Re-parenting window manager

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A re-parenting window manager is an X Window System window manager that adopts all other windows.

X Window System windowing system for bitmap displays on UNIX-like systems

The X Window System is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.

Window manager operating system software

A window manager is system software that controls the placement and appearance of windows within a windowing system in a graphical user interface. Most window managers are designed to help provide a desktop environment. They work in conjunction with the underlying graphical system that provides required functionality—support for graphics hardware, pointing devices, and a keyboard, and are often written and created using a widget toolkit.

In the X Window System, every window has a parent window, which may be either the root window or another window. Windows that are children of the root window are called top-level windows. When a top-level window is created, a re-parenting window manager changes that window's parent to be a second new window created by the window manager for this purpose. This allows the window manager to decorate the windows with window decorations and title bars as well as allows advanced control over the windows' operation required, for example, by virtual window managers.

Root window X Window term

In the X Window System, every window is contained within another window, called its parent. This makes the windows form a hierarchy. The root window is the root of this hierarchy. It is as large as the screen, and all other windows are either children or descendants of it.

Window decoration computer user interface element

In graphical user interfaces, the window decoration is a part of a window in most windowing systems.

Technically, a reparenting window manager registers with the X server to be notified when a top-level window is mapped (attempts to become visible). When such an event is generated, the window manager creates a frame window, and in most cases also a title bar window. The frame window then becomes the parent of both the main window and the title bar window. Other forms of decoration, such as buttons, window title, etc., may also be created; these would normally be parented by the title bar window. [1]

X.Org Server is the free and open-source implementation of the display server for the X Window System stewarded by the X.Org Foundation.

In computer programming, event-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events such as user actions, sensor outputs, or messages from other programs or threads. Event-driven programming is the dominant paradigm used in graphical user interfaces and other applications that are centered on performing certain actions in response to user input. This is also true of programming for device drivers.

Virtually all modern window managers are re-parenting, although earlier window managers, such as the uwm window manager, were not. Exceptions to that rule are dwm, cwm, PLWM, ratpoison and xmonad, due to a lack of any typical window decorations used by these window managers, and also Compiz which drew the decorations separately up until version 0.9.0, where it became a re-parenting window manager to allow it to run in a non-composited mode. Even though stumpwm does not draw typical window decorations, it reparents windows in a parent frame to display outlines.

Ultrix Window Manager

The Ultrix Window Manager (uwm) is a historic standard window manager software for the X Window System from X11R1 through X11R3 releases. In fact, it was the only X11-compatible window manager as of X11R1.

dwm dynamic tiling window manager for X11

dwm is a dynamic, minimalist tiling window manager for the X Window System that has influenced the development of several other X window managers, including xmonad and awesome. It is externally similar to wmii, but internally much simpler. dwm is written purely in C for performance and security in addition to simplicity, and lacks any configuration interface besides editing the source code. One of the project's guidelines is that the source code will never exceed 2000 lines, and options meant to be user-configurable are all contained in a single header file.

cwm (window manager) stacking window manager for the X Window System on OpenBSD

cwm is a stacking window manager for the X Window System. While it is primarily developed as a part of OpenBSD's base system, portable versions are available on other Unix-like operating systems.

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X window manager software for Unix type operating systems

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In computing, the X Window System is a network-transparent windowing system for bitmap displays. This article details the protocols and technical structure of X11.

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wm2 window manager

wm2 is a minimalist reparenting window manager for the X Window System written by Chris Cannam. It provides support for moving, resizing, and deleting windows, but does not support icons. Instead of icons, wm2 allows temporary hiding of windows from the desktop environment. Hidden windows can be recovered via a menu from the root window. It does not support interactive configurability, or provide a virtual desktop, and other features of modern window managers such as configurable root menus, toolbars, etc. Configuration options require editing and recompiling a source file and few options are available. This lack of configuration options simplifies using wm2, making it one of the easier to use window managers.

The X Window System core protocol is the base protocol of the X Window System, which is a networked windowing system for bitmap displays used to build graphical user interfaces on Unix, Unix-like, and other operating systems. The X Window System is based on a client–server model: a single server controls the input/output hardware, such as the screen, the keyboard, and the mouse; all application programs act as clients, interacting with the user and with the other clients via the server. This interaction is regulated by the X Window System core protocol. Other protocols related to the X Window System exist, both built at the top of the X Window System core protocol or as separate protocols.

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WindowLab is an X window manager for Unix-like systems. It is based on aewm and retains that window manager's small and lightweight nature. In many aspects, WindowLab has looked to the Amiga's user interface for inspiration without cloning it completely. Its top-level menu bar is accessed by a right click as on the Amiga and it follows Fitts's law of usability in that once the mouse enters the menu area it is constrained there in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Unlike on the Amiga, the menu bar is not controlled by applications; it is a global launcher menu which is populated by a dot file in the user's home directory containing a list of menu titles and commands.

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Client-Side Decoration GUI design concept that allows a programs interface to adapt to a users system

Client-Side Decorations (CSD) is the concept of allowing an application process to be responsible for drawing its own window decorations which then get sent to the display server, compared to server-side decorations (SSD) where window decorations are created by the window manager before being sent to the display.
