\n*The Embassy,LondonThe Embassy - Tallulah Dj'd here:(retrieved 3 July 2018) ''Time Out'' Magazine,13 February 2007:https://www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/my-name-is-tallulah\n*Scandals,London\n*Rollerdisco,London (1980)Rollerdisco - Tallulah Dj'd here:(retrieved 3 July 2018) Time Out Magazine,13 February 2007:https://www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/my-name-is-tallulah-1\n*Peppermint Park,London (1981)Peppermint Park - Tallulah Dj'd here:(retrieved 3 July 2018) Time Out Magazine,13 February 2007:https://www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/my-name-is-tallulah-1\n*The Porchester Hall Drag Ball,Bayswater,London (1982)Porchester Hall Drag Ball - Tallulah Dj'd here:(retrieved 3 July 2018) Time Out Magazine,13 February 2007:https://www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/my-name-is-tallulah-1\n*[[Heaven (nightclub)|Heaven]],(Charing Cross),LondonTributes paid to legendary gay DJ Tallulah:\"I was with him at Heaven last week for my 54th birthday and sat in the DP lounge while he played a four hour camp and fabulous set.\"''Pink News'' (retrieved 3 July 1018:https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2008/03/27/tributes-paid-to-legendary-gay-dj/\n*Fruit Machine at Heaven,London Tallulah Bio (retrieved 29 November 2017):http://www.higherstate.co.uk/docs/deg5.html\n*Crash,Vauxhall,London’A long-time resident at '''Heaven''' in more recent years he DJed regularly at '''Crash''',and the '''Shadow Lounge'''...’:London’s DJ Tallulah Dies,obituary,hkclubbing,published March 29,2008,(retrieved June 16,2023). [https://www.hkclubbing.com/articles/international-news/londons-dj-tallulah-dies.html]\n*Mink Bikini at Hanover Grand,London\n*PopbitchPopbitch Halloween Party 30 October 2003:''Evening Standard'' 28 October 2003 (article) retrieved 4 August 2019:https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/popbitch-halloween-ball-6976934.html\n*Salon at Shadow Lounge,Soho,LondonTallulah,Queen of Clubs (12 May 2014) by Haydon Bridge,QX Magazine,(retrieved 28 November 2017):http://www.qxmagazine.com/2014/05/tallulah/\n*Monster at Substation,London\n*Barcode,Vauxhall,LondonBye Bye Barcode,article,QX Magazine,May 28,2015:[https://www.qxmagazine.com/2015/05/bye-bye-barcode/]\n*Gay Pride,Berlin,Germany\n*Substation,Soho,London{{cite newspaper The Times|url=http://find.galegroup.com/ttda/infomark.do?&source=gale&prodId=TTDA&userGroupName=hamlib&tabID=T003&docPage=article&searchType=BasicSearchForm&docId=IF502232521&type=multipage&contentSet=LTO&version=1.0|title=Clubs|department=Arts and Entertainment|date=20 September 1997|accessdate=29 November 2017}}\n*[[Delano South Beach]] Florida Club,[[Miami]]\n"}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwAWo">.mw-parser-output .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}
DJ History: Tallulah Paved the Way. Fully transcribed, in-depth interview with DJ Tallulah by Bill Brewster, recorded London 29 July 2004.
Leigh Bowery: The Life and Times of an Icon, Tilley, Sue. Thames & Hudson, 2025, pp. 143-144, ISBN|0780500298558.
Life After Dark: A History of British Nightclubs & Music Venues, Haslam, Dave [65]
The Secret Public: How LGBTQ Performers Shaped Popular Culture (1955-1979), Savage, Jon. Faber & Faber, ISBN 9780571358373, June 2024 - BANG (disco, London), pp. 584-5, 601, 603.
London Stories: A lecture hosted by Bill Brewster held on 17 January 2017 (includes a picture of BANG nightclub DJ's Tallulah and Norman Scott.[66]
Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey Brewster, Bill & Broughton, Frank. Publ. Headline (22 May 2006) ISBN978-0755313983, Tallulah is mentioned on various pages.
My Name is Tallulah (interview), Time Out, 13 February 2007.
PRS M Magazine, June 2021 – Performing Rights Society’s special 2021 Pride edition of M Magazine. ‘Dance Proud ‘article (pp. 44–45) by DJ Kate Wildblood, who honours DJ’s and musicians on the gay scene that have contributed to the UK’s legacy of clubbing culture, DJ Tallulah is included.
1 2 The Times, 8 April 2008 – Obituary DJ Tallulah (retrieved 28 November 2017)
↑ ’Pioneering gay scene DJ Tallulah ... partied alongside the likes of Joe Orton, Kenneth Williams and Leigh Bowery’: London’s DJ Tallulah Dies, obituary, hkclubbing, published March 29, 2008, (retrieved June 16, 2023).
1 2 3 4 Tallulah interview conducted by Bill Brewster at DJhistory.com (July 2004)
↑ ’Pioneering gay scene DJ Tallulah ... partied alongside the likes of Joe Orton, Kenneth Williams and Leigh Bowery’: London’s DJ Tallulah Dies, obituary, hkclubbing, published March 29, 2008, (retrieved June 16, 2023).
↑ "Tallulah". QX Magazine. 12 May 2014. Retrieved 11 April 2024.
↑ Cultures of Consumption by Frank Mort, publ. Routledge (1996), ISBN9780415030526, page 168 ‘BANG was a deliberate attempt by its deejay and co-founder Jerry Collins to follow an American club model–specifically the Studio One club in Los Angeles. Multiple bars, an extensive dance-floor and effective sound systems were the hallmarks of this venture. As at BANG, the emphasis was on size and scale, symbolizing the increased visibility of gay culture.’
↑ The Secret Public: How LGBTQ Performers Shaped Popular Culture (1955-1979) by Jon Savage, Faber & Faber, ISBN 9780571358373, publ. June 2024 - BANG (disco, London) , p. 584-5, 601, 603,
↑ The Secret Public: How LGBTQ Performers Shaped Popular Culture (1955-1979) by Jon Savage, Faber & Faber, ISBN 9780571358373, publ. June 2024 - Tallulah (Martyn Allam), p. 601
↑ The Secret Public: How LGBTQ Performers Shaped Popular Culture (1955-1979) by Jon Savage, Faber & Faber, ISBN 9780571358373, publ. June 2024 - Jack Barrie, p. 601
↑ Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey by Bill Brewster, Frank Broughton, Publisher Headline (22 May 2006) ISBN978-0755313983, various pages.
↑ The Way Out: (International Library of Twentieth Century History) by Sebastian Buckle, publisher: I.B.Tauris (30 June 2015), ISBN978-1784531836, page 147 – Bang attracted crowds of celebrities 'including Rod Stewart, Rock Hudson and David Bowie.'
↑ DJ Magazine, 30 July 2015 - Special Feature: The Gay DNA of House Music (article) by Stewart Who: (retrieved 29 November 2017)
1 2 "Tallulah". QX Magazine. 12 May 2014. Retrieved 7 July 2023.
↑ Circus Circus Comes To Town ‘London has a new Sunday night club, Circus Circus, at Studio Valbonne, Kingly Street, W1. ... first nighters included Rudi Williams of the band Dance on a Telephone.’ Capital Gay, News, Nov. 18, 1983, page 7.
↑ DJ Tallulah aka Martyn Allam ‘Tallulah, Williams and King lived together in Williams's Notting Hill apartment during the 1970s/80s and called themselves The Colville Set, a nod to the artistic Bloomsbury Set.’
↑ Tallulah quote from, Last Night a DJ Saved My Life; The History of the Disc Jockey by Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton, publ. 2000, Grove Press, page 528
↑ Circus Circus Comes To Town ‘London has a new Sunday night club, Circus Circus, at Studio Valbonne, Kingly Street, W1. ... first nighters included April Ashley, Steve Strange, Yvette from Cover Versions, Vicky de Lambray and Rudi Williams of the band Dance on a Telephone.’ Capital Gay, News, Nov. 18, 1983, page 7.
↑ David Hudson interviews DJ Tallulah: David -'What was your first DJ job?' Tallulah -'I started off in a little club in 1972 called the Escort in Pimlico.'(retrieved 3 July 2018):http://www.david-hudson.co.uk/archive/tallulah.html
↑ Shanes - Tallulah Dj'd here: (retrieved 3 July 2018) Tallulah's 'Red Bull Academy' interview (Part of DJ History) "The first proper place I got to play at was Shane’s, which was behind John Barnes in Finchley Road.':http://daily.redbullmusicacademy.com/2016/06/tallulah-interview
↑ BANG, Charring Cross Road-Tallulah Dj'd at BANG:'The DJs were Gerry, Norman Scott and myself'(retrieved 3 July 2018): Article: A Snapshot of Gay London Clubbing From One of its Pioneer DJ's Tallulah: http://daily.redbullmusicacademy.com/2016/06/tallulah-interview
↑ ’A long-time resident at Heaven in more recent years he DJed regularly at Crash, and the Shadow Lounge...’: London’s DJ Tallulah Dies, obituary, hkclubbing, published March 29, 2008, (retrieved June 16, 2023).
↑ Further reading, Life After Dark: A History of British Nightclubs & Music Venues by Dave Haslam has references to Bang night club and Tallulah (DJ): Life After Dark: A History of British Nightclubs & Music Venues by Dave Haslam, Simon & Schuster UK (2015) ISBN9780857206985
Bishopsgate Institute - Robert Workman Archive (photographer) - Cowboy Night at BANG Disco (29 May 1978): 7 photos of Tallulah DJing at BANG on 29 May 1978 dressed in an American Indian Feather Headdress. The pictures are located within the files numbered, WORKMAN/840 (11 photos), WORK-MAN/841 (12 photos), WORKMAN/842 (9 photos) – Robert Workman Archive, Bishopsgate Institute.
London DJ's - photographs by photographer Alex Gerry: photo of Tallulah (19 March 2008) - the photo was taken 9 days before Tallulah died, so is possibly one of the last photographs taken of him.
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