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In mathematics, a pseudomanifold is a special type of topological space. It looks like a manifold at most of its points, but it may contain singularities. For example, the cone of solutions of forms a pseudomanifold.


Figure 1: A pinched torus Pinched torus.jpg
Figure 1: A pinched torus

A pseudomanifold can be regarded as a combinatorial realisation of the general idea of a manifold with singularities. The concepts of orientability, orientation and degree of a mapping make sense for pseudomanifolds and moreover, within the combinatorial approach, pseudomanifolds form the natural domain of definition for these concepts. [1] [2]


A topological space X endowed with a triangulation K is an n-dimensional pseudomanifold if the following conditions hold: [3]

  1. (pure) X = |K| is the union of all n-simplices.
  2. Every (n–1)-simplex is a face of exactly one or two n-simplices for n > 1.
  3. For every pair of n-simplices σ and σ' in K, there is a sequence of n-simplices σ = σ0, σ1, ..., σk = σ' such that the intersection σi ∩ σi+1 is an (n−1)-simplex for all i = 0, ..., k−1.

Implications of the definition


Strongly connected n-complexes can always be assembled from n-simplexes gluing just two of them at (n−1)-simplexes. However, in general, construction by gluing can lead to non-pseudomanifoldness (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Gluing a manifold along manifold edges (in green) may create non-pseudomanifold edges (in red). A decomposition is possible cutting (in blue) at a singular edge Nonpmnonclok3.svg
Figure 2: Gluing a manifold along manifold edges (in green) may create non-pseudomanifold edges (in red). A decomposition is possible cutting (in blue) at a singular edge

Nevertheless it is always possible to decompose a non-pseudomanifold surface into manifold parts cutting only at singular edges and vertices (see Figure 2 in blue). For some surfaces several non-equivalent options are possible (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: The non pseudomanifold surface on the left can be decomposed into an orientable manifold (central) or into a non-orientable one (on the right). M3foldok.svg
Figure 3: The non pseudomanifold surface on the left can be decomposed into an orientable manifold (central) or into a non-orientable one (on the right).

On the other hand, in higher dimension, for n>2, the situation becomes rather tricky.

Figure 4: Two 3-pseudomanifolds with singularities (in red) that cannot be broken into manifold parts only by cutting at singularities. Pinchedpieaok.svg
Figure 4: Two 3-pseudomanifolds with singularities (in red) that cannot be broken into manifold parts only by cutting at singularities.


(Note that a pinched torus is not a normal pseudomanifold, since the link of a vertex is not connected.)

(Note that real algebraic varieties aren't always pseudomanifolds, since their singularities can be of codimension 1, take xy=0 for example.)

See also

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