Roman numeral analysis

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Roman numeral analysis
The chord progression vi–ii–V–I in the key of C major. Using lead sheet chord names, these chords could be referred to as A minor, D minor, G major and C major. [1]

In music theory, Roman numeral analysis is a type of harmonic analysis in which chords are represented by Roman numerals, which encode the chord's degree and harmonic function within a given musical key.


Specific notation conventions vary: some theorists use uppercase numerals (e.g. I, IV, V) to represent major chords, and lowercase numerals (e.g. ii, iii, vi) to represent minor chords. Others use uppercase numerals for all chords regardless of their quality. [2] (As the II, III, and VI chords always are minor chords and the VII always diminished, a further distinguishment is thought unneeded, see table for Major Diatonic scale below)

Roman numerals can be used to notate and analyze the harmonic progression of a composition independent of its specific key. For example, the ubiquitous twelve-bar blues progression uses the tonic (I), subdominant (IV), and dominant (V) chords built upon the first, fourth and fifth scale degrees respectively.


Gottfried Weber's description of the Roman numerals employed on each degree of the major and minor scales, triads at the left and sevenths at the right. Versuch einer geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst, vol. II, p. 45. Weber Roman numerals.png
Gottfried Weber's description of the Roman numerals employed on each degree of the major and minor scales, triads at the left and sevenths at the right. Versuch einer geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst, vol. II, p. 45.

Roman numeral analysis is based on the idea that chords can be represented and named by one of their notes, their root (see § History for more information). The system came about initially from the work and writings of Rameau's fundamental bass.

The earliest usage of Roman numerals may be found in the first volume of Johann Kirnberger's Die Kunst des reinen Satzes in 1774. [3] Soon after, Abbé Georg Joseph Vogler occasionally employed Roman numerals in his Grunde der Kuhrpfälzischen Tonschule in 1778. [4] He mentioned them also in his Handbuch zur Harmonielehre of 1802 and employed Roman numeral analysis in several publications from 1806 onwards. [5]

Gottfried Weber's Versuch einer geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst (Theory of Musical Composition) (1817–21) is often credited with popularizing the method. More precisely, he introduced the usage of large capital numerals for major chords, small capitals for minor, superscript o for diminished 5ths and dashed 7 for major sevenths – see the figure hereby. [6] Simon Sechter, considered the founder of the Viennese "Theory of the degrees" (Stufentheorie), made only a limited use of Roman numerals, always as capital letters, and often marked the fundamentals with letter notation or with Arabic numbers. [7] Anton Bruckner, who transmitted the theory to Schoenberg and Schenker, apparently did not use Roman numerals in his classes in Vienna. [8]

The first authors to have made a systematic usage of Roman numerals appear to have been Heinrich Schenker and Arnold Schoenberg, both in their treatise of harmony. [9]

Common practice numerals

In music theory related to or derived from the common practice period, Roman numerals are frequently used to designate scale degrees as well as the chords built on them. [2] In some contexts, however, Arabic numerals with carets are used to designate the scale degrees themselves (e.g. Scale deg 1.svg , Scale deg 2.svg , Scale deg 3.svg , ...).

The basic Roman numeral analysis symbols commonly used in pedagogical texts are shown in the table below. [10] [11] :71

Uppercase Roman numeral Major triad I
Lowercase Roman numeral Minor triad i
Superscript + Augmented triad I+
Superscript o Diminished triad io
Superscript numberAdded noteV7
Two or more numbers(#-#) Figured bass notation V4–3
Superscript # and #
First inversion I6
Second inversion I6

The Roman numerals for the seven root-position diatonic triads built on the notes of the C major scale are shown below.

Roman numeral analysis

In addition, according to Music: In Theory and Practice, "[s]ometimes it is necessary to indicate sharps, flats, or naturals above the bass note." [11] :74 The accidentals may be below the superscript and subscript number(s), before the superscript and subscript number(s), or using a slash (/) or plus sign (+) to indicate that the interval is raised (either in a flat key signature or a or DoubleSharp.svg in a sharp key signature.

Secondary chords are indicated with a slash e.g. V/V.

Modern Schenkerians often prefer the usage of large capital numbers for all degrees in all modes, in conformity with Schenker's own usage. [a]

Roman numeral analysis by Heinrich Schenker (1906) of the degrees (Stufen) in bars 13-15 of the Allegro assai of J. S. Bach's Sonata in C major for violin solo, BWV 1005. Schenker Harmonielehre ex 151.png
Roman numeral analysis by Heinrich Schenker (1906) of the degrees (Stufen) in bars 13–15 of the Allegro assai of J. S. Bach's Sonata in C major for violin solo, BWV 1005.


Inversion notation for Roman numeral analysis depicting both Arabic numeral and Latin letters. Roman numerals in musical analysis, guide.png
Inversion notation for Roman numeral analysis depicting both Arabic numeral and Latin letters.

Roman numerals are sometimes complemented by Arabic numerals to denote inversion of the chords. The system is similar to that of Figured bass, the Arabic numerals describing the characteristic interval(s) above the bass note of the chord, the figures 3 and 5 usually being omitted. The first inversion is denoted by the numeral 6 (e.g. I6 for the first inversion of the tonic triad, even though a complete figuring would require I6
); the numerals 6
denotes the second inversion (e.g. I6
). Inverted seventh chords are similarly denoted by one or two Arabic numerals describing the most characteristic intervals, namely the interval of a second between the 7th and the root: V7 is the dominant 7th (e.g. G–B–D–F); V6
is its first inversion (B–D–F–G); V4
its second inversion (D–F–G–B); and V4
or V2 its third inversion (F–G–B–D). [11] :79–80

In the United Kingdom, there exists another system where the Roman numerals are paired with Latin letters to denote inversion. [14] In this system, an “a” suffix is used to represent root position, “b” for first inversion, and “c” for second inversion. However, the "a" is rarely used to denote root position, just as 5
is rarely used to denote root position in American nomenclature. [15] [ failed verification see discussion ] [16] [17] [18]

Jazz and pop numerals

Roman numeral analysis of the standard twelve-bar blues Twelve bar blues in C.png
Roman numeral analysis of the standard twelve-bar blues

In music theory, fake books and lead sheets aimed towards jazz and popular music, many tunes and songs are written in a key, and as such for all chords, a letter name and symbols are given for all triads (e.g., C, G7, Dm, etc.). In some fake books and lead sheets, all triads may be represented by upper case numerals, followed by a symbol to indicate if it is not a major chord (e.g. "m" for minor or "ø" for half-diminished or "7" for a seventh chord). An upper case numeral that is not followed by a symbol is understood as a major chord. The use of Roman numerals enables the rhythm section performers to play the song in any key requested by the bandleader or lead singer. The accompaniment performers translate the Roman numerals to the specific chords that would be used in a given key.

In the key of E major, the diatonic chords are:

In popular music and rock music, "borrowing" of chords from the parallel minor of a major key is commonly done. As such, in these genres, in the key of E major, chords such as D major (or VII), G major (III) and C major (VI) are commonly used. These chords are all borrowed from the key of E minor. Similarly, in minor keys, chords from the parallel major may also be "borrowed". For example, in E minor, the diatonic chord built on the fourth scale degree is IVm, or A minor. However, in practice, many songs in E minor will use IV (A major), which is borrowed from the key of E major. Borrowing from the parallel major in a minor key, however, is much less common.

Using the V7 or V chord (V dominant 7, or V major) is typical of most jazz and pop music regardless of whether the key is major or minor. Though the V chord is not diatonic to a minor scale, using it in a minor key is not usually considered "borrowing," given its prevalence in these styles.

Diatonic scales

Major scale

The table below shows the Roman numerals for chords built on the major scale.

Scale degree Tonic Supertonic Mediant Subdominant Dominant Submediant Leading tone
Conventional notationIiiiiiIVVviviio
Alternative notationIIIIIIIVVVIVII [19]
Chord symbolI MajII minIII minIV MajV Maj (or V7)VI minVII dim (or VIIo)

In the key of C major, these chords are

Roman numeral analysis

Minor scale

The table below shows the Roman numerals for the chords built on the natural minor scale.

Scale degree Tonic Supertonic Mediant Subdominant Dominant Submediant Subtonic Leading tone
Conventional notationiiioIIIivvVIVIIviio
Alternative notationiiiiiiivvvivii
Chord symbolI minII dimIII Aug
(or III Maj)
IV min
(or IV Maj)
V min
(or V7)
VI MajVII MajVII dim
(or VIIo)

In the key of C minor (natural minor), these chords are

Roman numeral analysis

The seventh scale degree is very often raised a half step to form a leading tone, making the dominant chord (V) a major chord (i.e. V major instead of v minor) and the subtonic chord (vii), a diminished chord (viio, instead of VII). This version of minor scale is called the harmonic minor scale. This enables composers to have a dominant chord (V) and also the dominant seventh chord (V7) both available for a stronger cadence resolution in the minor key, thus V to i minor.

Roman numeral analysis


In traditional notation, the triads of the seven modern modes are the following:

No.ModeTonicSupertonicMediantSubdominantDominantSubmediantSubtonic /
Leading tone
1 Ionian (major)IiiiiiIVVviviio
2 Dorian iiiIIIIVvvioVII
3 Phrygian iIIIIIivvoVIvii
4 Lydian IIIiiiivoVvivii
5 Mixolydian IiiiiioIVvviVII
6 Aeolian (natural minor)iiioIIIivvVIVII
7 Locrian ioIIiiiivVVIvii


  1. As the symbol for a Stufe, the Roman numeral "I" in C major can signify a major chord, a minor chord, a seventh chord, or indeed many combinations of notes controlled by the root C. The same Roman numeral can also represent the governing harmonic function of an extended passage embracing several or many chords. In this system, therefore, one basic sign applies to all manifestations of a structural harmony, with figured-bass numerals and other symbols indicating inversions and deviations from the basic type. ... Roman numerals can be used less to indicate local detail and more broadly, and analytically, to denote harmonic function in either the major or the minor mode. This method assumes fluent knowledge of chord quality in both modes, a skill we consider as fundamental as the recognition of key signatures. [12]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Major scale</span> Musical scale made of seven notes

The major scale is one of the most commonly used musical scales, especially in Western music. It is one of the diatonic scales. Like many musical scales, it is made up of seven notes: the eighth duplicates the first at double its frequency so that it is called a higher octave of the same note.

In music theory, a leading tone is a note or pitch which resolves or "leads" to a note one semitone higher or lower, being a lower and upper leading tone, respectively. Typically, the leading tone refers to the seventh scale degree of a major scale, a major seventh above the tonic. In the movable do solfège system, the leading tone is sung as si.

An altered chord is a chord that replaces one or more notes from the diatonic scale with a neighboring pitch from the chromatic scale. By the broadest definition, any chord with a non-diatonic chord tone is an altered chord. The simplest example of altered chords is the use of borrowed chords, chords borrowed from the parallel key, and the most common is the use of secondary dominants. As Alfred Blatter explains, "An altered chord occurs when one of the standard, functional chords is given another quality by the modification of one or more components of the chord."

In a musical composition, a chord progression or harmonic progression is a succession of chords. Chord progressions are the foundation of harmony in Western musical tradition from the common practice era of Classical music to the 21st century. Chord progressions are the foundation of popular music styles, traditional music, as well as genres such as blues and jazz. In these genres, chord progressions are the defining feature on which melody and rhythm are built.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chord (music)</span> Harmonic grouping of notes

In Western music theory, a chord is a group of notes played together for their harmonic consonance or dissonance. The most basic type of chord is a triad, so called because it consists of three distinct notes: the root note along with intervals of a third and a fifth above the root note. Chords with more than three notes include added tone chords, extended chords and tone clusters, which are used in contemporary classical music, jazz, and other genres.

A secondary chord is an analytical label for a specific harmonic device that is prevalent in the tonal idiom of Western music beginning in the common practice period: the use of diatonic functions for tonicization.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Root (chord)</span> Musical note characterizing a chord

In the music theory of harmony, the root is a specific note that names and typifies a given chord. Chords are often spoken about in terms of their root, their quality, and their extensions. When a chord is named without reference to quality, it is assumed to be major—for example, a "C chord" refers to a C major triad, containing the notes C, E, and G. In a given harmonic context, the root of a chord need not be in the bass position, as chords may be inverted while retaining the same name, and therefore the same root.

In music, the submediant is the sixth degree of a diatonic scale. The submediant is named thus because it is halfway between the tonic and the subdominant or because its position below the tonic is symmetrical to that of the mediant above.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Extended chord</span> Musical chord extending a simple triad

In music, extended chords are certain chords or triads with notes extended, or added, beyond the seventh. Ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth chords are extended chords. The thirteenth is the farthest extension diatonically possible as, by that point, all seven tonal degrees are represented within the chord. In practice however, extended chords do not typically use all the chord members; when it is not altered, the fifth is often omitted, as are notes between the seventh and the highest note, unless they are altered to give a special texture.

In music theory, a ninth chord is a chord that encompasses the interval of a ninth when arranged in close position with the root in the bass.

The ninth chord and its inversions exist today, or at least they can exist. The pupil will easily find examples in the literature [such as Schoenberg's Verklärte Nacht and Strauss's opera Salome]. It is not necessary to set up special laws for its treatment. If one wants to be careful, one will be able to use the laws that pertain to the seventh chords: that is, dissonances resolve by step downward, the root leaps a fourth upward.

In music, function is a term used to denote the relationship of a chord or a scale degree to a tonal centre. Two main theories of tonal functions exist today:

In music, a triad is a set of three notes that can be stacked vertically in thirds. Triads are the most common chords in Western music.

Chromaticism is a compositional technique interspersing the primary diatonic pitches and chords with other pitches of the chromatic scale. In simple terms, within each octave, diatonic music uses only seven different notes, rather than the twelve available on a standard piano keyboard. Music is chromatic when it uses more than just these seven notes.

In music theory, a dominant seventh chord, or major minor seventh chord, is a seventh chord composed of a root, major third, perfect fifth, and minor seventh; thus it is a major triad together with a minor seventh. It is often denoted by the letter name of the chord root and a superscript "7". In most cases, dominant seventh chord are built on the fifth degree of the major scale. An example is the dominant seventh chord built on G, written as G7, having pitches G–B–D–F:

The diminished seventh chord is a four-note chord composed of a root note, together with a minor third, a diminished fifth, and a diminished seventh above the root:. For example, the diminished seventh chord built on B, commonly written as Bo7, has pitches B-D-F-A:

The harmonic minor scale is a musical scale derived from the natural minor scale, with the minor seventh degree raised by one semitone to a major seventh, creating an augmented second between the sixth and seventh degrees.

In music theory, the half-diminished seventh chord is a seventh chord composed of a root note, together with a minor third, a diminished fifth, and a minor seventh. For example, the half-diminished seventh chord built on B, commonly written as Bm7(♭5), or Bø7, has pitches B-D-F-A:

In music theory, an inversion is a rearrangement of the top-to-bottom elements in an interval, a chord, a melody, or a group of contrapuntal lines of music. In each of these cases, "inversion" has a distinct but related meaning. The concept of inversion also plays an important role in musical set theory.

Musicians use various kinds of chord names and symbols in different contexts to represent musical chords. In most genres of popular music, including jazz, pop, and rock, a chord name and its corresponding symbol typically indicate one or more of the following:

The jazz minor scale or ascending melodic minor scale is a derivative of the melodic minor scale, except only the ascending form of the scale is used. As the name implies, it is primarily used in jazz, although it may be found in other types of music as well. It may be derived from the major scale with a minor third, making it a synthetic scale, and features a dominant seventh chord on the fifth degree (V) like the harmonic minor scale. It can also be derived from the diatonic Dorian mode with a major seventh.


  1. William G Andrews and Molly Sclater (2000). Materials of Western Music Part 1, p. 227. ISBN   1-55122-034-2.
  2. 1 2 Roger Sessions (1951). Harmonic Practice. New York: Harcourt, Brace. LCCN   51-8476. p. 7.
  3. Johann Philipp Kirnberger, Die Kunst des reinen Satzes, vol. I. Berlin und Königsberg, Decker und Hartung, 1774, p. 15 and plates to p. 19. It is not entirely clear, however, whether Roman numerals in Kirnberger denote scale degrees or intervals (or both).
  4. David Damschroder, Thinking about Harmony: Historical Perspectives on Analysis. ISBN   978-0-521-88814-1. Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 6
  5. Floyd K. Grave and Margaret G. Grave, In Praise of Harmony: The Teachings of Abbé Georg Joseph Vogler , Lincoln and London, University of Nebraska Press,1987, among others pp. 70-71, 169-170, and passim.
  6. Gottfried Weber, Versuch einer geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst, 3d Edition, Mainz, Schott, 1830–1832, vol. 2, pp. 44–63, §§ 151–158.
  7. Simon Sechter, Die Richtige Folge der Grundharmonien, Leipzig, Breitkopf und Härtel, 3 vols., 1853–1854. Roman numerals are found in all three volumes.
  8. Anton Bruckner, Vorlesungen über Harmonielehre und Kontrapunkt an der Universität Wien, E. Schwanzara ed., Wien, Östrereichischer Bundesverlag, 1950. See also Robert E. Wason, Viennese Harmonic Theory from Albrechtsberger to Schenker and Schoenberg, Ann Arbor, UMI Research Press, 1982. ISBN   0-8357-1586-8. pp. 67–84.
  9. Heinrich Schenker, Harmonielehre, Stuttgart, Berlin, Cotta, 1906; Arnold Schoenberg, Harmonielehre, Vienna, Universal, 1911.
  10. Eric Taylor (1989). The AB Guide to Music Theory. Vol. Part 1. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. pp. 60–61. ISBN   1-85472-446-0.
  11. 1 2 3 Bruce Benward; Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). Music: In Theory and Practice. Vol. I (seventh ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN   978-0-07-294262-0.
  12. Edward Aldwell; Carl Schachter; Allen Cadwallader (2011). Harmony and Voice Leading (4th ed.). Schirmer, Cengage Learning. pp. 696–697. ISBN   978-0-495-18975-6.
  13. Heinrich Schenker, Harmonielehre, Stuttgart, Berlin, Cotta, 1906, p. 186, Example 151.
  14. Lovelock, William (1981). The Rudiments of Music. London: Bell & Hyman. ISBN   0-7135-0744-6.
  15. "". Retrieved 2020-11-29.
  16. Ben (2013-12-02). "Chord Inversions". Music Theory Academy. Retrieved 2020-12-06.
  17. Robson, Elsie May (1960s). Harmony, Melodic Invention, Instruments of the Orchestra, Form in Music. Sydney: Nicholson's.
  18. Spearritt, Gordon (1995). Essential Music Theory. Melbourne: Allans Educational.
  19. John Mehegan (1989). Tonal and Rhythmic Principles. Jazz Improvisation. Vol. 1 (Revised and Enlarged ed.). New York: Watson-Guptill. pp. 9–16. ISBN   0-8230-2559-4.