Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding

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The Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding is a Qatari literary award for translation from and to Arabic. The total value of the award is $2 million. It is named in honor of Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the ruling Emir of Qatar from 1995 to 2013. It is among the world's richest literary prizes for translation.



Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding [1] was initiated by the FAIR Forum [2] (Forum for Arab and International Relations), in Doha, Qatar in 2015, in order to revive the culture of honoring translation and translators, which has been one of the pillars of Arab civilization throughout the ages. From Bayt Al-Hikma (The House of Wisdom) to Madrasat Al-Alsun (School of languages), translation played a major role in the exchanges between the Arab culture and the world throughout history. It enabled to convey thoughts and words and to build bridges between the two sides. Today, translation and translators still have an important role in promoting peace and harmony between different cultures.

The annual award consists of three categories:


The second language for the Translation Award was Chinese. The languages for the Achievement Awards category were Urdu, Amharic, Greek, and Dutch. [3]

Translation Awards

CategoryRankWinner (s)Translated Book
English to ArabicSecondMu`īn RūmīyahDictionary of the Social Sciences edited by Craig Calhoun
English to ArabicThirdJamāl Ibrāhīm SharafThe American Pragmatists by Cheryl Misak
Arabic to EnglishSecond Ovamir Anjum Ranks of the Divine Seekers by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Chinese to ArabicFirstYārā Ibrāhīm `Abd al-`Azīz al-Maṣrīal-Ḥubb fi al-qarn al-jadīd by Can Xue
Chinese to ArabicFirst bis.Isrā’ `Abd al-Sayyid Ḥasan Muḥammad Ḥajarū`at tārīkh al-Ṣīn edited by Zhang Qizhi
Chinese to ArabicThirdḤasanayn Fahmī ḤusaynThaqāfat al-ţa`ām al-Ṣīnī by Xie Dingyuan
Arabic to ChineseFirstGe Tieying (Māhir)al-Bukhalā` by al-Jāḥiẓ
Arabic to ChineseSecondWang Fu (Farīdah)Ṭawq al Ḥamām by Rajā’ `Ālim

Achievement Awards

AchievementLi Zhenzhong (`Alī)

Bayt al-Ḥikmah Group for Culture (Egypt)

Achievement Awards in Languages
  • Urdu - Muḥammad Ṭufayl Hāshimī
  • Urdu - `Abd al-Kabīr Muḥsin
  • Amharic - Al-Najāshī for Publishing and Distribution
  • Amharic - Ḥasan Tājū Legas
  • Greek - Persa Koumoutsi
  • Greek - Khālid Ra’ūf
  • Dutch - Richard van Leeuwen
Translation Encouragement Award
  • Usāma Ghawjī
  • Fahd Muţlaq al-`Utaybī


The second language for the Translation Award category was French. The languages for the Achievement Awards category are Japanese, Chinese, Persian, Urdu and Malay.

Source: [4]

Translation Awards

CategoryRankWinner(s)Translated book
Arabic to FrenchFirstPhilippe VigreuxLa Parole Est D’or (Maqāmāt al-Hamadhānī)
Arabic to FrenchSecondFrédéric LagrangeLes Basses Oeuvres (Tarmī bisharar by `Abduh Khal)
Arabic to FrenchSecondMay A. MahmoudPapa Sartre (Bābā Sartre by `Alī Badr)
French to ArabicFirstMaḥmūd ṬarshūnahAl-Yaman al-Sa`īd and Al-Yaman al-Islāmī (Le Yémen Bienheureux and Le Yémen Islamique by Radhi Daghfous)
French to ArabicFirstJān Mājid JabbūrZaman al-Madhlūlīn (Le Temps des Humiliés by Bertrand Badie)
French to ArabicSecondJamāl SheḥayyedAl-Masarrāt wa-al-Ayyām (Les Plaisirs et les Jours by Marcel Proust)
French to ArabicThirdMuḥmmad Ḥātimīand Muḥmmad JādūrAl-Uṣūl al-Ijtimā`īyah wa-al- Thaqāfīyah lil Waṭanīyah al-Maghribīyah (Les origines sociales et culturelles du nationalisme marocain by Abdallah Laroui)
French to ArabicThirdAḥmad al-ṢādiqīIbn `Arabī, Sīratuhu wa Fikruhu (Ibn ‘Arabi ou La Quête du Soufre Rouge by Claude Addas)
Arabic to EnglishFirst Paul Starkey The Shell (Al-Qawqa`ah by Muṣṭafá Khalīfah)
Arabic to EnglishFirstKatharine Halls and Adam TalibThe Dove’s Necklace (Ṭawq al-Ḥamām by Rajā’ `Ālim)
Arabic to EnglishSecondJibrīl Fu’ād ḤaddādThe Lights of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation (Anwār al-Tanzīl fī Asrār al-ta’wīl by Al-Bayḍāwī)
English to ArabicFirstMujāb Al-Imām

and Mu`īn Al-Imām

Uṣūl al-Niẓām al-Siyāsī and al-Niẓām al-Siyāsī wa al-Inḥiṭāṭ al-Siyāsī (The Origins of Political Order and Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama)
English to ArabicSecondYūsūf Bin `UthmānDirāsāt Niūtūnīyah (Newtonian Studies by Alexandre Koyré)
English to ArabicThirdḤamzah Bin QabalānAyyu Naw`in Mina al-Makhlūqāt Naḥnu? (What Kind of Creatures Are We? by Noam Chomsky)

Achievement Awards

Achievement Award for the French languageSindbad Publishers – Arles, France
Translation and Dictionaries StudiesĪsá Mammīshī

Muḥammad DīdāwīḤasan Sa`īd Ghazālah

Achievement Awards in Eastern Languages

(Chinese, Persian, Japanese, Malay, Urdu)

`Abd al-Jabbār al-Rifā`ī

Xue Qing Guo (Bassām)

Muḥammad al-Sa`īd Jamāl al-Dīn

`Abd al-`Azīz Ḥamdī `Abd al-`Azīz

Ḥafiẓ Ikrām-ul-Ḥaqq

Jalāl al-Sa`īd al-Hifnāwī

Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation - Tehran

2016 Edition

The second language for 2016 was Spanish.

Source: [5]

CategoryRankWinner(s)Translated book
Arabic to EnglishFirst Michael Cooperson [6] [7] Virtues of the Imām Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal by Ibn al-Jawzī [8]
Arabic to SpanishFirst Salvador Peña Martín [6] Mil y una noches in four volumes
Arabic to SpanishSecond Ignacio Ferrando Azazel by Youssef Ziedan
Arabic to SpanishThird Mahmud Sobh El diván de la poesía Árabe oriental y Andalusí
English to ArabicFirst Murād Tadghūt Arabic Manuscripts: A Vademecum for Readers by Adam Gacek
English to ArabicSecond Ḥasan Ḥilmī The Cantos of Ezra Pound (selections) and Personae: Collected Shorter Poems (selections)
English to ArabicThird Muṣṭafa Muḥammad `abd Allah Qāsim Constantinople: City of the World's Desire 1453-1924 by Philip Mansel
Spanish to ArabicFirst Saleh Almani [9] [10] Diez mujeres by Marcela Serrano
Spanish to ArabicSecond Sulaymān Al `aṭṭār El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha
Spanish to ArabicThird `alī Ibrāhīm Menūfī Hatshapsut: de reina a Faraón de Egipto by Teresa Bedman and Francisco J. Martín Valentín
Achievement Award Casa Árabe, Madrid, Córdoba, Spain [11]
Achievement AwardBanipal Publishing, London, UK [6]
Achievement Award Ibn Tufayl Foundation for Arabic Studies, Almería, Spain

2015 Edition

The second language for 2017 was Turkish.

Source: [12]

CategoryRankWinner(s)Translated book
Arabic to EnglishFirst Geert Jan van Gelder [13] Gregor Schoeler [14] Epistle of Forgiveness by Al-Ma`arrī [15]
Arabic to EnglishSecond Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law by al-Shāṭibī
Arabic to EnglishSecond Issa Boullata The Unique Necklace by Ibn `Abd Rabbihi
Arabic to EnglishThird Ferial Ghazoul [16] John Verlenden [16] Chronicles of Majnun Layla and Selected Poems [17]
Arabic to TurkishFirstMuhammet Ҫelik [18] al-`aql al-akhlāqī al-`Arabī by Muḥammad `Ābid al-Jābirī
Arabic to TurkishSecondOsman GumanDalā’il al-i`jāz by `Abd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī
Arabic to TurkishThirdÖmer TürkerSharḥ al-mawāqif by al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī
English to ArabicFirstImām `Abd al-Fattāḥ ImāmMulticultural Odysseys by Will Kymlicka
English to ArabicSecondFāyiz Ṣuyyāgh The Age of Extremes by Eric Hobsbawm
English to ArabicThirdAḥmad Sālim Sālim `Alī `ĪsāA History of Egypt in the Middle Ages by Stanley Lane-Poole
English to ArabicThirdAḥmad Ḥasan al-Ma`īnīThe Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran by Homa Katouzian
Turkish to ArabicFirstFazel Bayatal-Bilād al-`Arabīyah fī al-wathā’iq al-`Uthmānīyah (four volumes)
Turkish to ArabicSecond`Abd al-Qādir `AbdallīHuzur by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar
Turkish to ArabicThirdṢafwān ShalabīLa wujūd limāyud`ā bilghad (Collection of Turkish short stories)
Achievement AwardThe Arab Organization for Translation (Al-Munaẓẓamah al-`Arabīyah li-al-Tarjamah)

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  1. "Hamad Award". Hamad Award. Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  2. "منتدى العلاقات العربية والدولية -". منتدى العلاقات العربية والدولية (in Arabic). Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  3. "2021". Retrieved 2021-12-26.
  4. "2017 winners". Hamad Award for Translation. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  5. "2016 winners". Hamad Award for Translation. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  6. 1 2 3 "Winners of Qatar's Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation Include Michael Cooperson, Salvador Peña Martín, Banipal". Arabic Literature (in English). 2016-12-14. Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  7. "Professor Cooperson wins the Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation - Near Eastern Languages & Cultures - UCLA". Near Eastern Languages & Cultures - UCLA. 2016-12-14. Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  8. "Advanced Search - NYU Press". Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  9. "Dr Salem Almani Wins the Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation 2016 | Nasher News". Retrieved 2017-09-17.
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  11. "Casa Árabe wins Sheikh Hamad Award for International Understanding". 18 December 2016. Retrieved 2017-09-17.
  12. "2015 winners". Hamad Award for Translation. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  13. "Geert Jan van Gelder joint winner of Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation | British Academy". British Academy. Retrieved 2017-09-21.
  14. "Sheikh Hamad Award für Gregor Schoeler". (in Swiss High German). Retrieved 2017-09-21.
  15. "The Epistle of Forgiveness wins big! | Library of Arabic Literature". 7 December 2015. Retrieved 2017-09-21.
  16. 1 2 "AUC Faculty Receive Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding". The American University in Cairo. 2016-01-11. Retrieved 2017-09-21.
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  18. "'Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation' to Theology Student".