Soling European Championship results (2015–2019)

Last updated • 1 min readFrom Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Soling insigna.png
Soling Line Drawing.svg
Name Soling

The main article describes all European Soling Championships from one the first held in 1968 to the announced Championships in the near future. This article states the detailed results, where relevant the controversies, and the progression of the Championship during the series race by race of the European Soling Championships in the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. This is based on the major sources: World Sailing, the world governing body for the sport of sailing recognized by the IOC and the IPC, and the publications of the International Soling Association.


2015 Final results

2015 [1] [2]
View from Muggelberge viewpoint 2019-06-13 10.jpg
Großer Müggelsee Panorama
Event title
Edition48 [3] [4] [5]
Host Yachtclub Berlin-Grünau e.V.
Event details
Venue Grünau (Berlin),
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Dates13–19 September
Opening ceremony15 September
Competing nations6
Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Germany.svg  Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Ingo Borkowski
Bernd Jäkel
Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Farkas Litkey
Károly Vezér
Gábor Oroszlán
Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Igor Yushko
Serhiy Pichuhin
Igor Severianov
RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Germany.svg  GER Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Ingo Borkowski
(race 1–8)
Bernd Jäkel
(race 9)
GER 33311 3 311111111111111118
Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Farkas Litkey Károly Vezér
Oroszlán Gábor
HUN 11552222332222221010 DNC 285628
Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Igor Yushko Serhiy Pichuhin
Igor Severianov
UKR 1 22 2211665544554466555836
4Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Sándor Varjas László Kovácsi
Gábor Meretei
HUN 1885588445566 12 1255445745
5Flag of Germany.svg  GER Karl Haist Martin Zeileis
Irene Haist
GER 308 9 966999977883333335748
6Flag of Germany.svg  GER Uwe Steingroß Karsten Eller
Tim Giesecke
GER 32322447788 14 1477771212226349
7Flag of Germany.svg  GER Hendrik Witzmann Markus Koy
Knud Seelig
GER 25 13 131111101022333355111111116956
8Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Thomas Olbrich
Rob Morris
GER 11010101044 11 116644111122996756
9Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rudy den Outer Gavin Lidlow
Robin Segaar
NED 331818883366 OCS 281212171788151511587
10Flag of Germany.svg  GER Michael Dietzel Tim Schutte
Hannes Ramoser
GER 11151577151513139910101313 17 178810790
11Flag of the United States.svg  USA Matias Collins François Gombeaud
Christopher Laske
USA 85333 17 17161612121111131316161313101011194
12Flag of Germany.svg  GER Daniel Diesing Stefan Peuker
Sven Rikwald
GER 2096614141313 OCS 28881818101077202012496
13Flag of Germany.svg  GER Holger Weichert Laurent Scheel
Martin Setzkorn
GER 497799121277DNE281111881414 19 1911596
14Flag of Germany.svg  GER Volker Stoof Arne Schmidt-Hess
Peter Stoof
GER 288171718185518181818 20 206644131311999
15Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala Pepe Németh
Kristóf Joó
HUN 7744 OCS 2811111717DSQ28141414149966131103
16Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ludwig Beurle Eberhard Franke
Markus Gnan
AUT 102141420202222101013139999 20 201414131109
17Flag of Germany.svg  GER Winfried Geisler Carsten Beister
Markus Guhrs
GER 3112121131317171616121219191515 21 2177141120
18Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Andreas Moosgassner Phillip Boustnay
Peter Schaup
AUT 13016161919 20 20151510101515181818181212143123
19Flag of Germany.svg  GER Peter Knauft Mirko Jarius
Christian Kuhn
GER 22519191212 21 21141415151616202015151616148127
20Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gernot Heller Gerhard Auerswald
Leonardo Selva
GER 3121212151519191919161617172121 23 231717159136
21Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Istvan Szucs Gabor Gyulai
Peter Szucs
HUN 17111122221414212119192121 23 2316162222169146
22Flag of Germany.svg  GER Günter Kring Andreas Finck
Peter Seidlitz
GER 299 23 2316161818202017172222191922222121178155
23Flag of Germany.svg  GER Rainer Lewin Dieter Lewin
Norbert Brinkmann
GER 31320202121 23 23222220202323222219191818188165
24Flag of Germany.svg  GER Lutz Rommel Thomas Krueger
Roland Lindenblatt
GER 32424242323242423232121 DNF 2824242424OCS28219191
25Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Holler Peter Farbowski
Mattijs Holler
26Flag of Germany.svg  GER Christian Mack Florian Lautenschlaeger
Thomas Fabry
27Flag of Germany.svg  GER Emil Kuchta Susanne Kuchta
Gudrun Kuchta
GER 213 DNS 28DNS28DNC28DNC28DNC28DNC28DNC28DNC28DNC28252224

    Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNE – Non excludable disqualification;DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;OCSOn the course side of the starting line;
    Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

    Progress EC Soling 2015.png

    2016 Final results

    2016 [1] [2]
    Ebensee am Traunsee.jpg
    Event title
    Edition49 [6] [7] [8]
    Host Segelclub Ebensee
    Event details
    Venue Ebensee am Traunsee,
    Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
    Dates2–5 May
    Opening ceremony1 May
    Competing nations11
    Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
    Christian Binder
    Christian Feitchinger
    Klaus Kratochwill
    Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
    Farkas Litkey
    Kristoff Joo
    Gabor Croszian
    Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
    Peter Hall
    Will Hall
    Steve Lacey
    RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

    Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Binder Christian Feitchinger
    Klaus Kratochwill
    AUT 114444477221122 12 1211553826
    Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Farkas Litkey Kristoff Joo
    Gabor Croszian
    HUN 1133 14 14111122666644334026
    Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Peter Hall William Hall
    Steve Lacey
    CAN 225227733 14 1444335522224228
    4Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Sándor Varjas László Kovácsi
    Gábor Meretei
    HUN 15533224433552222 UFD 36668650
    5Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Florian Felzmann Margund Schuh
    Michael Felzmann
    AUT 1351112129999 17 1777443311117356
    6Flag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Igor Yushko Serhiy Pichuhin
    Igor Severianov
    UKR 113131188889911131366 14 147359
    7Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rudy den Outer Rob Wapenaar
    Flag of Austria.svg  Peter Farbowski  (AUT)
    NED 3388111113135566441010 UFD 369910266
    8Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  GBR Christian Spießberger Heino Shuckmann
    Markus Stalhofer
    GBR 17010106666191910101515 21 211010119877
    9Flag of Spain.svg  ESP Jaime Alonso Allende Cuco Gomez
    Carlos Elosegui
    ESP 1461616991212262677141422 DSQ 364412690
    10Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Gennadi Strakh
    Mitja Nevečny
    SLO 1121222221414331313212111 UFD 368813094
    11Flag of the United States.svg  USA Charlie Kamps Jeremy McMahon
    Scott Stroud
    USA 832 25 252218187715151111141420201919131106
    12Flag of Germany.svg  GER Michael Dietzel Anna Dietzel
    Hannes Ramoser
    GER 116616164425251818121299 UFD 361717143107
    13Flag of Germany.svg  GER Karl Haist Martin Zeileis
    Irene Haist
    GER 308771010551010272719191818 UFD 361313145109
    14Flag of Germany.svg  GER Tim Giesecke Sven Rikwald
    Volker Stoof
    GER 209 30 3029291919121221219916167777150120
    15Flag of France.svg  FRA Yves Steff Yves Allain
    Lous-Etienne Du Reau
    FRA 18215151515 28 281313882323151513132222152124
    16Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Ronald den Arend
    Hans Zijlstra
    NED 38992525161618181919 28 28111116161515157129
    17Flag of the United States.svg  USA Matias Collins Andreas Baumüller
    Raimund Machatschek
    USA 853 22 22191920202121121222223314142020153131
    18Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Andreas Blaschke Heinz Risch
    Clemens Blaschke
    AUT 13917172121 29 291515252517171717991010160131
    19Flag of Germany.svg  GER Matthias Dulce Klaus Gaede
    Eberhard Frank
    GER 323 29 29242421212222141416167718181212163134
    20Flag of Germany.svg  GER Daniel Diesing Stefan Peuker
    Andreas Finck
    GER 245191918182626661616 DNS 36881111OCS36176140
    21Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Peter Neumann Rudolf Hubauer
    Rudolf Rager
    AUT 122181813132323 24 2423231313191917172323173149
    22Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Harald Eder Peter Steinkogler
    Josef Matrai
    AUT 8526265522222323222288 UFD 3688OCS36186150
    23Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Harald Schuh Stephan Puxkandl
    Stephen Beurle
    AUT 971111171710101616552020 DNS 36DNS36DNS36187151
    24Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Istvan Szucs Gabor Gyulai
    Peter Szucs
    HUN 171414882424282811111010 UFD 36UFD362424191155
    25Flag of France.svg  FRA Marc Lefevre François Gombeaud
    Marc Furic
    FRA 142828272711113131 30 301818262615151818204173
    26Flag of the United States.svg  USA Stuart H. Walker Volker Moser
    Ross Dierdoff
    USA 839232331312525272729292727 32 32551616215183
    27Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Sebastian Hopf Gabor Helmhout
    Robin de jong
    NED 463131 34 341515171724242525232322222828219185
    28Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ludwig Beurle Christian Fischer
    Ekkehart Steinhuber
    AUT 102272728282727111120202626 29 2925252727220191
    29Flag of the United States.svg  USA Henry Thomas Christian Kalhs
    Tom Mitchell
    USA 798 35 3520201717202026263131313121212525226191
    30Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gernot Heller Gert Auerswald
    Paul Helbig
    GER 31224242323 30 30292928282424202019192626223193
    31Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Ehrenberger Florian Ehrenberger
    Egon Spendling Wimmer
    AUT 1042121 35 353232323232323030282812123131253218
    32Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Rene Musey Bernd Kaltenbrunner
    Walter Haschka
    AUT 1242020323231313030333334342727 DNF 362121264228
    33Flag of Germany.svg  GER Emil Kuchta Sabine Kuchta
    Susanne Kuchta
    GER 243 33 3333333333333331312929242423233030269236
    34Flag of Germany.svg  GER Lutz Rommel Thomas Kruger
    Roland Lindenblatt
    GER 32432322626 34 34343434343232252524243232273239
    35Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Julian Hofmaninger Markus Schofmann
    Phillipp Konrad
    AUT 433434303035353535 DNS 363333303026262929288252

      Legend:DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;OCSOn the course side of the starting line;UFD – "U" flag disqualification;
      Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

      Progress EC Soling 2016.png

      2017 Final results

      2017 [1] [2]
      Fraglia Vela Riva (FVR).png
      Fraglia Vela Riva during Soling Europeans 2017
      Event title
      Edition50 [9] [10] [11]
      Host Fraglia Vela Riva (FVR)
      Event details
      Venue Riva del Garda,
      Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
      Dates13–17 July
      Opening ceremony12 July
      Competing nations11
      Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
      Farkas Litkey
      Rodrigo Ferres
      Miguel Lacour
      Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
      Florian Felzmann
      Michael Felzmann
      Margund Schuh
      Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
      Igor Yushko
      Serhiy Pichuhin
      Igor Severianov
      RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

      Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Farkas Litkey Károly Vezér
      Csaba Weinhardt
      HUN 117711223322 12 124488224129
      Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Florian Felzmann Michael Felzmann
      Margund Schuh
      AUT 13510102211221111665544 13 135441
      Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Igor Yushko Serhiy Pichuhin
      Igor Severianov
      UKR 12244776666221010 14 14445541
      4Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Peter Hall William Hall
      Peter Farbowski
      CAN 225 22 229944131388111111556442
      5Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala Christoph Wossala
      Pepe Németh
      HUN 7711 DSQ 383311772222993311119557
      6Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
      Hans Zijlstra
      NED 3344101012129955771414 19 19118162
      7Flag of the United States.svg  USA Matias Collins Rob Mountain
      David Baum
      USA 8531313 19 196655101088227714148465
      8Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Tom Freeman Blair Tully
      Dave Veldstra
      CAN 23399 20 20161610101515443399338969
      9Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Sándor Varjas László Kovácsi
      Gábor Meretei
      HUN 1331212 20 2077441313881717999373
      10Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Bjorn Geisler
      Valentin Koch
      GER 11515551515 16 1611331515111110109175
      11Flag of Germany.svg  GER Michael Dietzel Vera Geck
      Sigrid Dietzel
      GER 1166888812121414101077 21 21181810483
      12Flag of Slovakia.svg  SVK Peter Mosny Anton Szomolanyi
      Marek Jankovic
      SVK 1262666551111331515 29 2916167711889
      13Flag of Germany.svg  GER Thomas Scherer Dominik Meissner
      Markus Stallhofer
      GER 3318811111111151512121414 21 2166161611493
      14Flag of Spain.svg  ESP Carlos Elosegui Gomez Arisqueta Joaquin
      Juan Ramón Jiménez
      ESP 2655331313141499161618181818 DNF 3813496
      15Flag of Germany.svg  GER Tim Giesecke Johannes Glitzky
      Sven Rikwald
      GER 209 31 3116162222442121232366221212137106
      16Flag of Germany.svg  GER Karl Haist Martin Zeileis
      Max Haist
      GER 308252513131010881616 26 261111151588132106
      17Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Bruno Maffezzoli Pierfrancesco Maffezzoli
      Marco Maffezzoli
      ITA 259121277 OCS 381818131399131323231515148110
      18Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Feichtinger Florian Leitner
      Klaus Kratochwill
      AUT 1141818 23 2318182222171711111212131366140117
      19Flag of Austria.svg  AUT David Schuh Harald Schuh
      Tobias Schuh
      AUT 972121252525252323232355 33 3310102222187154
      20Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Michele Campagnoni Francesco Finini
      Davide Arata
      ITA 21511111818262624241818 33 33202012122727189156
      21Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Han van Veen Tom van Veen
      Ralph Heemskerk
      NED 49 28 28212199171722222020242428282525194166
      22Flag of France.svg  FRA Marc Lefevre François Gombeaud
      Marc Furic
      FRA 1981414303023232121262621211717 31 312424207176
      23Flag of Germany.svg  GER Christian Mack Florian Lautenschlaeger
      Thomas Fabry
      GER 12 34 3424242121252520202525191924242323215181
      24Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Alex Hasch Bernhard Kreutzer
      Oskar Hasch
      AUT 12723231717272720202424 30 30272729292020217187
      25Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Michele Tognozzi Haakon Haraldsen
      Christian Rieder
      ITA 258363626261414 DNF 3819192929282822221717229191
      26Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ludwig Beurle Christian Fischer
      Ekkehart Steinhuber
      AUT 1021919 31 312828292925252424161627272828227196
      27Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Federico Boracchi Vincenzo Greco Manuli
      Andrea Negri
      ITA 251303014141717303027272828 35 3525253030236201
      28Flag of Germany.svg  GER Matthias Dulce Sean O'Meara
      Eberhard Franke
      GER 3233232 33 332424282829291818232326262121234201
      29Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Istvan Szucs Gabor Gyulai
      Peter Szucs
      HUN 1717172828191927273131 35 35303034341919240205
      30Flag of Spain.svg  ESP Francisco Villa Miguel Martinez
      Miguel Allo
      ESP 46202032323232 DNF 38DNS381919222255DNF38244206
      31Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Fabio Armellini Attilia Papini
      Nicola Armellini
      ITA 2413333343430302626 DNS 381717262620202626250212
      32Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Ben Boogaerdt Gerben den Hartog
      Karsten Kraan
      NED 372727272731311919282832322525 36 362929254218
      33Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gernot Heller Gerhard Auerswald
      Frank Gundlach
      GER 31229291515292931313030313134343232 DNF 38269231
      34Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Johann Kalhs Nikolaus Kalhs
      Tamara Kalhs
      AUT 13624243535 DNF 38323233332727323230303232283245
      35Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Alberto De Amicis Monica Cameroni
      Marco De Amicis
      ITA 252353522223434 DNF 38DNS383434313133333131296258
      36Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Hermann Beurle Stephan Beurle
      Veronika Beurle
      AUT 18516162929 OCS 38DNF38DNS38DNC38DNC38DNC38DNC38311273
      37Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Danker Rijk Danker Rijk Jr.
      Arko Hoondert
      NED 48 37 3736363333333332323636363635353333311274

        Legend:DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DSQ – Disqualified;OCSOn the course side of the starting line;
        Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

        Progress EC Soling 2017.png

        2018 Final results

        2018 [1] [2]
        Alsoors madartavlatbol 2015. junius 11..jpg
        Alsóőrs Marina
        Event title
        Edition51 [12] [13]
        Host Alsóőrs Marina
        Event details
        Venue Alsóörs,
        Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
        Dates1–5 May
        Opening ceremony30 April
        Competing nations9
        Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
        Sándor Varjas
        László Kovácsi
        Gábor Meretei
        Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
        György Wossala
        Pepe Németh
        Christoph Wossala
        Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
        Annamária Sabján
        Bea Majoross
        András Bajusz
        RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

        Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Sándor Varjas László Kovácsi
        Gábor Meretei
        HUN 111 OCS 23116611331122664421
        Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala Pepe Németh
        Christoph Wossala
        HUN 77 12 121122111188223333444634
        Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Annamária Sabján Bea Majoross
        András Bajusz
        HUN 1188333311337799 10 10885242
        4Flag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Igor Yushko Serhiy Pichuhin
        Alexey Kurilenko
        UKR 1339911114455 17 172244556043
        5Flag of Finland.svg  FIN Eki Heinonen Gabor Helmhout
        Jenny van der Werf
        FIN 4622 OCS 2388121277995511116845
        6Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Mogens Jørgensen Kim Joergensen
        Flemming Jensen
        DEN 12844669988 15 15664455336045
        7Flag of Germany.svg  GER Michael Dietzel Hannes Ramoser
        Anna Dietzel
        GER 11552266226613131010 14 14226046
        8Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
        Rob Verburg
        NED 33661111 13 1333121211111177777158
        9Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Martin Zeileis
        Valentin Koch
        GER 199445555 16 164413138811117559
        10Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Damian Meys
        Geert Verheij
        NED 3877101022111188 15 1577121212128469
        11Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Andreas Moosgassner Phillip Boustnay
        Peter Schaup
        AUT 13011118810109944 19 1912126614149374
        12Flag of Germany.svg  GER Christian Mack Christan Kahls
        Thomas Fábry
        GER 2775544 16 16101019191212131310109677
        13Flag of the United States.svg  USA Matias Collins Robert Mountain
        Jonas Ballenberger
        USA 853151577771010131388 15 151111151510186
        14Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN William Haliburton Mike Evans
        Simon Zeh
        CAN 23613131212 16 16151599111188999910286
        15Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN Istvan Szucs Gabor Gyulai
        Peter Szucs
        HUN 17161617171717 19 19141455141416161717135116
        16Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Eli Schroeder Bjarne Nielsen
        Lars Østergaard
        DEN 127 18 1813131818141411111414171717171313135117
        17Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Ben Boogaerdt Gerben den Hartog
        Kraan Karsten
        NED 3714141616 19 19131318181010161618181616140121
        18Flag of Germany.svg  GER Gernot Heller Gerhard Auerswald
        Frank Gundlach
        GER 31217171414121218181717121220201515 DNC 23148125
        19Flag of Denmark.svg  DEN Ole Buskbjerg Jan Elling
        Martin Klein
        DEN 1292020151515151717202018181818 DNC 23DNC23169146
        20Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Peter Verboom Mart Leenaars
        Ilse Verboom
        NED 53191918182121 20 2019191616191919191818169148
        21Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Ronald Backer Dirks Nickel Koch
        Sigrid Dietzel
        NED 51 21 2119192020212121212121212120201919183162
        22Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Han van Veen Benjamin Verboom
        Nicky van Zon
        NED 49 RET 23RET23RET23RET23RET23RET23RET23RET23RET23207184

          Legend:DNF – Did not finish;OCSOn the course side of the starting line;
          Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

          Progress EC Soling 2018.png

          2019 Final results

          2019 [1] [2]
          Il lago di Garda da Torbole -2 - panoramio.jpg
          Lake Garda Panorama
          Event title
          Edition52 [14] [15] [16]
          Host Circolo Vela Torbole
          Event details
          Venue Torbole,
          Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
          Dates25–29 June
          Opening ceremony24 June
          Competing nations11
          Gold medal icon.svg GoldFlag of Finland.svg  Finland
          Eki Heinonen
          Gabor Helmhout
          Mathias Heinonen
          Silver medal icon.svg SilverFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
          Sándor Varjas
          László Kovácsi
          Gábor Meretei
          Bronze medal icon.svg BronzeFlag of Austria.svg  Austria
          Florian Felzmann
          Michael Felzmann
          Markus Gnan
          RankCountry Helmsman CrewSail No.Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9TotalTotal

          Gold medal icon.svgFlag of Finland.svg  FIN Eki Heinonen Gabor Helmhout
          Mathias Heinonen
          FIN 461133 11 116622113311112918
          Silver medal icon.svgFlag of Hungary.svg  HUN Sándor Varjas László Kovácsi
          Gábor Meretei
          HUN 1 11 1111553333664433333928
          Bronze medal icon.svgFlag of Austria.svg  AUT Florian Felzmann Michael Felzmann
          Markus Gnan
          AUT 7336644 11 1155551122444130
          4Flag of Germany.svg  GER Roman Koch Felix Kling
          Lukas Neun
          GER 155449988 17 17226644776245
          5Flag of Ukraine.svg  UKR Igor Yushko Serhiy Pichuhin
          Sergej Ivansits
          UKR 199 11 1133551199101077225746
          6Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN Peter Hall Will Hall
          Martin Robitaille
          CAN 2257722101022 19 1977161666557455
          7Flag of Slovenia.svg  SLO Boštjan Antončič Gennadi Strakh
          Gregor Rejec
          SLO 12222 OCS 33771144882299669259
          8Flag of Germany.svg  GER Karl Haist Martin Zeileis
          Irene Haist
          GER 3082288111818774488 DNF 3315159663
          9Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
          Ramzi Souli
          NED 33447722 22 2212121919998812129573
          10Flag of Hungary.svg  HUN György Wossala Christoph Wossala
          Konstantin Wossala
          HUN 77161655 29 29772828335510109911283
          11Flag of Germany.svg  GER Christian Mack Florian Lautenschlaeger
          Christian Kalhs
          GER 2 21 219913134416161616111155111110685
          12Flag of the United States.svg  USA Matias Collins Andreas Baumueller
          Rodolfo Galloni
          USA 853 25 25131318181414101010107717178812297
          13Flag of Germany.svg  GER Heino Schuckmann Markus Marquardt
          Markus Stallhofer
          GER 3311212121266 23 2320201212131315151919132109
          14Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Christian Feichtinger Florian Leitner
          Klaus kratochwill
          AUT 11466 RET 3312121919DSQ331414121211111010150117
          15Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Bruno Maffezzoli Pier Francesco Maffezzoli
          Gianni Morando
          ITA 259881818151599881717 DNS 331414DNS33155122
          16Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Nynke Verwoerd Kai Spruijt
          Stijn Kruijt
          NED 441313 27 271414101025252424141412121616155128
          17Flag of Germany.svg  GER Matthias Dulce Simon Zeh
          Eberhart Franke
          GER 3231717141417172525661313 DNS 3322222222169136
          18Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Bram Soethoudt Eric Hoeboer
          Sjors Hersberg
          NED 3815151515161628282323 29 29151513131414168139
          19Flag of Germany.svg  GER Michael Dietzel Anna Dietzel
          Susanne Küffer
          GER 11 DNF 3320202323121213131818232318181313173140
          20Flag of the United States.svg  USA David Crysdale Christian Cushman
          Wataru Kondo
          USA 82410102525202021219911112424 28 282121169141
          21Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  CAN William Haliburton Bryan Milne
          Terry Booth
          CAN 23614141010 RET 3315152222151520202121DNF33183150
          22Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Peter Verboom Mart Leenaars
          Ilse Verboom
          NED 53202016168824241414 25 25212125252323176151
          23Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Fabio Armellini Attilia Papini
          Nicola Armellini
          ITA 241 DNF 3317172525202021212323171716162020192159
          24Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Han van Veen Maryn Wilkes
          Nickel Koch
          NED 491818 29 292222161611112121262627272626196167
          25Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Ben Boogaerdt Gerben den Hartog
          Carl von Lindern
          NED 372424191919192626151520201919 30 302525197167
          26Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Michele Compagnoni Fede Compagnoni
          Davide Arata
          ITA 21319192121272717172626 30 30222219191818199169
          27Flag of the Netherlands.svg  NED Danker Rijk Danker Rijk Jr.
          Arko Hoondert
          NED 48262624242121 30 3030302222181820201717208178
          28Flag of France.svg  FRA Jean-Marie le Guillou François Gombeaud
          Christophe Hinfray
          FRA 16423232323242413132727 DSQ 3327272626DNF33229196
          29Flag of Italy.svg  ITA Alberto De Amicis Vincenzo Manuli
          Marco De Amicis
          ITA 252 29 2926262626272718182626282824242424228199
          30Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Hans Jostad Karl Henrik Mokkelbost
          Marius Mathisen Søvik
          NOR 150282830303131 32 3229292727252523232727252220
          31Flag of Austria.svg  AUT Ekkehart Steinhuber Stephan Beurle
          Philipp Weis
          AUT 862727222228283131242428282929 DNF 33DNS33255222
          32Flag of Norway.svg  NOR Christian Rieder Kjell Arne Haakonsen
          Jens Petter Andresen
          NOR 11130302828303029293131 DNS 33DNS3329292828271238

            Legend:DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;RET – Retired;
            Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

            Progress EC Soling 2019.png

            Further results

            For further results see:

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            1. 1 2 3 4 5 Reed, Dinny (ed.). "Soling Champions/World Events/World Champions" (PDF). The International Soling Association GUIDE 1996 – 2000. Vol. 1996–2000, no. 1. International Soling Association. p. 8.
            2. 1 2 3 4 5 "Segeln – Welt- und Europameisterschaften Herren (Olympische Bootsklassen – Soling) Resultate" (ASCII). (in German). Retrieved 29 January 2020.
            3. "Soling European Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 12–19 September 2015 [2015]. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            4. Collins, Matias, ed. (12–19 September 2015) [2015]. "European Championship / YCBG, Berlin 12/09/2015 To 19/09/2015. / Rk=1.5" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            5. Collins, Matias, ed. (12–19 September 2015) [2016]. "Anniversary European Championship" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            6. "Soling European Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 30 April – 6 May 2016 [2016]. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            7. Collins, Matias, ed. (30 April – 6 May 2016) [2016]. "European Championship / SCE, Traunsee 02/05/2016 To 05/05/2016. / Rk=1.5" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            8. Collins, Matias, ed. (30 April – 6 May 2016) [2017]. "Traunsee Europeans – May 2 – 5, 2016" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            9. "Soling European Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 13–17 July 2017 [2017]. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            10. Collins, Matias, ed. (13–17 July 2017) [2017]. "European Championship / FVR, Riva del Garda 13/07/2017 To 16/07/2017. / Rk=1.5" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            11. Collins, Matias, ed. (13–17 July 2017) [2018]. "Continental Championship LAGO DI GARDA – BEST WEATHER WELCOMES SOLING SAILORS" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            12. Collins, Matias, ed. (1–5 May 2018) [2018]. "European Championship / Alsöörs Marina, Vasút, Balaton 01/05/2018 To 05/05/2018. / Rk=1.5" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            13. Collins, Matias, ed. (1–5 May 2018) [2018]. "2018 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            14. "Soling European Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 26–29 June 2019 [2019]. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            15. Collins, Matias, ed. (26–29 June 2019) [2019]. "European Championship / CVT, Torbole, Lake Garda 25/06/2019 To 29/06/2019. / Rk=1.5" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
            16. Helmhout, Gabor, ed. (26–29 June 2019) [2019]. "2019 Europeans astonishing Garda" (PDF). International Soling Association. Retrieved 23 February 2022.