Pseudergolis wedah

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Pseudergolis wedah 389.png
Scientific classification
P. wedah
Binomial name
Pseudergolis wedah
(Kollar, 1848)

Pseudergolis wedah, the tabby, is a species of Nymphalid butterfly found in Asia. In India, it is found along the Himalayas where it is somewhat uncommon and extends into Southeast Asia east to Vietnam. It bears a resemblance to the Castor butterfly Ariadne merione which was formerly placed in the genus Ergolis. [1]


Tabby at Samsing, Duars, West Bengal W IMG 6259.jpg

The genus is placed in the subfamily Pseudergolinae along with other genera such as Dichorragia, Stibochiona and Amnosia. The genus has two species, the other being avesta which is found in Sulawesi. The larval host plants belong to the family Urticaceae and include Debregeasia bicolor. The greenish larvae have a branched horn-like structure on the dark head. [2]


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  1. De Niceville, L (1886). The Butterflies of India, Burmah and Ceylon. Volume 2. Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press. p. 120.
  2. Nakanishi, A; Saigusa T; Zhao, WY & Li C-L (1997). "Immature stages of Pseudregolis wedah[sic] (Kollar, 1844) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)" (PDF). Nature and Human Activities. 2: 91–102. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-28. Retrieved 2020-05-12.
  3. Pseudergolis at funet