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Temporal range: Middle Jurassic
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Subclass: Nautiloidea
Order: Nautilida
Family: Cymatoceratidae
Genus: Procymatoceras
Spath, 1927

Procymatoceras is a nautiloid cephalopod from the Middle Jurassic with a large, tightly involute, rapidly expanding shell. Early, inner, whorls are round in cross section. Later, outer, whorls, and mature living chamber are flattened on the sides and venter. Surface covered with sinuous ribs. Sutures have shallow ventral and dorsal lobes. Probably gave rise to Cymatonautilus and is the likely ancestor of Cymatoceras and Paracymatoceras . Procymatoceras has its origin in the earliest Nautilidae, in Cenoceras .

Cymatonautilus is a genus of cymatoceratids from the middle and upper Jurassic of Europe, the Middle East and Asia characterized by a robust shell with a wide umbilicus and subquadrate whorl section, slightly wider than high. The flanks and venter are flattened. The flanks have a wide lateral groove; the venter a more narrow median groove. The suture has a shallow ventral lobe and broad concave lateral lobes, crossed obliquely by sinuous ribs that produce a deep ventral sinus. The siphuncle is subcentral.

<i>Cymatoceras</i> genus of molluscs

Cymatoceras is a wide-ranging extinct genus from the nautilitacean cephalopod family, Cymatoceratidae. They lived from the Late Jurassic to Late Oligocene, roughly from 155 to 23 Ma.

<i>Cenoceras</i> genus of molluscs (fossil)

Cenoceras is an extinct genus within the cephalopod mollusc family Nautilidae, which in turn makes up part of the superfamily Nautilaceae. This genus has been described by Hyatt in 1884. The type species is Cenoceras intermedium (Sowerby).

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