![]() Cow in the Parco Naturale di Cervia, Ravenna | |
Country of origin | Italy |
Distribution | |
Standard | ANABIC |
Use | dual-purpose, draught and beef |
Traits | |
Weight | |
Height | |
Skin color | black |
Coat | ivory-white, some grey; black switch |
Horn status | horned |
The Romagnola is a breed of cattle from the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. It belongs to the Podolic group of grey cattle. Romagnola cattle were used principally as draught beasts in the past; since the mechanisation of agriculture in the middle of the twentieth century they have been bred primarily for beef production.
As with other European grey cattle, it has been suggested that the Romagnola breed derives from Podolian cattle from the steppes of eastern Europe, possibly brought to Italy by invading Goths in the fourth century AD or by the Lombard king Agilulf. [1] This hypothesis is based on the zoological theories of the nineteenth century, going back to the Bos taurus podolicus of Johann Andreas Wagner. It is not supported by modern genetic, zoological or archaeological research. [2]
There were in the past a number of local sub-types of Romagnola cattle, including the Bolognese in the area of Bologna, the Ferrarese in the area of Ferrara, a mountain type ("di monte") and a lowland type ("gentile di pianura"). Selective breeding towards the modern type began in about 1850, and the resulting stock won prizes both in Italy and abroad. In Paris in 1900 the Romagnola was judged jointly with the Hereford to be the "best beef breed". [1]
The Romagnola was however principally a draught breed, and was bred for that purpose, with massive and powerful foreparts and short strong legs. Following the progressive mechanisation of agriculture in the years after the Second World War the breeding strategy changed completely, and was directed towards beef production. To this end, cross-breeding with Chianina cattle was attempted, but did not give the desired results. [1] A herd book was established in 1963. [3]
More than 80% of the registered Italian population is in Emilia-Romagna; there are small populations in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Lazio, Lombardy, the Marche, Puglia, Tuscany and the Veneto. [4] Some animals were exported to Scotland in the early 1970s and the breed is present in small numbers in Great Britain, Ireland, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. [5] [6]
Numbers in Italy have fallen sharply since the Second World War. In 1952 there were 450,000 head; this fell to 250,000 in 1965, to 120,000 in 1977 and to 45,000 in 1980. [1] At the end of 2013 the total number recorded for the breed in Italy was 13,054. [4]
Romagnola cattle are ivory-white, tending to grey on the foreparts, particularly in bulls; the skin and natural openings are black. The colour of the coat varies with the season, and is darker in winter. The horns are light, lyre-shaped in cows, half-moon-shaped in bulls; they are slate-grey in young animals, becoming pale at the base and dark at the tip with maturity. As with all Podolic cattle, the calves are born wheat-coloured but become white at about three months. [1]
The Romagnola was in the past primarily a draught breed, though raised also for meat; limited dairy use is also documented. In the years before and after the Second World War the progressive mechanisation of agriculture meant that demand for draught oxen disappeared. It is now raised only for meat.
Calves weigh 40–45 kilograms (90–100 lb) at birth, and are normally sent to slaughter at 16–18 months, at a weight of 650–700 kilograms (1400–1500 lb); yield is 62–63%. The meat is considered to be of high quality and carries a registered mark of quality. With the Chianina and the Marchigiana, the Romagnola is one of three breeds whose meat may, if raised within a specific area of the Apennines of central Italy, have IGP status as Vitellone Bianco dell'Appennino Centrale. [1]
The Murgese is an Italian breed of riding horse. It is named for its area of origin, the plateau of Le Murge in southern Italy, most of which lies in the region of Puglia. It was formerly used as an agricultural or military horse; selection for a lighter type more suitable for riding began in the second half of the twentieth century.
The Maremmana is a breed of cattle reared in the Maremma, a former marshland region in southern Tuscany and northern Lazio in central Italy. It is raised principally in the provinces of Grosseto, Rome and Viterbo.
The Chianina is an Italian breed of large white cattle. It was formerly principally a draught breed; it is now raised mainly for beef. It is the largest and one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world. The bistecca alla fiorentina is produced from its meat.
The Piedmontese is a breed of domestic cattle that originated in the region of Piedmont, in north-west Italy. The calves are born fawn coloured, and turn grey-white as they mature. Piedmontese cattle carry a unique gene mutation identified as an inactive myostatin allele that causes hypertrophic muscle growth, or double muscling. Purebred Piedmontese cattle are homozygous, meaning they have two identical alleles present for this unique gene. They have garnered attention from breeders of beef cattle in other parts of the world, including North and South America. A small group of select Piedmontese bulls and cows were imported into Canada in the late 1970s, and into the United States in the early 1980s, and were used as the foundation breeding stock to develop a new breed of beef cattle known as North American Piedmontese cattle.
The Agerolese is a breed of dairy cattle from the area of Agerola, in Campania in southern Italy. It is particularly associated with the Sorrento Peninsula and Monti Lattari. It derives from cross-breeding of indigenous Podolica cattle with Italian Holstein-Friesian, Bruna Italiana and Jersey cattle. It is one of the sixteen minor Italian cattle breeds of limited diffusion recognised and protected by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture.
The Italian Landrace is an Italian breed of domestic pig. It derives from the Danish Landrace breed developed in Denmark at the end of the nineteenth century. Stock was imported into Italy after the Second World War. The breed has been selected principally for suitability for the production of prosciutto crudo. It is, after the Large White Italiana, the second-most numerous pig breed in Italy. The breed standard is issued by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry; the herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Suini, the national pig-breeders' association.
The Mirandesa is a Portuguese breed of beef cattle. It originates in – and is named for – the Terra de Miranda, the area of north-eastern Portugal where Mirandese is spoken, particularly the municipality of Miranda do Douro. It was formerly used as a draught animal, and was distributed throughout almost all of the country. It is now reared for beef; the meat may be marketed as Denominação de Origem Controlada.
The Bianca Modenese or Modenese is a breed of dual-purpose cattle from the Po Valley, in the Emilia Romagna and Lombardy regions of northern Italy. It is raised for beef and milk production, but in the past was a triple-purpose breed, used also as a draught animal. The name derives from that of the province of Modena, where it is thought to have originated. In the nineteenth century it was concentrated in the area of Carpi, and was sometimes known as the Carpigiana. It was later distributed through much of the Po Valley, and thus also known as the Bianca della Val Padana.
The Podolica is a breed of domestic cattle from southern Italy. It belongs to the Podolic group of grey cattle. It is raised in the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise and Puglia. It was formerly distributed throughout most of mainland Italy and as far as Istria, now part of Croatia, and where it is now regarded as a separate breed, the Istrian or Boškarin. The Podolica was in the past bred principally as a draught animal; with the mechanisation of agriculture following the Second World War demand for draught oxen disappeared, and the Podolica is now raised for meat and, to a lesser extent, for milk.
The Italian Mediterranean Buffalo or Bufala Mediterranea Italiana is an Italian breed of water buffalo. It is of the River sub-type of water buffalo and is similar to the buffalo breeds of Hungary, Romania and the Balkan countries. It is the only indigenous water buffalo breed in Italy. A herd-book was opened in 1980, and the breed was officially recognised in 2000.
The Calvana is a cattle breed from Tuscany, in central Italy. It is particularly associated with the Calvana region in the provinces of Florence and Prato, but is also raised in the provinces of Pistoia and Siena. It was previously considered a type within the Chianina breed, but is now recognised as a separate breed. A herdbook was opened in 1985. It is one of the 16 minor Italian cattle breeds of limited diffusion recognised and protected by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture.
The Martina Franca donkey, Italian: Asino di Martina Franca, is a breed of donkey from Puglia in southern Italy. It is the largest Italian donkey breed, and was famous for its qualities in the production of mules. It is particularly associated with the comune of Martina Franca from which it takes its name, but the area of origin also includes Alberobello, Ceglie Messapica, Locorotondo, Massafra, Mottola and Noci, in the provinces of Bari, Brindisi and Taranto. It is still raised mainly in Puglia, but there are also populations in Abruzzo, Lazio, Lombardy and Umbria. It is one of the eight autochthonous donkey breeds of limited distribution recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry.
The Nero di Parma is a breed of pig from the province of Parma, in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna. It is a modern recreation of the ancient Nera Parmigiana breed, which became effectively extinct in the second half of the twentieth century, following the importation of pig breeds from Britain, though it is still listed in DAD-IS. From the mid-1990s, the breed was re-created from a small number of primitive animals located in the areas of Santa Margherita di Fidenza, Bardi, and Pellegrino Parmense, and in 2008 numbered about 300. A herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Suini, the Italian national association of pig-breeders. It is not among the pig breeds recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry.
The Mora Romagnola is a breed of pig from Emilia-Romagna, in northern Italy. It may also be called Mora, Bruna Romagnola, Castagnina or Forlivese. It is raised principally in Emilia–Romagna, but also in Campania, Friuli–Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, the Marche, Piemonte and the Veneto. It is one of the six autochthonous pig breeds recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry.
The Nero Siciliano is a breed of domestic pig from the Mediterranean island of Sicily, in southern Italy. It is raised mainly in the province of Messina, particularly in the Monti Nebrodi. For this reason it is often known as the Nero dei Nebrodi; it may also be called Nero delle Madonie or Nero dell'Etna, for its association with the Madonie mountains and mount Etna respectively. It is one of the six autochthonous pig breeds recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry.
The Istriana or Carsolina, Croatian: 'Istarska Ovca', Slovene: 'Istrska Pramenka', is a breed of domestic sheep from Istria and the Karst regions of the northern Adriatic, from north-east Italy to Croatia and Slovenia.
The Rendena is a breed of cattle from the Trentino, in north-eastern Italy, now raised principally in the provinces of Padova, Trento, Verona and Vicenza. It is particularly suited to transhumant management; almost all the stock in the Trentino spends the summer months on the mountain pastures of the Val Rendena, and more than half of that in the Veneto summers on the Altopiano di Asiago.
The Large White Italiana is the Italian strain of the British Large White or Yorkshire breed of pig. It is the most numerous pig breed in Italy. It is one of the seven pig breeds of foreign origin recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry, and one of the four for which a genealogical herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Suini, the Italian national association of pig-breeders.
The Valdostana Pezzata Rossa is an Italian breed of cattle from Valle d'Aosta region in north-western Italy. It is red-pied, usually with white legs, stomach and face. It is one of three regional breeds in the area, the others being the Valdostana Castana and the Valdostana Pezzata Nera. Like them, it derives from inter-breeding of various local breeds and types of cattle. The most important of these were Swiss Simmental cattle, which came into the Valle d'Aosta over the Great St. Bernard Pass. The Valdostana Pezzata Rossa is a dual-purpose breed, raised mainly for milk, but also for meat. Management is normally transhumant: the cattle are stabled only in winter, and spend the summer months on the mountain pastures of the Alps.
The Valdostana Pezzata Nera is an Italian breed of cattle from Valle d'Aosta region in north-western Italy. It is black-pied, with short horns. It is one of three regional breeds in the area, the others being the Valdostana Castana and the Valdostana Pezzata Rossa. Like them, it derives from inter-breeding of various local breeds and types of cattle. It appears to have been most influenced by the Swiss Fribourgeoise and Hérens breeds, which came into the Valle d'Aosta over the Great St. Bernard Pass. The Valdostana Pezzata Nera is a dual-purpose breed, raised mainly for milk, but also for meat. Management is normally transhumant: the cattle are stabled only in winter, and spend the summer months on the mountain pastures of the Alps.