Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)

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Star Wars
Roleplaying Game
StarWarsRPG Revised.jpg
Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Revised Core Rulebook
Designers Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins, [1] JD Wiker
Publishers Wizards of the Coast
2002 (Revised edition)
2007 (Saga Edition)
Genres Science fiction (Space opera)
Systems d20 System

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game is a d20 System roleplaying game set in the Star Wars universe. The game was written by Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins and J. D. Wiker and published by Wizards of the Coast in late 2000 and revised in 2002. In 2007, Wizards released the Saga Edition of the game, which made major changes in an effort to streamline the rules system.


The game covers three major eras coinciding with major events in the Star Wars universe, namely the Rise of the Empire, the Galactic Civil War, and the time of the New Jedi Order.

An earlier but unrelated Star Wars role-playing game was published by West End Games between 1987 and 1999. Bill Slavicsek was one of the designers of that former game as well.

This game from Wizards of the Coast is currently out of print. The current official Star Wars role-playing game is the game of same title published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Original and revised editions

The original Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game was originally published by West End Games as a d6 product, enjoying many years of play before WEG went bankrupt.

The d20 rebooted Star Wars Roleplaying Game was originally published in November 2000. [2] It included statistics for many of the major characters of the movie Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace . The later Revised game included material from Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and changed various feats and classes.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game uses a Vitality/Wound point system instead of standard hit points, dividing damage into superficial harm (Vitality) and serious injury (Wounds). A character gains Vitality points just like hit points in other d20 games, and rolls for them each level and adds their Constitution bonus. A character's Wound points are equal to their Constitution score.

Most game mechanics are familiar to players of Dungeons & Dragons and other d20-based games. Characters have six Ability Scores (i.e., the standard Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma), a class and level, feats, and skills. Most actions are resolved by rolling a twenty-sided die and adding a modifier; if the result equals or exceeds the difficulty, the check succeeds.

Species and classes

As with most d20 System games, Star Wars offers playable races (called species) and classes to the Player Characters (PCs).

The species of Star Wars d20 that are included with the Revised Core Rulebook are: Humans, Bothans, Cereans, Duros, Ewoks, Gungans, Ithorians, Kel Dor, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Rodians, Sullustans, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Wookiees, and Zabrak and the unusual option for d20 games, Droid (this is unusual because it allows you to create your own race to an extent, and also you are ruled - technically mastered - by another player).

The character classes are Fringer, Noble, Scoundrel, Soldier, Force Adept, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, Scout, and Tech Specialist (added with the Revised Edition). Prestige classes allow advanced characters who wish to specialize in certain suites of abilities to join a class devoted to them. For example, Jedi with special talents at helping others can choose to specialize as a Jedi Healer, while a blaster-wielding mercenary might earn a reputation as a Bounty Hunter. The core rulebook includes the Jedi Master, Jedi Ace, Crime lord, Elite Trooper, Starship Ace, Officer, Darkside Marauder, and Darkside Devotee. Supplements to the core rulebook introduce many more prestige classes.

Saga edition changed things around and made Force Adept a prestige class.

Original and revised editions releases

The following books are available for the original edition.

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game Core RulebookNovember 2000288 ISBN   978-0-7869-1793-8
Character Record SheetsNovember 200032 ISBN   978-0-7869-1795-2
Invasion of TheedNovember 200096 ISBN   978-0-7869-1792-1
Secrets of NabooDecember 200096 ISBN   978-0-7869-1794-5
Gamemaster Screen February 20018 ISBN   978-0-7869-1833-1
Living Force Campaign GuideMarch 200164 ISBN   978-0-7869-1963-5
Rebellion Era SourcebookMay 2001160 ISBN   978-0-7869-1837-9
Secrets of TatooineMay 200196 ISBN   978-0-7869-1839-3
The Dark Side Sourcebook August 2001160 ISBN   978-0-7869-1849-2
Alien AnthologyOctober 2001128 ISBN   978-0-7869-2663-3
Starships of the GalaxyDecember 200196 ISBN   978-0-7869-1859-1
The New Jedi Order SourcebookFebruary 2002160 ISBN   978-0-7869-2777-7
Tempest Feud March 2002128 ISBN   978-0-7869-2778-4

The following books are available for the revised edition.

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game Revised Core RulebookMay 2002384 ISBN   978-0-7869-2876-7
Power of the Jedi SourcebookAugust 2002160 ISBN   978-0-7869-2781-4
Arms and Equipment GuideOctober 200296 ISBN   978-0-7869-2782-1
Coruscant and the Core WorldsJanuary 2003160 ISBN   978-0-7869-2879-8
Ultimate Alien AnthologyApril 2003224 ISBN   978-0-7869-2888-0
Hero's GuideJune 2003160 ISBN   978-0-7869-2883-5
Galactic Campaign GuideAugust 2003160 ISBN   978-0-7869-2892-7
Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds March 2004160 ISBN   978-0-7869-3133-0
Ultimate AdversariesJuly 2004160 ISBN   978-0-7869-3054-8

Saga Edition

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook
Star Wars Saga Edition Cover.JPG
Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook
Designers Christopher Perkins, Owen K.C. Stephens, Rodney Thompson
Publishers Wizards of the Coast
PublicationJune 5, 2007
Genres Science fiction (Space opera)
Systems d20 System

On June 5, 2007, Wizards released Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core Rulebook. The game was streamlined to be easier to play and a greater emphasis was placed on miniatures. Some of the major changes include:

Saga Releases

The following books were released:

Star Wars: Roleplaying Game - Saga Edition Core RulebookJune 2007288 ISBN   978-0-7869-4356-2
Starships of the Galaxy (Saga Edition)December 2007160 ISBN   978-0-7869-4823-9
Galaxy TilesJan 2008 ISBN   978-0-7869-4744-7
Threats of the GalaxyMay 2008160 ISBN   978-0-7869-4781-2
Star Wars Gamemaster ScreenJune 2008 ISBN   978-0-7869-4936-6
Knights of the Old Republic Campaign GuideAugust 2008224 ISBN   978-0-7869-4923-6
The Force Unleashed Campaign GuideSeptember 2008224 ISBN   978-0-7869-4743-0
Scum and VillainyNovember 2008244 ISBN   978-0-7869-5035-5
The Clone Wars Campaign GuideJanuary 2009224 ISBN   978-0-7869-4999-1
Legacy Era Campaign GuideMarch 2009224 ISBN   978-0-7869-5051-5
Jedi Academy Training ManualMay 2009160 ISBN   978-0-7869-5183-3
Rebellion Era Campaign GuideJuly 2009224 ISBN   978-0-7869-4983-0
Galaxy at WarSeptember 2009224 ISBN   978-0-7869-5221-2
Scavenger's Guide to DroidsNovember 2009160 ISBN   978-0-7869-5230-4
Galaxy of IntrigueJanuary 2010224 ISBN   978-0-7869-5400-1
The Unknown RegionsApril 2010224 ISBN   978-0-7869-5399-8

The Core Rulebook exists as an original and as a revised printing.

On January 28, 2010, Wizards of the Coast announced on their website that they would not be renewing their license to produce Star Wars products for their roleplaying and miniature gaming lines. Their license ended in May 2010.


Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition won the Gold ENnie Awards for Best Game, Best d20/OGL Product, and Best Rules, and the Silver award for Product of the Year. [3]

