Social history (medicine)

Last updated • 1 min readFrom Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

In medicine, a social history (abbreviated "SocHx") [1] is a portion of the medical history (and thus the admission note) addressing familial, occupational, and recreational aspects of the patient's personal life that have the potential to be clinically significant.



Components can include inquiries about:

Relation to history

CMS required history elements [2]
Type of history CC HPI ROS Past, family, and/or social
Problem focusedRequiredBriefN/AN/A
Expanded problem focusedRequiredBriefProblem pertinentN/A

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  1. "". Archived from the original on January 1, 2004. Retrieved 2009-04-10.
  2. "Evaluation and Management Services Guide" (PDF). December 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-11. Retrieved 2011-02-27.