Stenia gens

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The gens Stenia or Stennia, occasionally spelled Sthenia, was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Hardly any members of this gens are mentioned in ancient writers, but a large number are known from inscriptions.



The nomen Stenius is simply a gentilicial form of the Oscan praenomen Sthenius, and is thus a patronymic surname. [1] [2] In a few inscriptions it occurs as Sthenius, but in most examples the 'h' is omitted. Many of the Stenii found in epigraphy came from Samnium and adjacent, Oscan-speaking regions of central and southern Italy. [2]


The Stenii used a variety of common praenomina, chiefly Lucius , Gaius , Publius , and Gnaeus . At least two of them bore the more distinctive praenomen Numerius , which was common in gentes of Oscan origin, but relatively scarce at Rome.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also

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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Biography and Mythology, vol. III, p. 904 ("Stenius or Sthenius").
  2. 1 2 PW, "Stenius".
  3. CIL XI, 2364.
  4. Plutarch, "The Life of Pompeius", 5.
  5. Cicero, In Verrem, II. 83–118, 147, III. 18, 41, IV. 41, V. 109, 128.
  6. PW, "Stenius", No. 2.
  7. CIL IX, 7508.
  8. CIL I, 2504.
  9. PW, "Stenius", No. 3.
  10. CIL IX, 1973.
  11. CIL IX, 2856.
  12. CIL XI, 2538.
  13. ILAfr, 412,84.
  14. ICUR, i. 470.
  15. 1 2 3 CIL XIV, 5357.
  16. CIL IX, 6457.
  17. CIL III, 2536.
  18. AE 2006, 312.
  19. AE 1971, 95.
  20. 1 2 CIL X, 3759.
  21. CIL III, 9941.
  22. CIL IX, 1455.
  23. CIL VIII, 2626.
  24. AE 1999, 1227.
  25. BCAR, 1925-298.
  26. CIL VI, 2556.
  27. CIL III, 2351.
  28. CIL II, 5056.
  29. CAG, lxix. 2, p. 625.
  30. CIL III, 8543.
  31. CIL X, 3699.
  32. CIL VIII, 7543.
  33. 1 2 CIL X, 6050.
  34. RAL, 1971-424,8a.
  35. 1 2 3 CIL IX, 6439.
  36. CIL VIII, 24088.
  37. CIL VI, 10387.
  38. CIL IX, 889.
  39. CIL IX, 1926.
  40. CIL X, 2974.
  41. CIL III, 2537.
  42. CIL III, 9720.
  43. CIL X, 5171.
  44. ILJug, ii. 654.
  45. CIL III, 8548.
  46. CIL X, 5292.
  47. CIL III, 8894.
  48. CIL XI, 2451.
