Shooting at the 1960 Summer Olympics – Men's 50 metre rifle three positions

Last updated


Men's shooting
at the Games of the XVII Olympiad
Venue Umberto I Shooting Range
Dates7-8 September 1960
Competitors75 from 41 nations
Gold medal icon.svg Viktor Shamburkin
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Silver medal icon.svg Marat Nyýazow
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Bronze medal icon.svg Klaus Zähringer
Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany

The men's 50 metre rifle three positions rifle shooting event at the 1960 Olympic Games took place on 7–8 September 1960 with 75 shooters from 41 nations competing. [1] The three positions consist of; prone position, kneeling position and standing position.


All shooters scoring 530 points are better, of the two qualifying groups, qualify for the final round.

Qualifying round

Group one

1 Iosif Sîrbu Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania 195188186569
2 Otakar Hořínek Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg  Czechoslovakia 190191185566
3 Jerzy Nowicki Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland 195190180565
4 Jim Hill Flag of the United States.svg  United States 197191173561
5 Marat Nyýazow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 196193171560
6 Bernd Klingner Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany 196187177560
7 Esa Kervinen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 194188178560
8 Walther Fröstell Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 193188173554
9 Michiel Victor Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South Africa 199187167553
10 Imre Simkó Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 194181178553
11 Georges Wahler Flag of France.svg  France 190190172552
12 Josef Fröwis Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 193182176551
13 Magne Landrø Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 188187176551
14 Norman Rule Flag of Australia.svg  Australia 192188169549
15 Ivan Lazarov Flag of Bulgaria (1948-1967).svg  Bulgaria 186186177549
16 Steffen Cranmer Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain 190189168547
17 Miroslav Stojanović Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Yugoslavia 190182175547
18 Uffe Schultz Larsen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 187184173544
19 Jorge di Giandoménico Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina 193178172543
20 Evald Gering Flag of Canada (1957-1965).svg  Canada 195179168542
21 Wu Tao-yan Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Formosa 189187164540
22 Georgios Liveris Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg  Greece 191182164537
23 Bernardo San Juan Flag of the Philippines (1936-1985, 1986-1998).svg  Philippines 189180167536
24 Hans Schönenberger Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 190174170534
25 Sergio Rolandi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 189179165533
26 Hannan Crystal Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 191167174532
27 Frans Lafortune Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 191180159530
28 Carlos Cedron Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 189177162528
29 José María Vallsera Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 189181157527
30 Gilbert Scorsoglio Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 184174158516
31 José Llorens Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 177182157516
32 Manoel da Silva Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 192162154508
33 Guido Wolf Flag of Liechtenstein (1937-1982).svg  Liechtenstein 179170144493
34 Saroj Silpikul Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 184171133488
35 Gholam Hossein Mobaser State Flag of Iran (1933-1964).svg  Iran 190155126471
36 Gibreel Ali Flag of Sudan (1956-1970).svg  Sudan 181161112454
37 Abdesselem Lahmidi Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 1589761316

Group two

1János HolupFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 197190175562
2 Viktor Shamburkin Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 197189176562
3 Hubert Hammerer Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 195189178562
4 Pauli Janhonen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 189190182561
5 Daniel Puckel Flag of the United States.svg  United States 190192178560
6 Anders Kvissberg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 196181182559
7 Branislav Lončar Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Yugoslavia 193185180558
8 Dušan Houdek Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg  Czechoslovakia 192191175558
9 Nicolae Rotaru Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania 192189176557
10 Niels Petersen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 191182183556
11 Velichko Velichkov Flag of Bulgaria (1948-1967).svg  Bulgaria 191184180555
12 Klaus Zähringer Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany 188189178555
13 Pedro Armella Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina 198182174554
14 Henryk Górski Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland 183192179554
15 Kurt Müller Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 189189174552
16 Johannes Human Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South Africa 196182167545
17 Pierre Guy Flag of France.svg  France 192181172545
18 Erling Kongshaug Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 188182175545
19 Jacques Lafortune Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 193185165543
20 Rafael Peles Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 194180167541
21 Vincenzo Biava Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 189179173541
22 Don Tolhurst Flag of Australia.svg  Australia 194189157540
23 Gil Boa Flag of Canada (1957-1965).svg  Canada 195190153538
24 Takao Ishii Flag of Japan (1870-1999).svg  Japan 187180171538
25 Adolfo Feliciano Flag of the Philippines (1936-1985, 1986-1998).svg  Philippines 190178165533
26 Derek Robinson Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain 190182159531
27 Nikolaos Triantafyllopoulos Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg  Greece 189180162531
28 Luiz Martins Flag of Brazil (1960-1968).svg  Brazil 193171161525
29 António Tavares Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 188172165525
30 Carlos Lastarria Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 187170167524
31 José Manuel Andoin Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain 182176161519
32 Krisada Arunwong Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 185171160516
33 Gustav Kaufmann Flag of Liechtenstein (1937-1982).svg  Liechtenstein 182166159507
34 Saifi Chaudhry Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 185160161506
35 Francis Boisson Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 189164151504
36 Victor Kremer Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 178160150488
37 Omar Anas Flag of Sudan (1956-1970).svg  Sudan 15313395381
38 Bouchaib Zeroual Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 15597108360

A total of 120 shots are taken 40 from each position, for a total of 400 points at each position. With the possibility of 1,200 overall points.


Gold medal icon.svg Viktor Shamburkin Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 3943863691149=WR
Silver medal icon.svg Marat Nyýazow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 3843883731145
Bronze medal icon.svg Klaus Zähringer Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany 3943813641139
4 Dušan Houdek Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg  Czechoslovakia 3873863661139
5 Jerzy Nowicki Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland 3943783651137
6 Esa Kervinen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 3923813641137
7 Daniel Puckel Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3903853611136
8János HolupFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 3943843561134
9 Josef Fröwis Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 3893813641134
10 Otakar Hořínek Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg  Czechoslovakia 3933733671133
11 Hubert Hammerer Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 3913823591132
12 Iosif Sîrbu Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania 3903843571131
13 Pauli Janhonen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 3923773611130
14 Velichko Velichkov Flag of Bulgaria (1948-1967).svg  Bulgaria 3913823551128
15 Imre Simkó Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 3893803591128
16 Anders Kvissberg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 3903753621127
17 Kurt Müller Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 3843703721126
18 Bernd Klingner Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany 3913803521123
19 Henryk Górski Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland 3823883521122
20 Ivan Lazarov Flag of Bulgaria (1948-1967).svg  Bulgaria 3823783601120
21 Miroslav Stojanović Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Yugoslavia 3923693561117
22 Hans Schönenberger Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 3913703561117
23 Niels Petersen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 3863693611116
24 Jim Hill Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3923783451115
25 Nicolae Rotaru Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania 3943733471114
26 Walther Fröstell Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 3893763481113
27 Don Tolhurst Flag of Australia.svg  Australia 3883763491113
28 Georges Wahler Flag of France.svg  France 3853713561112
29 Derek Robinson Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain 3853733531111
30 Takao Ishii Flag of Japan (1870-1999).svg  Japan 3863773471110
31 Jacques Lafortune Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 3863753471108
32 Pierre Guy Flag of France.svg  France 3853743491108
33 Jorge di Giandoménico Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina 3863703511107
34 Pedro Armella Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina 3883803381106
35 Johannes Human Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South Africa 3913673471105
36 Wu Tao-yan Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Formosa 3923773351104
37 Branislav Lončar Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Yugoslavia 3843793411104
38 Erling Kongshaug Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 3843703501104
39 Magne Landrø Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 3893643501103
40 Adolfo Feliciano Flag of the Philippines (1936-1985, 1986-1998).svg  Philippines 3873653511103
41 Vincenzo Biava Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 3833723721099
42 Frans Lafortune Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 3833673491099
43 Steffen Cranmer Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain 3873733381098
44 Michiel Victor Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South Africa 3923773281097
45 Norman Rule Flag of Australia.svg  Australia 3863663661095
46 Sergio Rolandi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 3883693691091
47 Evald Gering Flag of Canada (1957-1965).svg  Canada 3853723341091
48 Hannan Crystal Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 3883563431087
49 Georgios Liveris Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg  Greece 3843713321087
50 Rafael Peles Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 3883703261084
51 Bernardo San Juan Flag of the Philippines (1936-1985, 1986-1998).svg  Philippines 3823673341083
52 Gil Boa Flag of Canada (1957-1965).svg  Canada 3883583311077
53 Uffe Schultz Larsen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 3763593421077
54 Nikolaos Triantafyllopoulos Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg  Greece 3773583211056

Key: =WR = equalled world record


  1. "Shooting at the 1960 Rome Summer Games: Men's Small-Bore Rifle, Three Positions, 50 metres". Archived from the original on 18 April 2020. Retrieved 3 July 2015.