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A tannate is the salt or ester of tannic acid. [1] Albumin tannate (also known as Tannin albuminate) is an antidiarrheal, commonly in the form of gelatin. [2] [3]

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  1. Medical Dictionary definition
  2. Cardile, Venera; Cardile, V; Puglia, C; Bonina, C; Bonina, F (2012). "Gelatin tannate reduces the proinflammatory effects of lipopolysaccharide in human intestinal epithelial cells". Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. 5: 61–7. doi: 10.2147/CEG.S28792 . PMC   3358810 . PMID   22629114.
  3. Ruszczyński, M; Urbańska, M; Szajewska, H (2014). "Gelatin tannate for treating acute gastroenteritis: a systematic review". Annals of Gastroenterology. 27 (2): 121–124. PMC   3982626 . PMID   24733622.