Stefan Brunnhuber

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Stefan Brunnhuber (born 2 July 1962 in Augsburg) is a German author, psychiatrist, economist and sociologist who works on sustainable development and transformation strategies, following an interdisciplinary approach. He is a former senator of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) and currently a trustee of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), as well as a full international member of the Club of Rome.


Life and career

Following civilian service, vocational training as a medical first responder and an apprenticeship as a car mechanic, Brunnhuber studied medicine in Ulm, where he was awarded his doctorate in 1993 for a thesis on Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger and Sigmund Freud. He also studied philosophy, social education and economic sociology in Ulm, Munich and Konstanz, where he was awarded a second doctorate in 1998 for a thesis on Karl Popper's concept of an open society. [1] [2]

Brunnhuber trained as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy at University Hospital Saarland (UKS) and worked in addition as a first aid emergency doctor in the Saarland. He subsequently took a post as a senior physician at University Hospital Würzburg (1999–2007). Following visiting professorships in the USA (Mayo Clinic, UCLA), he completed a habilitation degree at the University of Würzburg in the field of medical sociology, medical psychology and psychotherapy. His thesis was entitled "The importance of affect psychology for the formation of psychosomatic symptoms". [1] [3]

Brunnhuber is currently medical director of the Diakonie Kliniken Zschadraß (the academic teaching hospital of TU Dresden and University Hospital Salzburg) and chief physician in the department of psychiatry, psychosomatics and psychotherapy. He holds a chair in sustainability, social medicine, psychosomatics and complementary medicine at Midweida University of Applied Sciences. [4] [5] [6]

Research interests and positions

Brunnhuber's work focuses on the interdisciplinary integration of theory and practice. [7] [8]

Brunnhuber is a proponent of the critical rationalism and describes himself as a student of the liberal sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf. [9] His work is also influenced by Bernard Lietaer, Ken Wilber, Willigis Jäger, J. M. Keynes, Milton Friedman, Carl Jung, Hans Albert, systems theory, the Desert Fathers, Japanese Zen and high medieval Christian mysticism. [10] [11]

Brunnhuber describes his research interests as following an 'evolutionary, integral, translational, practically oriented, human-centric approach'. [12]


Brunnhuber was a senator of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) from 2015 to 2019 and is currently a trustee of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), as well as a full international member of the Club of Rome. [13] [14] He is a member of the FDP (German liberal party), Friends of the Earth Germany and the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Green Recovery. [15] Since 2022, he has also been a member of the German government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Commidee in the 20th legislative period. [16] [17]

Personal life

Brunnhuber lives with his wife (Stephanie Tache) and their two children in Dresden. A practising Buddhist and Catholic, he describes his professional activities as being embedded in the mystical traditions and practices of Eastern and Western philosophies. [18]

Works (selection)

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  1. 1 2 "Mit völlig neu angepasstem Finanzsystem: Erster Sachse im "Club of Rome" will Probleme der Zukunft lösen". TAG24 (in German). 2022-01-23. Retrieved 2023-07-13.
  2. Stefan Brunnhuber (1993), Der dialogische Aufbau der Wirklichkeit : gemeinsame Elemente im Philosophiebegriff von Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger und Sigmund Freud (Dissertation an der Universität Ulm), Regensburg: Roderer
  3. Volkszeitung, Leipziger (2020-03-29). "Zschadraßer Arzt Stefan Brunnhuber sieht Corona-Krise auch als Chance". (in German). Retrieved 2023-07-13.
  4. "Professuren | HS Mittweida". Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  5. "Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass – Fachkrankenhaus für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Neurologie". Deutsches Krankenhausverzeichnis. Retrieved 2022-05-16.
  6. Mencke, Iris. "Fasten: Das Schwierigste ist das Brechen von Gewohnheiten". FAZ.NET (in German). ISSN   0174-4909 . Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  7. "Die Kunst der Transformation | MO | 13 02 2023 | 16:05". (in German). Retrieved 2023-07-13.
  8. 1 2 Latchinian, Haig (2023-06-22). "Zschadraß: Offene Gesellschaft oder Autokratie? Brunnhuber über Zukunft". (in German). Retrieved 2023-07-13.
  9. Stefan Brunnhuber. "Curriculum Vitae 2019" (PDF) (in German). Retrieved 2022-05-16.
  10. "Forschungsüberblick - Stefan Brunnhuber". ResearchGate (in German). Retrieved 2022-11-10.
  11. "Forschungsüberblick - Stefan Brunnhuber". Google Scholar. Retrieved 2022-11-10.
  12. "Stefan Brunnhuber" (in German). Retrieved 2022-08-26.
  13. "Brunnhuber, Stefan". Club of Rome. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  14. Pohl, Michael. "Club-of-Rome-Mitglied Brunnhuber: "Angst vor Klimaapokalypse hilft nicht"". Augsburger Allgemeine (in German). Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  15. Michael Pohl. "Experte für Menschheitskrisen: "Wir brauchen einen grünen Euro"" (in German). Retrieved 2022-11-02.
  16. "Mitglieder". Der Sustainable Finance-Beirat der Bundesregierung in der 20. Legislaturperiode (in German). Sustainable Finance-Beirat der Bundesregierung. Retrieved 2022-08-22.
  17. "Drei Sachsen in den Sustainable Finance-Beirat der Bundesregierung berufen". (in German). Retrieved 2023-07-13.
  18. "Stefan Brunnhuber" . Retrieved 2022-08-26. As a practicing Buddhist and Catholic, professional activities are embedded into the mystical traditions and practices of the perennial Eastern and Western philosophies.