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Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Subfamily: Viticoideae
Genus: Pseudocarpidium

Pseudocarpidium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae first described in 1906. It is native the West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola). [1] [2]

Lamiaceae family of plants

The Lamiaceae or Labiatae are a family of flowering plants commonly known as the mint or deadnettle family. Many of the plants are aromatic in all parts and include widely used culinary herbs, such as basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla. Some species are shrubs, trees, or, rarely, vines. Many members of the family are widely cultivated, not only for their aromatic qualities, but also their ease of cultivation, since they are readily propagated by stem cuttings. Besides those grown for their edible leaves, some are grown for decorative foliage, such as Coleus. Others are grown for seed, such as Salvia hispanica (chia), or for their edible tubers, such as Plectranthus edulis, Plectranthus esculentus, Plectranthus rotundifolius, and Stachys affinis.

West Indies Island region in the Caribbean

The West Indies is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean that includes the island countries and surrounding waters of three major archipelagos: the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles and the Lucayan Archipelago.

Cuba Country in the Caribbean

Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is a country comprising the island of Cuba as well as Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean meet. It is east of the Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico), south of both the U.S. state of Florida and the Bahamas, west of Haiti and north of both Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Havana is the largest city and capital; other major cities include Santiago de Cuba and Camagüey. The area of the Republic of Cuba is 110,860 square kilometres (42,800 sq mi). The island of Cuba is the largest island in Cuba and in the Caribbean, with an area of 105,006 square kilometres (40,543 sq mi), and the second-most populous after Hispaniola, with over 11 million inhabitants.

Species [1]
  1. Pseudocarpidium avicennioides (A.Rich.) Millsp. - eastern Cuba
  2. Pseudocarpidium domingense (Urb. & Ekman) Moldenke - Hispaniola
  3. Pseudocarpidium ilicifolium (A.Rich.) Millsp. - Cuba
  4. Pseudocarpidium multidens (Urb.) Moldenke - eastern Cuba
  5. Pseudocarpidium neglecta Bisse - Cuba
  6. Pseudocarpidium pungens Britton - eastern Cuba
  7. Pseudocarpidium rigens (Griseb.) Britton - eastern Cuba
  8. Pseudocarpidium shaferi Britton - eastern Cuba
  9. Pseudocarpidium wrightii Millsp. - Bahamas, Cuba

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<i>Lantana</i> genus of plants

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Lasiocroton is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1859. The genus is endemic to the West Indies.

  1. Lasiocroton bahamensisPax & K.Hoffm. - Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti
  2. Lasiocroton fawcettiiUrb. - Jamaica
  3. Lasiocroton gracilisBritton & P.Wilson - SE Cuba
  4. Lasiocroton gutierreziiJestrow - Cuba
  5. Lasiocroton harrisiiBritton - Jamaica
  6. Lasiocroton macrophyllus(Sw.) Griseb. - Jamaica
  7. Lasiocroton microphyllus(A.Rich.) Jestrow - Cuba
  1. moved to other genera (Bernardia Croton Leucocroton)
  2. Lasiocroton cordifoliusBritton & P.Wilson - Leucocroton cordifolius (Britton & P.Wilson) Alain
  3. Lasiocroton prunifoliusGriseb. - Croton punctatusJacq.
  4. Lasiocroton subpeltatusUrb. - Leucocroton subpeltatus(Urb.) Alain
  5. Lasiocroton trelawniensisC.D.Adams - Bernardia trelawniensis(C.D.Adams) Jestrow & Proctor
<i>Argythamnia</i> genus of plants

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Bonania is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1850. It is native to the West Indies.

  1. Bonania cubanaA.Rich. - Bahamas, Cuba
  2. Bonania domingensis(Urb.) Urb. - Haiti, Dominican Rep
  3. Bonania ellipticaUrb. - Cuba
  4. Bonania emarginataC.Wright ex Griseb. - Cuba
  5. Bonania erythrosperma(Griseb.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. - Cuba
  6. Bonania linearifoliaUrb. & Ekman - Haiti
  7. Bonania myricifolia(Griseb.) Benth. & Hook.f. - Guantánamo but extinct

Grimmeodendron is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1908. It is native to the West Indies.

  1. Grimmeodendron eglandulosum(A.Rich.) Urb. - Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti
  2. Grimmeodendron jamaicenseUrb. - Jamaica
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<i>Aegiphila</i> genus of plants

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  1. Gundlachia apiculataBritton & S.F.Blake - Cuba
  2. Gundlachia corymbosa(Urb.) Britton ex Bold. - Bahamas, Greater + Lesser Antilles, Falcón State in Venezuela
  3. Gundlachia cubanaBritton & S.F.Blake - Cuba
  4. Gundlachia domingensis(Spreng.) A.Gray - Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bahamas
  5. Gundlachia floribundaUrb. - Cuba
  6. Gundlachia foliosaBritton & S.F.Blake - Cuba
  7. Gundlachia lindeniana(A.Rich.) Urb. - Cuba
  8. Gundlachia triantha(S.F.Blake) Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts - Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, Texas
  9. Gundlachia truncata(G.L.Nesom) Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts - Coahuila
<i>Citharexylum</i> genus of plants

Citharexylum is a genus of flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It contains shrub and tree species commonly known as fiddlewoods or zitherwoods. They are native to the Americas, ranging from southern Florida and Texas in the United States to Argentina. The highest diversity occurs in Mexico and the Andes. The generic name is derived from the Greek words κιθάρα (kithara), meaning "lyre", and ξύλον (xylon), meaning "wood," referring to the use of the wood in the sounding boards of string instruments. Several species, especially C. caudatum and C. spinosum, are cultivated as ornamentals.

  1. Citharexylum affineD.Don - from northern Mexico to Nicaragua
  2. Citharexylum alainiiMoldenke - Dominican Republic
  3. Citharexylum albicauleTurcz. - Cuba
  4. Citharexylum altamiranumGreenm. - northeastern Mexico
  5. Citharexylum andinumMoldenke - Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina
  6. Citharexylum argutedentatumMoldenke - Peru
  7. Citharexylum berlandieriB.L. Rob. - from Texas to Oaxaca - Berlandier's fiddlewood, Tamaulipan fiddlewood
  8. Citharexylum bourgeauanumGreenm. - Veracruz, Oaxaca
  9. Citharexylum brachyanthum(A.Gray ex Hemsl.) A.Gray - Texas, Coahuila, Nuevo León - Boxthorn fiddlewood, Mexican fiddlewood
  10. Citharexylum bullatumMoldenke - Colombia
  11. Citharexylum calvumMoldenke - Quintana Roo
  12. Citharexylum caudatumL. - southern Mexico, West Indies, Central America, Colombia, Peru - Juniper berry
  13. Citharexylum chartaceumMoldenke - Peru, Ecuador
  14. Citharexylum cooperiStandl. - Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala
  15. Citharexylum costaricenseMoldenke - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras
  16. Citharexylum crassifoliumGreenm - Chiapas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
  17. Citharexylum daniraeLeón de la Luz & F.Chiang - Revillagigedo Islands of Baja California
  18. Citharexylum decorumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  19. Citharexylum dentatumD.Don - Peru
  20. Citharexylum discolorTurcz. - Cuba, Hispaniola
  21. Citharexylum donnell-smithiiGreenm. - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America
  22. Citharexylum dryanderaeMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
  23. Citharexylum ekmaniiMoldenke - Cuba
  24. Citharexylum ellipticumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco; naturalized in Cuba + Cayman Islands
  25. Citharexylum endlichiiMoldenke - northeastern Mexico
  26. Citharexylum flabellifoliumS.Watson - Sonora, Baja California
  27. Citharexylum flexuosum(Ruiz & Pav.) D.Don - Bolivia, Peru
  28. Citharexylum fulgidumMoldenke - Veracruz, northeastern Mexico
  29. Citharexylum gentryiMoldenke - Ecuador
  30. Citharexylum glabrum(S.Watson) Greenm - Oaxaca
  31. Citharexylum glazioviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  32. Citharexylum grandiflorumAymard & Rueda - Ecuador
  33. Citharexylum guatemalense(Moldenke) D.N.Gibson - Guatemala, Nicaragua
  34. Citharexylum herreraeMansf. - Peru
  35. Citharexylum hexangulareGreenm. - from northern Mexico to Costa Rica
  36. Citharexylum hidalgenseMoldenke - Mexico
  37. Citharexylum hintoniiMoldenke - México State
  38. Citharexylum hirtellumStandl. - from Veracruz to Panama
  39. Citharexylum ilicifoliumKunth - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
  40. Citharexylum iltisiiMoldenke - Peru
  41. Citharexylum × jamaicenseMoldenke - Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico (C. caudatum × C. spinosum)
  42. Citharexylum joergensenii(Lillo) Moldenke - Argentina, Bolivia
  43. Citharexylum karsteniiMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  44. Citharexylum kerberiGreenm. - Veracruz
  45. Citharexylum kobuskianumMoldenke - Peru
  46. Citharexylum krukoviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  47. Citharexylum kunthianumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador
  48. Citharexylum laetumHiern - southern Brazil
  49. Citharexylum laurifoliumHayek - Bolivia, Peru
  50. Citharexylum lemsiiMoldenke - Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica
  51. Citharexylum × leonisMoldenke - Cuba (C. caudatum × C. tristachyum)
  52. Citharexylum ligustrifolium(Thur. ex Decne.) Van Houtte - Mexico
  53. Citharexylum lojenseMoldenke - Ecuador
  54. Citharexylum lucidumCham. & Schltdl. - Mexico
  55. Citharexylum lycioidesD.Don - Mexico
  56. Citharexylum macradeniumGreenm. - Panama, Costa Rica
  57. Citharexylum macrochlamysPittier - Panama, Colombia
  58. Citharexylum macrophyllumPoir. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guianas, northwestern Brazil
  59. Citharexylum matheanumBorhidi & Kereszty - Cuba
  60. Citharexylum matudaeMoldenke - Chiapas
  61. Citharexylum mexicanumMoldenke - Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca
  62. Citharexylum microphyllum(DC.) O.E.Schulz - Hisipaniola
  63. Citharexylum mirifoliumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
  64. Citharexylum mocinoiD.Don - Mexico, Central America
  65. Citharexylum montanumMoldenke - Colombia, Ecuador
  66. Citharexylum montevidense(Spreng.) Moldenke - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
  67. Citharexylum myrianthumCham. - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
  68. Citharexylum obtusifoliumKuhlm - Espírito Santo
  69. Citharexylum oleinum Moldenke - Mexico
  70. Citharexylum ovatifoliumGreenm. - Mexico
  71. Citharexylum pachyphyllumMoldenke - Peru
  72. Citharexylum pernambucenseMoldenke - eastern Brazil
  73. Citharexylum poeppigiiWalp. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil
  74. Citharexylum punctatumGreenm. - Bolivia, Peru
  75. Citharexylum quercifoliumHayek - Peru
  76. Citharexylum quitenseSpreng. - Ecuador
  77. Citharexylum racemosumSessé & Moc. - Mexico
  78. Citharexylum reticulatumKunth - Ecuador, Peru
  79. Citharexylum rigidum(Briq.) Moldenke - Paraguay, southern Brazil
  80. Citharexylum rimbachiiMoldenke - Ecuador
  81. Citharexylum roseiGreenm. - Mexico
  82. Citharexylum roxanaeMoldenke - Baja California
  83. Citharexylum scabrumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - northern Mexico
  84. Citharexylum schottiiGreenm. - southern Mexico, Central America
  85. Citharexylum schulziiUrb. & Ekman - Hispaniola
  86. Citharexylum sessaeiD.Don - Mexico
  87. Citharexylum shreveiMoldenke - Sonora
  88. Citharexylum solanaceumCham. - southern Brazil
  89. Citharexylum spinosumL. – Spiny fiddlewood - West Indies, Panama, Venezuela, the Guianas; naturalized in India, Mozambique, Fiji, Bermuda
  90. Citharexylum stenophyllumUrb. & Ekman - Haiti
  91. Citharexylum steyermarkiiMoldenke - Veracruz, Chiapas, Guatemala
  92. Citharexylum suberosumLoes. ex Moldenke - Cuba
  93. Citharexylum subflavescensS.F.Blake - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
  94. Citharexylum subthyrsoideumPittier - Colombia, Venezuela
  95. Citharexylum subtruncatumMoldenke - northwestern Brazil
  96. Citharexylum sulcatumMoldenke - Colombia
  97. Citharexylum svensoniiMoldenke - Ecuador
  98. Citharexylum teclenseStandl. - El Salvador
  99. Citharexylum ternatumMoldenke - Cuba
  100. Citharexylum tetramerumBrandegee - Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán in Mexico
  101. Citharexylum tristachyumTurcz. – Threespike Fiddlewood - Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Islands
  102. Citharexylum uleiMoldenke - Colombia, Peru, northwestern Brazil
  103. Citharexylum vallenseMoldenke - Colombia
  104. Citharexylum venezuelenseMoldenke - Venezuela
  105. Citharexylum weberbaueriHayek - Peru
<i>Tetramicra</i> (plant) genus of plants

Tetramicra is a genus of flowering plants in the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to the West Indies. Tetramicra canaliculata has also been reported from southern Florida, but these reports have been challenged.

<i>Catesbaea</i> genus of plants

Catesbaea is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. It occurs in the West Indies, The Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. The genus is named in honour of English naturalist Mark Catesby.

<i>Callicarpa</i> genus of plants

Callicarpa (beautyberry) is a genus of shrubs and small trees in the family Lamiaceae. They are native to east and southeast Asia, Australia, Madagascar, southeast North America and South America.

Rajania is a genus of plants in the Dioscoreaceae. It is native to the West Indies, with 14 of the 17 known species found in Cuba.

  1. Rajania angustifoliaSw. - Cuba, Haiti
  2. Rajania cephalocarpaUline ex R.Knuth - Cuba
  3. Rajania cordataL. - Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Lesser Antilles
  4. Rajania ekmaniiR.Knuth - Cuba
  5. Rajania hastataL. - Hispaniola
  6. Rajania microphyllaKunth - Bahamas, Cuba
  7. Rajania nipensisR.A.Howard - Cuba
  8. Rajania ovataSw. - Cuba, Hispaniola
  9. Rajania piliferaUrb. - Haiti
  10. Rajania porulosaR.Knuth - Cuba
  11. Rajania psilostachya(Kunth) Uline - Cuba
  12. Rajania quinquefoliaL. - Cuba, Hispaniola
  13. Rajania spiculifloraUline ex R.Knuth - Haiti
  14. Rajania tenellaR.A.Howard - Cuba
  15. Rajania tenuifloraR.Knuth - Cuba, Hispaniola
  16. Rajania theresensisUline ex R.Knuth - Cuba
  17. Rajania wrightiiUline ex R.Knuth - Cuba
<i>Echites</i> genus of plants

Echites is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1756. It is primarily native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and the US State of Florida.

Neobracea is a genus of plant in the Apocynaceae family first described as a genus in 1905. It was first given the name Bracea, but this turned out to be an illegitimate homonym. In other words, somebody else had already used it for another plant. Neobracea is native to Cuba and the Bahamas.

  1. Neobracea acunanaLippold - E Cuba
  2. Neobracea angustifoliaBritton - W Cuba
  3. Neobracea bahamensis(Britton) Britton - Bahamas, Cuba
  4. Neobracea ekmaniiUrb. - E Cuba
  5. Neobracea howardiiWoodson - EC Cuba
  6. Neobracea martianaBorhidi & O.Muñiz - E Cuba
  7. Neobracea susanninaBorhidi - E Cuba
  8. Neobracea valenzuelana(A.Rich.) Urb. - Cuba

Vallesia is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1794. It is native to South America, Central America, Mexico, Florida, Galápagos, and the West Indies.

Heterosavia genus of plants

Heterosavia is a genus of the family Phyllanthaceae first described as a genus in 2008. It is native to the West Indies and southern Florida.

  1. Heterosavia bahamensis(Britton) Petra Hoffm. - Monroe County in Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos, islands of southwest Caribbean
  2. Heterosavia erythroxyloides' (Griseb.) Petra Hoffm. - Cuba, Hispaniola
  3. Heterosavia laurifolia' (Griseb.) Petra Hoffm. - Cuba
  4. Heterosavia maculata(Urb.) Petra Hoffm. - Cuba
<i>Guilandina</i> genus of plants

Guilandina is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae and tribe Caesalpinieae.


  1. 1 2 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.