neighborhood, instead of opening to the prison – distinctly setting an open mother-child house apart from a closed mother-child house. Children are allowed to play in the nearby playground during the day while their mothers are at work.
If a mother is permitted work release, and has a school-aged child living in Frankfurt, she spends the day at home taking care of her family but sleeps at the prison at night. A work-release mother is allowed to take her children to school and doctor appointments and grocery shop during the day. After she prepares dinner, she tucks her child into bed and departs back to the prison to sleep, leaving her child in the hands of a caretaker.
Pregnant inmates, along with every other inmate, are required to receive proper mental and physical (medical) care while incarcerated. In 2001, the Plata vs. Schwarzenegger case stated that California prisons were violating prisoners’ Eighth Amendment rights to adequate physical and mental care and treatment. As a result, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) was required to adopt different policies, including those concerning pregnant inmates. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's Adult Institutions, Programs, and Parole Operations manual Chapter 5 Article 45: Care, Treatment, and Security of Pregnant Offenders clearly states the policies implemented for the pregnant inmates within their facilities and institutions. Their policy listed in the manual is as follows: The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) staff shall ensure a pregnant offender is not placed in restraints by the wrists, ankles, or both during labor, including during transport, delivery, and while in recovery after giving birth, except as provided in Penal Code Section 5007.7. Health care staff shall provide medical care for the pregnant offender population. Pregnant offenders shall receive, within the second trimester of gestation, a dental examination, periodontal evaluation, and the necessary periodontal treatment in order to maintain periodontal health during the gestation period. This policy will ensure the safety of the inmate and her unborn child. It will also ensure that the inmate receives proper medical care. According to the manual, pregnant inmates will visit their doctor or OB/GYN every 4 weeks in the first trimester and up to 24–26 weeks gestation, every 3 weeks up to 30 weeks gestation, every 2 weeks up to 36 weeks and, weekly after 36 weeks up to delivery. [7] However, this policy does not automatically grant the mother the right to have bonding time with her infant after giving birth and does not require states to mandate postpartum counseling. Most states require the mother to give up her baby a few hours after delivery, although time spent together after differs, most states allow twenty-four hours with their infants (some allowing forty-eight). [8]
The states that have taken to incorporating prison nurseries within their correctional systems have done so on the basis of an assumption that this will facilitate development of maternal bond and secure attachment by the child. The impact of maternal incarceration on many aspects of children's later lives is well demonstrated. [9] Prison officials believe that the first two years are a crucial time period for the mother and her infant. Most facilities allow the infant to reside with her mother until he/she is 18 months old, although Washington State will keep children in prison until they are three.
Many prisons offer parenting classes, substance abuse counseling, general education, and "safe havens" for mothers and infants to be in. [10] "Prison nurseries have the potential to promote rehabilitation of incarcerated mothers, while also providing the physical closeness and supportive environment necessary for the development of secure attachment between mothers and their infants." [11] Instead of the opportunity to connect with their mothers, babies are placed in "foster care" which is "the ultimate placement for 10% of infants born to women in prison across the nation." [12]
"Thirty percent of children who co-resided in a prison nursery and 42% of separated children had at least one problem area in the clinical range." [13]
Joseph R. Carlson conducted the most comprehensive evaluation to date of the effects of prison nurseries on mother recidivism. The evaluation focussed on women at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Facility for Women. [14] The study compares the recidivism rate of 30 women who participated in a prison nursery program at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women with the recidivism rate of women who gave birth while in custody and had their babies taken away immediately after birth (these women were incarcerated at the prison before the nursery had been created). The recidivism rate for program participants was 9 percent while the recidivism rate for mothers who were immediately separated from their children was 33 percent. [1] This study, however, like others of its kind, suffers from severe selection bias, insofar as it fails to account for the screening out of more serious offenders from the nursery program. No study to date demonstrates that prison nurseries reduce recidivism.
Mary Byrne, a Columbia University nursing professor is in the process of conducting a study of 100 children born at the prison nurseries at the Bedford Hills and Taconic Correctional Facilities in Westchester County, N.Y. in order to evaluate the impact that prison nurseries have on parent-child bonding, and healthy infant development. [15] So far, Byrne has concluded that some children are able to form a secure attachment with their mothers when they are kept in prison with their mothers. However, most of the mothers separate from their children after release from prison, [16] and Byrne notes that children who are separated from their initial caregivers have an increased likelihood of emotional and behavioral disorders, school failure and trouble with the law. [17] Byrne did not study outcomes for children born to prison inmates who are immediately placed for adoption.
As previously stated many countries around the world have prison nurseries where both a mother and her child reside. A study conducted in Iran investigated the relationship between mother and child in these environments. The participants of the study consisted of 14 imprisoned mothers with their children. [18] An interview was conducted of prisoners after they left the prison nursery. The results of the study found the presence of the child created an emotional support system for prisoners. The nursery helped prisoners deal with loneliness, anxiety, and fight depression. Mothers reported having a positive outlook for their future. They began to become hopeful to reenter society as contributing members. Mothers reported wanting to find jobs to secure their child's future. Past studies done about prison nurseries, has been found that mothers in prison nurseries had lower rates of recidivism. [19] The mothers in the Iranian prison unit reported that parenting their child reminded them of being at home. Their daily lives consisted of their child-rearing practices. The presence of toys, noise, and interactions gave a sense of home life. The experiences of these prisoners differ from those of other units because they have members that can sympathize and support them with their experiences. There are many positives associated with keeping a mother with her child. A previous study conducted has found that mothers in prisons nurseries have the ability to form of a secure bond. [20] The ability to have a secure attachment is important for a child's development. However, the Iranian study revealed some of the risks for a child in that environment. Even though the mothers had separated units, the yard and recess are shared with other prisoners. Participants of the study reported that children were cursed at and pushed during these times. The study also found children can have a lack of resources in prisons environment such as bedding, clothing, and food.
Incarceration in the United States is one of the primary means of punishment for crime in the United States. In 2021, over five million people were under supervision by the criminal justice system, with nearly two million people incarcerated in state or federal prisons and local jails. The United States has the largest known prison population in the world. It has 5% of the world’s population while having 20% of the world’s incarcerated persons. China, with more than four times more inhabitants, has fewer persons in prison. Prison populations grew dramatically beginning in the 1970s, but began a decline around 2009, dropping 25% by year-end 2021.
Recidivism is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have been trained to extinguish it. Recidivism is also used to refer to the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested for a similar offense.
Rehabilitation is the process of re-educating those who have committed a crime and preparing them to re-enter society. The goal is to address all of the underlying root causes of crime in order to decrease the rate of recidivism once inmates are released from prison. It generally involves psychological approaches which target the cognitive distortions associated with specific kinds of crime committed by individual offenders, but it may also entail more general education like reading skills and career training. The goal is to re-integrate offenders back into society.
The Ohio Reformatory for Women (ORW) is a state prison for women owned and operated by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction in Marysville, Ohio. It opened in September 1916, when 34 female inmates were transferred from the Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus. ORW is a multi-security, state facility. As of July 2019, 2,394 female inmates were living at the prison ranging from minimum-security inmates all the way up to one inmate on death row. It was the fifth prison in the United States, in modern times, to open a nursery for imprisoned mothers and their babies located within the institution. The Achieving Baby Care Success (ABC) program was the first in the state to keep infants with their mothers.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is a department of the government of the U.S. state of Texas. The TDCJ is responsible for statewide criminal justice for adult offenders, including managing offenders in state prisons, state jails, and private correctional facilities, funding and certain oversight of community supervision, and supervision of offenders released from prison on parole or mandatory supervision. The TDCJ operates the largest prison system in the United States.
Incapacitation in the context of criminal sentencing philosophy is one of the functions of punishment. It involves capital punishment, sending an offender to prison, or possibly restricting their freedom in the community, to protect society and prevent that person from committing further crimes. Incarceration, as the primary mechanism for incapacitation, is also used as to try to deter future offending.
A prison, also known as a jail, gaol, penitentiary, detention center, correction center, correctional facility, remand center, hoosegow, or slammer, is a facility where people are imprisoned under the authority of the state, usually as punishment for various crimes. Prisons are most commonly used within a criminal-justice system by authorities: people charged with crimes may be imprisoned until their trial; those who have pleaded or been found guilty of crimes at trial may be sentenced to a specified period of imprisonment.
Lowell Correctional Institution is a women's prison in unincorporated Marion County, Florida, north of Ocala, in the unincorporated area of Lowell. A part of the Florida Department of Corrections, it serves as the primary prison for women in the state. Almost 3,000 women are incarcerated in the complex, which includes the Lowell Annex. As of 2015 2,696 women are in the main Lowell CI, making it the largest prison for women in the United States; its prison population became larger than that of the Central California Women's Facility that year.
Approximately 741,000 women are incarcerated in correctional facilities, a 17% increase since 2010 and the female prison population has been increasing across all continents. The list of countries by incarceration rate includes a main table with a column for the historical and current percentage of prisoners who are female.
Sister Elaine Margaret Roulet was a Roman Catholic sister of the Sisters of St. Joseph who created programs that connect incarcerated mothers and their children. She was instrumental in the prison reform movement and established the precedent of connecting imprisoned mothers with their babies that many United States prisons now use as a model.
Prison overcrowding in the United States is a social phenomenon occurring when the demand for space in a U.S. prison exceeds the capacity for prisoners. The issues associated with prison overcrowding are not new, and have been brewing for many years. During the United States' War on Drugs, the states were left responsible for solving the prison overcrowding issue with a limited amount of money. Moreover, federal prison populations may increase if states adhere to federal policies, such as mandatory minimum sentences. On the other hand, the Justice Department provides billions of dollars a year for state and local law enforcement to ensure they follow the policies set forth by the federal government concerning U.S. prisons. Prison overcrowding has affected some states more than others, but overall, the risks of overcrowding are substantial and there are solutions to this problem.
The incarceration of women in the United States refers to the imprisonment of women in both prisons and jails in the United States. There are approximately 219,000 incarcerated women in the US according to a November 2018 report by the Prison Policy Initiative, and the rate of incarceration of women in the United States is at a historic and global high, with 133 women in correctional facilities per every 100,000 female citizens. The United States is home to just 4% of the world's female population, yet the US is responsible for 33% of the entire world's incarcerated female population. The steep rise in the population of incarcerated women in the US is linked to the complex history of the war on drugs and the US's prison–industrial complex, which lead to mass incarceration among many demographics, but had particularly dramatic impacts on women and especially women of color. However, women made up only 10.4% of the US prison and jail population, as of 2015.
Relationships of incarcerated individuals are the familial and romantic relations of individuals in prisons or jails. Although the population of incarcerated men and women is considered quite high in many countries, there is relatively little research on the effects of incarceration on the inmates' social worlds. However, it has been demonstrated that inmate relationships play a significant role in their well-being both during and after incarceration, making such research important in improving their overall health, and lowering rates of recidivism.
The use of shackles or restraints on pregnant women is a common practice in prisons and jails in the United States. Shackling is defined as "using any physical restraint or mechanical device to control the movement of a prisoner's body or limbs, including handcuffs, leg shackles, and belly chains". For females, shackles or handcuffs are placed around the ankles, wrists, or around the stomach. The shackling of pregnant women occurs while they are transported within a facility, transported to a hospital, and/or during and after childbirth. Restraints are also used on detained pregnant women in immigration detention facilities.
Gender-responsive prisons are prisons constructed to provide gender-specific care to incarcerated women. Contemporary sex-based prison programs were presented as a solution to the rapidly increasing number of women in the prison industrial complex and the overcrowding of California's prisons. These programs vary in intent and implementation and are based on the idea that female offenders differ from their male counterparts in their personal histories and pathways to crime. Multi-dimensional programs oriented toward female behaviors are considered by many to be effective in curbing recidivism.
Women in American prisons encounter numerous difficulties that often involve mental health problems, drug and alcohol issues, and trauma. These challenges not only make navigating the criminal justice system more difficult for women but also highlights broader societal issues such as gender-based violence, economic inequalities, and lack of mental health support. People in prison are more likely than the general United States population to have received a mental disorder diagnosis, and women in prison have higher rates of mental illness and mental health treatment than do men in prison. Furthermore, women in prisons are three times more likely than the general population to report poor physical and mental health. Women are the fastest growing demographic of the United States prison population. As of 2019, there are about 222,500 women incarcerated in state and federal prisons in the United States. Women comprise roughly 8% of all inmates in the United States. This surge is largely attributed to the rising use of imprisonment for drug-related offenses rather than violent crimes. A considerable portion of incarcerated women are serving time for drug-related offenses, with the proportion increasing significantly between 1986 and 1991. Even among those in maximum security facilities, a majority are not imprisoned for violent felonies. The data also reveal that in states like New York, a substantial proportion of incarcerated women are serving time for drug-related offenses, with a smaller percentage incarcerated for violent crimes or property offenses.
In the United States, prisons are obligated to provide health care to prisoners. Such health care is sometimes called correctional medicine. In women's prisons, correctional medicine includes attention to reproductive health.
Prisoner reentry is the process by which prisoners who have been released return to the community. Many types of programs have been implemented with the goal of reducing recidivism and have been found to be effective for this purpose. Consideration for the conditions of the communities formerly incarcerated individuals are re-entering, which are often disadvantaged, is a fundamental part of successful re-entry.
Decatur Correctional Center is a prison for women in Decatur, Illinois. It is operated by the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC). It first opened on January 24, 2000. Sex offenders are not placed in Decatur Correctional.
Decarceration in the United States involves government policies and community campaigns aimed at reducing the number of people held in custody or custodial supervision. Decarceration, the opposite of incarceration, also entails reducing the rate of imprisonment at the federal, state and municipal level. As of 2019, the US was home to 5% of the global population but 25% of its prisoners. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. possessed the world's highest incarceration rate: 655 inmates for every 100,000 people, enough inmates to equal the populations of Philadelphia or Houston. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinvigorated the discussion surrounding decarceration as the spread of the virus poses a threat to the health of those incarcerated in prisons and detention centers where the ability to properly socially distance is limited. As a result of the push for decarceration in the wake of the pandemic, as of 2022, the incarceration rate in the United States declined to 505 per 100,000, resulting in the United States no longer having the highest incarceration rate in the world, but still remaining in the top five.