In mathematical general relativity, the Penrose inequality, first conjectured by Sir Roger Penrose, estimates the mass of a spacetime in terms of the total area of its black holes and is a generalization of the positive mass theorem. The Riemannian Penrose inequality is an important special case. Specifically, if (M, g) is an asymptotically flat Riemannian 3-manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature and ADM mass m, and A is the area of the outermost minimal surface (possibly with multiple connected components), then the Riemannian Penrose inequality asserts
This is purely a geometrical fact, and it corresponds to the case of a complete three-dimensional, space-like, totally geodesic submanifold of a (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime. Such a submanifold is often called a time-symmetric initial data set for a spacetime. The condition of (M, g) having nonnegative scalar curvature is equivalent to the spacetime obeying the dominant energy condition.
This inequality was first proved by Gerhard Huisken and Tom Ilmanen in 1997 in the case where A is the area of the largest component of the outermost minimal surface. Their proof relied on the machinery of weakly defined inverse mean curvature flow, which they developed. In 1999, Hubert Bray gave the first complete proof of the above inequality using a conformal flow of metrics. Both of the papers were published in 2001.
The original physical argument that led Penrose to conjecture such an inequality invoked the Hawking area theorem and the cosmic censorship hypothesis.
Both the Bray and Huisken–Ilmanen proofs of the Riemannian Penrose inequality state that under the hypotheses, if
then the manifold in question is isometric to a slice of the Schwarzschild spacetime outside its outermost minimal surface, which is a sphere of Schwarzschild radius.
More generally, Penrose conjectured that an inequality as above should hold for spacelike submanifolds of spacetimes that are not necessarily time-symmetric. In this case, nonnegative scalar curvature is replaced with the dominant energy condition, and one possibility is to replace the minimal surface condition with an apparent horizon condition. Proving such an inequality remains an open problem in general relativity, called the Penrose conjecture.
Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds, defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric. This gives, in particular, local notions of angle, length of curves, surface area and volume. From those, some other global quantities can be derived by integrating local contributions.
Shing-Tung Yau is a Chinese-American mathematician. He is the director of the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University and professor emeritus at Harvard University. Until 2022, Yau was the William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics at Harvard, at which point he moved to Tsinghua.
Richard Streit Hamilton was an American mathematician who served as the Davies Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University.
In mathematics, the soul theorem is a theorem of Riemannian geometry that largely reduces the study of complete manifolds of non-negative sectional curvature to that of the compact case. Jeff Cheeger and Detlef Gromoll proved the theorem in 1972 by generalizing a 1969 result of Gromoll and Wolfgang Meyer. The related soul conjecture, formulated by Cheeger and Gromoll at that time, was proved twenty years later by Grigori Perelman.
Richard Melvin Schoen is an American mathematician known for his work in differential geometry and geometric analysis. He is best known for the resolution of the Yamabe problem in 1984 and his works on harmonic maps.
The positive energy theorem refers to a collection of foundational results in general relativity and differential geometry. Its standard form, broadly speaking, asserts that the gravitational energy of an isolated system is nonnegative, and can only be zero when the system has no gravitating objects. Although these statements are often thought of as being primarily physical in nature, they can be formalized as mathematical theorems which can be proven using techniques of differential geometry, partial differential equations, and geometric measure theory.
Thierry Aubin was a French mathematician who worked at the Centre de Mathématiques de Jussieu, and was a leading expert on Riemannian geometry and non-linear partial differential equations. His fundamental contributions to the theory of the Yamabe equation led, in conjunction with results of Trudinger and Schoen, to a proof of the Yamabe Conjecture: every compact Riemannian manifold can be conformally rescaled to produce a manifold of constant scalar curvature. Along with Yau, he also showed that Kähler manifolds with negative first Chern classes always admit Kähler–Einstein metrics, a result closely related to the Calabi conjecture. The latter result, established by Yau, provides the largest class of known examples of compact Einstein manifolds. Aubin was the first mathematician to propose the Cartan–Hadamard conjecture.
In the field of differential geometry in mathematics, mean curvature flow is an example of a geometric flow of hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold. Intuitively, a family of surfaces evolves under mean curvature flow if the normal component of the velocity of which a point on the surface moves is given by the mean curvature of the surface. For example, a round sphere evolves under mean curvature flow by shrinking inward uniformly. Except in special cases, the mean curvature flow develops singularities.
In the mathematical fields of differential geometry and geometric analysis, inverse mean curvature flow (IMCF) is a geometric flow of submanifolds of a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifold. It has been used to prove a certain case of the Riemannian Penrose inequality, which is of interest in general relativity.
Leon Melvyn Simon, born in 1945, is a Leroy P. Steele Prize and Bôcher Prize-winning mathematician, known for deep contributions to the fields of geometric analysis, geometric measure theory, and partial differential equations. He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Mathematics Department at Stanford University.
Theodore Frankel was a mathematician who introduced the Andreotti–Frankel theorem and the Frankel conjecture.
Gerhard Huisken is a German mathematician whose research concerns differential geometry and partial differential equations. He is known for foundational contributions to the theory of the mean curvature flow, including Huisken's monotonicity formula, which is named after him. With Tom Ilmanen, he proved a version of the Riemannian Penrose inequality, which is a special case of the more general Penrose conjecture in general relativity.
In mathematics, the Almgren–Pitts min-max theory is an analogue of Morse theory for hypersurfaces.
David Allen Hoffman is an American mathematician whose research concerns differential geometry. He is an adjunct professor at Stanford University. In 1985, together with William Meeks, he proved that Costa's surface was embedded. He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society since 2018, for "contributions to differential geometry, particularly minimal surface theory, and for pioneering the use of computer graphics as an aid to research." He was awarded the Chauvenet Prize in 1990 for his expository article "The Computer-Aided Discovery of New Embedded Minimal Surfaces". He obtained his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1971 under the supervision of Robert Osserman.
Joel Spruck is a mathematician, J. J. Sylvester Professor of Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University, whose research concerns geometric analysis and elliptic partial differential equations. He obtained his PhD from Stanford University with the supervision of Robert S. Finn in 1971.
In the mathematical fields of differential geometry and geometric analysis, the Gauss curvature flow is a geometric flow for oriented hypersurfaces of Riemannian manifolds. In the case of curves in a two-dimensional manifold, it is identical with the curve shortening flow. The mean curvature flow is a different geometric flow which also has the curve shortening flow as a special case.
In the mathematical field of differential geometry, the Simons formula is a fundamental equation in the study of minimal submanifolds. It was discovered by James Simons in 1968. It can be viewed as a formula for the Laplacian of the second fundamental form of a Riemannian submanifold. It is often quoted and used in the less precise form of a formula or inequality for the Laplacian of the length of the second fundamental form.
Tom Ilmanen is an American mathematician specializing in differential geometry and the calculus of variations. He is a professor at ETH Zurich. He obtained his PhD in 1991 at the University of California, Berkeley with Lawrence Craig Evans as supervisor. Ilmanen and Gerhard Huisken used inverse mean curvature flow to prove the Riemannian Penrose conjecture, which is the fifteenth problem in Yau's list of open problems, and was resolved at the same time in greater generality by Hubert Bray using alternative methods.