Romania gens

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The gens Romania was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens appear in history, but many are known from inscriptions.

The plebs were, in ancient Rome, the general body of free Roman citizens who were not patricians, as determined by the census. The precise origins of the group and the term are unclear, though it may be that they began as a limited political movement in opposition to the elite (patricians) which became more widely applied.

Ancient Rome History of Rome from the 8th-century BC to the 5th-century

In historiography, ancient Rome is Roman civilization from the founding of the city of Rome in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, encompassing the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic and Roman Empire until the fall of the western empire. The civilization began as an Italic settlement in the Italian peninsula, dating from the 8th century BC, that grew into the city of Rome and which subsequently gave its name to the empire over which it ruled and to the widespread civilisation the empire developed. The Roman empire expanded to become one of the largest empires in the ancient world, though still ruled from the city, with an estimated 50 to 90 million inhabitants and covering 5.0 million square kilometres at its height in AD 117.

In ancient Rome, a gens, plural gentes, was a family consisting of all those individuals who shared the same nomen and claimed descent from a common ancestor. A branch of a gens was called a stirps. The gens was an important social structure at Rome and throughout Italy during the period of the Roman Republic. Much of an individual's social standing depended on the gens to which he belonged. Certain gentes were considered patrician, others plebeian, while some had both patrician and plebeian branches. The importance of membership in a gens declined considerably in imperial times.



The nomen Romanius belongs to a large class of gentilicia formed from surnames ending in the suffix -anus, typically derived from place-names. Here the name is derived from a cognomen, Romanus, referring to a resident of Rome itself. [1] [2]


The Romanii used a wide variety of common praenomina, including Lucius , Gaius , Marcus , Publius , Quintus , Titus , and Gnaeus . Other names are found occasionally, including Aulus , Numerius , Decimus , Servius , and Tiberius . The Oscan praenomen Salvius occurs in a filiation, suggesting that at least some of the Romanii were of Oscan descent.

The praenomen was a personal name chosen by the parents of a Roman child. It was first bestowed on the dies lustricus, the eighth day after the birth of a girl, or the ninth day after the birth of a boy. The praenomen would then be formally conferred a second time when girls married, or when boys assumed the toga virilis upon reaching manhood. Although it was the oldest of the tria nomina commonly used in Roman naming conventions, by the late republic, most praenomina were so common that most people were called by their praenomina only by family or close friends. For this reason, although they continued to be used, praenomina gradually disappeared from public records during imperial times. Although both men and women received praenomina, women's praenomina were frequently ignored, and they were gradually abandoned by many Roman families, though they continued to be used in some families and in the countryside.

Lucius is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was one of the most common names throughout Roman history. The feminine form is Lucia. The praenomen was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gentes Lucia and Lucilia, as well as the cognomenLucullus. It was regularly abbreviated L.

Gaius['ɡa.jus] is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was one of the most common names throughout Roman history. The feminine form is Gaia. The praenomen was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gens Gavia. The name was regularly abbreviated C., based on the original spelling of Caius, which dates from the period before the letters "C" and "G" were differentiated.

Branches and cognomina

In imperial times, the Romanii used a number of surnames, but all appear to have been personal cognomina, and the Romanii do not appear to have been divided into distinct families.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.
  • Romania, buried at an uncertain location in Cisalpine Gaul, with a monument dedicated by a certain Prisca. [3]
  • Romania, the wife of Titus Fabius Pulcher, with whom she made an offering to Isis at Aquileia in Venetia and Histria. [4]
  • Romania, the wife of Lucius Julius Caper, one of the seviri Augustales at Nemausus in Gallia Narbonensis. [5]
  • Romania, the daughter of Salonia, buried in a family sepulchre at Salona in Dalmatia, together with Romania Italia and Romanius, the son of Surio. [6]
  • Romania, the daughter of Prosostus, and granddaughter of Gaius Valerius Fuscus, a veteran of the second legion, with whom she was buried at Brigetio in Pannonia Superior, in the first half of the second century, aged twenty. [7]
  • Romanius, the house slave of Quintus Cornelius Graptus and his wife, Sabina, with whom he was buried at Rome. [8]
  • Romanius M. f., a priest named in a funerary inscription from Bantia in Lucania. [9]
  • Romanius, the son of Surio, buried in a family sepulchre at Salona, together with Romania Italia, and Romania, the daughter of Salonia. [6]
  • Gaius Romanius C. f., a native of Berytus, an officer serving in the century of Hordeonius at Mons Claudianus in Egypt. [10]
  • Gaius Romanius P. f., twice military tribune, named in an inscription from Rome, together with Publius Romanius. [11]
  • Numerius Romanius Sal. f., named in an inscription from Supinum Vicus in Samnium. [12]
  • Publius Romanius M. f., buried at Brixia in Venetia and Histria, together with his sister, Romania Tertia. [13]
  • Publius Romanius C. f., named in an inscription from Rome, together with Gaius Romanius, a military tribune. [11]
  • Quintus Romanius, the son of Camburo, made an offering to Minerva at Brixia. [14]
  • Titus Romanius, buried at Sextantio in Gallia Narbonensis. [15]
  • Lucius Romanius N. l. Abscantus, a freedman buried at Heraclea in Lucania, with a tomb built by the local college of sodales Augustales, in the latter part of the first century, or the first half of the second. [16]
  • Romania Cn. l. Ammia, a freedwoman, and the wife of the wine merchant Gnaeus Romanius Iaso. [17]
  • Gaius Romanius Ɔ. l. Anteros, a freedman named in an inscription from Rome, together with a freedwoman, Romania Theophila. [18]
  • Romanius Aristides, named in an inscription from Apulum in Dacia. [19]
  • Aulus Romanius A. l. Bassus, a freedman, built a tomb for himself and his son, Romanius Restitutus, at Careiae in Etruria. [20]
  • Gaius Romanius Bassus, the brother of Lucius Romanius Brocchus, named in an inscription from Cisalpine Gaul. [21]
  • Lucius Romanius Bello, built a tomb at Rome for himself and his family. [22]
  • Lucius Romanius Brocchus, the brother of Gaius Romanius Bassus, named in an inscription from Cisalpine Gaul. [21]
  • Romania Cale, a client of Decimus Romanius Verulus, named in an inscription from Dea Augusta Vocontiorum in Gallia Narbonensis. [23]
  • Gaius Romanius Capito, a native of Celeia, was a soldier in the cavalry, buried at Mogontiacum in Germania Superior, aged forty, having served for nineteen years, in a tomb dating to the latter half of the first century AD. [24]
  • Romania Catullina, the wife of Julius Secundinus, buried in a family seupulcre at Flavia Solva in Noricum, aged twenty-five. [25]
  • Marcia Romania Celsa, wife of the consul Flavius Januarius, [lower-roman 1] was buried at Arelate in Gallia Narbonensis on the seventeenth day before the Kalends of April, aged thirty-seven years, two months, and ten days. [26]
  • Romanius Crescentilianus, dedicated a tomb at Ostia in Latium for his foster-daughter, Romania Stratonice. [27]
  • Romania Cypare, [lower-roman 2] , dedicated a second century tomb at Venusia in Samnium to her husband, Titus Flavius Secundus, aged forty. [28]
  • Marcus Romanius Encolpus, made an offering to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, according to an inscription from Dacia. [29]
  • Marcus Romanius Ser. f. Epulo, a promagistrate at Cyrene, who made an offering to Ceres. [30]
  • Romanius Epulonius Damas, built a tomb at Rome for himself, his wife, Papiria Tertia, and son, the younger Epulonius Damas, aged fourteen years, eleven months. [31]
  • Titus Romanius Epictetus, together with Flavia Melitine, dedicated a tomb at Lugdunum in Gallia Lugdunensis to their patron, Titus Flavius Hermes, one of the seviri Augustales at Lugdunum. [32]
  • Lucius Romanius Euprepis, buried at the present site of Val-de-Fier, formerly in Gallia Narbonensis. [33]
  • Lucius Romanius Felicissimus, buried at Ostia, aged twenty-one years, eleven months, with a monument from his sister, Flavia Claudiana. [34]
  • Romania Ɔ. l. Fausta, a freedwoman named in an inscription from Rome. [35]
  • Lucius Romanius Fortis, dedicated a tomb at Ravenna to Philomellus, the slave of Lucius Romanius Juvenalis. [36]
  • Lucius Romanius P. f. Gallus, made an offering to Diana on behalf of the emperor Hadrian, at Thuburbo Maius in Africa Proconsularis. [37]
  • Titus Romanius T. f. Hermeros, buried at Rome in a tomb dedicated by his father, Titus Romanius Hermes. [38]
  • Titus Romanius Hermes, dedicated a tomb at Rome to his son, Titus Romanius Hermeros. [38]
  • Publius Romanius Heuresio, named in an inscription from Ostia, dating between AD 201 and 230. [39]
  • Gnaeus Romanius Cn. l. Iaso, a freedman and wine merchant at Rome, and the husband of Romania Ammia. [17]
  • Romanius Ingenuus, buried at Matucaium in Noricum, aged two. [40]
  • Romania Italia, buried in a family sepulchre at Salona, together with Romanius, the son of Surio, and Romania, the daughter of Salonia. [6]
  • Gaius Romanius C. f. Italicus, a native of Emona, was an aide to the praetorian prefect at Rome, circa AD 173. [41]
  • Marcus Romanius Jovinus, a rhetorician buried at Rome, leaving as his heirs Marcus Junius Severus and Romania Marcia. [42]
  • Lucius Romanius L. f. Justus Vercellis, a soldier in the tenth cohort of the praetorian guard, serving in the century of Crispinus, named in an inscription from Patrae in Achaia. [43]
  • Romanius Juvenalis, named in a dedicatory inscription from Mogontiacum. [44]
  • Lucius Romanius Juvenalis, the master of Philomellus, a slave buried at Ravenna. [36]
  • Romanius Juvenis, built a tomb at Ivenna in Noricum for his daughter, Junilla, aged seventeen, together with his wife, Aquilina, and Junilla's grandparents, Secundinius Jucundianus and Mira. [45]
  • Marcus Romanius Juventinus, procurator in Asia in an uncertain year between AD 198 and 209. [46]
  • Romania T. f. Laeta, named in an inscription from Rome, together with Gnaeus Aemilius Laetus. [47]
  • Romanius Ligur, a member of the college of Manliensium, who made a donation to Fortuna at Virunum in Noricum. [48]
  • Gnaeus Romanius Cn. f. Longus, buried at Cirta in Numidia, aged ninety. [49]
  • Romania Lupa, the wife of Marcus Herennius Eucharistus, buried at Comum in Cisalpine Gaul, in the second or early third century. [50]
  • Marcus Romanius M. f. Macrinus, a veteran named in an inscription from Brixia. [51]
  • Marcus Romanius M. f. Marcellinus Decimius Rufinus, a native of Suasa in Umbria, was a prefect in the third legion, according to an inscription from Lambaesis in Numidia. [52]
  • Romania Marcia, together with Marcus Junius Severus, one of the heirs of the rhetorician Marcus Romanius Jovinus. [42]
  • Titus Romanius Mercator, made an offering to the gods of the imperial cult at Darantasia in Alpes Graiae, according to an inscription dating to the latter half of the second century. [53]
  • Romania Moderata, the wife of Publius Quintius Pollio, and mother of Marcus Quintius Moderatus, buried at Verona in Venetia and Histria. [54]
  • Publius Romanius P. l. Modestus, a freedman buried at Bonna in Germania Inferior, aged sixteen. [55]
  • Romanius Montanus, procurator of the emperor's household gladiators, according to an inscription from Pergamum in Asia. [56]
  • Romania Naevia, a woman belonging to a family of senatorial rank, buried at Siscia in Pannonia Superior. [57]
  • Romania Novellia, the daughter of Novellia Atiliana, buried at Mediolanum in Cisalpine Gaul, aged thirty-two years, eight months, and twelve days. [58]
  • Romania Sp. f. Optata, buried at Brixia. [59]
  • Gaius Romanius Pedo, buried at the present site of Chusclan, formerly in Gallia Narbonensis. [60]
  • Lucius Romanius L. f. Peregrinus, built a monument to his father, Lucius Romanius Salvius, at Tridentum in Venetia and Histria. [61]
  • Lucius Romanius L. l. Philargurus, a freedman named in an inscription from Rome. [62]
  • Romania Prima, buried at Simitthus in Africa Proconsularis, aged twenty-one. [63]
  • Lucius Romanius Priscus, made a libationary offering to Mercury at Samarobriva in Gallia Belgica. [64]
  • Marcus Romanius M. f. Probus, the son of Marcus Romanius Suavis and Cincia Modesta. [65]
  • Quintus Romanius Probus, dedicated a tomb for his wife, Flavia Materna, at Juliacum in Germania Inferior. [66]
  • Romania Profutura, a matron buried at Comum in the second century. [67]
  • Lucius Romanius Respectus, a decurion at Burbetomagus in Germania Superior, who made a libationary offering to Victoria. [68]
  • Romanius A. f. Restitutus, the son of Aulus Romanius Bassus, a freedman buried at Careiae. [20]
  • Romania Romana, the sister of Romanus Severus and daughter of Julius Romanus, who made a libationary offering to Mercury on his children's behalf at Augusta Treverorum in Gallia Belgica. [69]
  • Romania T. l. Sabina, a freedwoman who built a tomb at Salona for her children, Firmio, Martia, and Quintio. [70]
  • Romanius Sabinus, named in an inscription from Rome. [71]
  • Lucius Romanius Salvius, buried Tridentum, with a monument from his son, Lucius Romanius Peregrinus. [61]
  • Romania Secundilla, wife of the sailor Lucius Helvius Victorinus, for whom she built a tomb at Lugdunum. [72]
  • Romanius Secundinus, a veteran soldier, who together with Cordia Verina, helped build a tomb at Rome for Cordia's son, Lucius Vitellius Fuscinus, a soldier in the third cohort of the praetorian guard, aged forty, and his sister, Paccia Materna, aged twelve. [73]
  • Romanius Secundus, a soldier named in an inscription from Vindonissa, dating to the middle or later first century. [74]
  • Romania Q. f. Secura, buried at Thibilis in Numidia. [75]
  • Romania M. f. Severa, buried at Brixia, in the family sepulchre of Marcus Licinius Receptus. [76]
  • Decimus Romanius Silvester, heir of Valeria, the daughter or Valentinus, a woman buried at Dea Augusta Vocontiorum. [77]
  • Publius Romanius Socrates, made a libationary offering to Victoria at the present site of Volx, formerly part of Gallia Narbonensis. [78]
  • Romania Stratonice, buried at Ostia, aged eleven years, three months, with a tomb built by her foster father, Romanius Crescentilianus. [27]
  • Marcus Romanius M. l. Suavis, a freedman, and one of the sodales Augustales at Brixia, built a tomb for himself, his wife, Cincia Modesta, and their son, Marcus Romanius Probus. [65]
  • Gaius Romanius Summus, a decurion at Germisara in Dacia, who made a libationary offering to Jupiter Optimus Maximus. [79]
  • Romania M. f. Tertia, buried at Brixia with her brother, Publius Romanius. [13]
  • Romania C. l. Theophila, a freedwoman named in an inscription from Rome, together with a freedman, Gaius Romanius Anteros. [18]
  • Romania C. l. Tryphera, a freedwoman buried at Canusium in Apulia. [80]
  • Quintus Romanius Q. f. Tuscus, buried at the present site of Bencatel, formerly part of Lusitania, aged seventeen, with a monument from his mother, Baebia Boutia. [81]
  • Romania Urbana, named in a funerary inscription from Rome, together with Quintus Mucius Urbanus, and Mucia Ingenua, perhaps their daughter, aged twenty. [82]
  • Romania Ɔ. l. Urbana, a freedwoman buried at Rome. [83]
  • Romania Ti. l. Urbana, a freedwoman named in an inscription from Iguvium in Umbria. [84]
  • Romania Valentina, the wife of Publicius Basilides, and foster mother of Publicius Valentinus, a boy buried at Ravenna, aged twelve years, nine months, and ten days. [85]
  • Romania Veratia, the wife of Aurelius Domitianus, buried at the present site of Rumilly, formerly in Gallia Narbonensis, aged forty years, three months, and five days. [86]
  • Romanius Verecundus, named in an inscription from Albanum in Latium. [87]
  • Quintus Romanius Verecundus, together with Lucius Ennius Secundus, one of the heirs of Marcus Magius Maccaus, a native of Verona, and a soldier in the eleventh legion, serving in the century of Marcius Modestus, buried at Vindonissa in Germania Superior, aged thirty-three. [88]
  • Decimus Romanius Verulus, the patron of Romania Cale, according to an inscription from Dea Augusta Vocontiorum. [23]
  • Romania Vitalis, the daughter of Philetus, and wife of Caesonius Probus, who built a monument for her at Rome. [89]
Isis goddess in ancient Egyptian religion

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  1. Possibly the consul of AD 328.
  2. Spelled Chypare in the inscription.

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  1. Chase, p. 118.
  2. New College Latin & English Dictionary, s. v. Romanus.
  3. Camporini, Sculture a tutto tondo del Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano, 40b.
  4. CIL V, 8229.
  5. CIL XII, 3231.
  6. 1 2 3 CIL III, 2506.
  7. AE 2010, 1259.
  8. CIL VI, 16224.
  9. AE 2007, 436.
  10. CIL III, 6627.
  11. 1 2 CIL VI, 3534.
  12. CIL IX, 3874.
  13. 1 2 CIL V, 4706.
  14. InscrIt, x. 5, 63.
  15. ILGN, 554.
  16. AE 2012, 397.
  17. 1 2 CIL VI, 33926.
  18. 1 2 CIL VI, 25447.
  19. AE 1983, 804b.
  20. 1 2 CIL XI, 3761.
  21. 1 2 Camporini, Sculture a tutto tondo del Civico Museo Archeologico di Milano, 40a.
  22. CIL VI, 25448.
  23. 1 2 CIL XII, 1662.
  24. CIL XIII, 7029.
  25. CIL III, 5362.
  26. AE 1974, 418.
  27. 1 2 CIL XIV, 1549.
  28. AE 2003, 446.
  29. CIL III, 1613.
  30. AE 1994, 1820b.
  31. CIL VI, 18107.
  32. CIL XIII, 1950.
  33. CIL XII, 2560.
  34. CIL XIV, 1548.
  35. CIL VI, 36259.
  36. 1 2 CIL XI, 140.
  37. AE 1917/18, 20.
  38. 1 2 AE 1982, 70.
  39. Silvestrini, Le Tribù Romane, p. 165.
  40. Leber, Die in Kärnten seit 1902 gefundenen römischen Steininschriften, 227.
  41. CIL VI, 2382.
  42. 1 2 CIL VI, 33904, CIL VI, 33905.
  43. CIL III, 505.
  44. CIL XIII, 6794.
  45. CIL III, 5078.
  46. AE 1952, 218.
  47. CIL VI, 25450.
  48. CIL III, 4778.
  49. CIL VIII, 7691.
  50. CIL V, 5367.
  51. CIL V, 4375.
  52. AE 1973, 644.
  53. AE 1904, 140.
  54. CIL V, 3720.
  55. CIL XIII, 8115.
  56. AE 1903, 150.
  57. CIL III, 10852.
  58. CIL V, 6080.
  59. CIL V, 4705.
  60. CIL XII, 2744.
  61. 1 2 AE 1977, 281.
  62. CIL VI, 7060.
  63. CIL VIII, 14665.
  64. CIL XIII, 3489.
  65. 1 2 CIL V, 4465.
  66. CIL XIII, 7875
  67. CIL V, 5368.
  68. CIL XIII, 6225.
  69. CIL XIII, 4256.
  70. CIL III, 2505.
  71. ICUR, iv. 12488.
  72. AE 1975, 613.
  73. AE 1988, 154.
  74. Speidel, Die römischen Schreibtafeln von Vindonissa, 25.
  75. ILAlg, ii. 2, 4977.
  76. CIL IV, 4634.
  77. ILGN, 246.
  78. ILGN, 225.
  79. CIL III, 7881.
  80. AE 1986, 200.
  81. AE 1969/70, 232.
  82. CIL VI, 25452.
  83. BCAR, 1941, 184.
  84. CIL XI, 5895.
  85. CIL XI, 208.
  86. CIL XII, 2509.
  87. CIL XIV, 2268.
  88. CIL XIII, 5211.
  89. CIL VI, 25451.


Theodor Mommsen German classical scholar, historian, jurist, journalist, politician, archaeologist and writer

Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen was a German classical scholar, historian, jurist, journalist, politician and archaeologist. He was one of the greatest classicists of the 19th century. His work regarding Roman history is still of fundamental importance for contemporary research. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902 for being "the greatest living master of the art of historical writing, with special reference to his monumental work, A History of Rome", after having been nominated by 18 members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. He was also a prominent German politician, as a member of the Prussian and German parliaments. His works on Roman law and on the law of obligations had a significant impact on the German civil code.

<i>Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum</i> comprehensive collection of ancient Latin inscriptions

The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL) is a comprehensive collection of ancient Latin inscriptions. It forms an authoritative source for documenting the surviving epigraphy of classical antiquity. Public and personal inscriptions throw light on all aspects of Roman life and history. The Corpus continues to be updated in new editions and supplements.

Giovanni Battista de Rossi Italian archaeologist

Giovanni Battista (Carlo) de Rossi was an Italian archaeologist, famous even outside his field for rediscovering early Christian catacombs.