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Sophie the Giraffe, a popular teether Sophie the Giraffe with baby.jpg
Sophie the Giraffe, a popular teether

A teether, teething toy, or chew toy is a device given to teething infants. It has the effect of reducing the pain of irritable wisdom teeth. [1] Most modern teethers are silicone, but can also be made of wood or rubber. Some teethers are filled with a fluid or gel that can be frozen or refrigerated. They differ from pacifiers in that they are intended to be chewed, rather than sucked on. [2] They come in a variety of different shapes. Teethers may help relieve teething pain and help new teeth penetrate the gum, as well as provide a form of entertainment. [3] Studies found that chewing a teether may make teething children calmer and happier, less stressed, and less cranky. [4] Teething necklaces and teething bracelets may pose a choking hazard to infants and toddlers depending on the teething parts, and have prompted recalls. [5] [6] [7] [8] Teethers filled with liquid have also been recalled because of bacterial contamination. [9] [10] Early teethers were often teething rings.

Early twentieth century teething ring Teething Ring.jpg
Early twentieth century teething ring

Teething biscuits, like rusks and ladyfingers, can also be given for teething.

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  1. "The world's first adult teether". British Dental Journal. 223 (7): 545. 2017-10-01. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.870 . ISSN   1476-5373. S2CID   3221641.
  2. "15 best teething toys" . The Independent. 2018-07-18. Archived from the original on 2022-05-26. Retrieved 2020-06-15.
  3. "Why Do Babies Like Teethers?". The Spruce. Retrieved 2018-03-30.
  4. Lerond, Clara; Hudry, Julie; Zahar, Sélima; Makwana, Aidan; Schneider, Nora (2021-10-29). "Soothing Effect of an Edible Teether: A Pilot Study in Children during Primary Dentition Age". International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 14 (4): 525–530. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2002. ISSN   0974-7052. PMC   8585899 . PMID   34824508.
  5. "Teething Necklaces and Beads: A Caution for Parents". HealthyChildren.org. Retrieved 2020-06-15.
  6. "Teething: Tips for soothing sore gums". Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 2020-06-15.
  7. "Product Recall: Mushroom Teether sold via Amazon (2205-0217)". Archived from the original on 2022-05-19.
  8. "Infantino Recalls Teething Toys". Archived from the original on 2017-02-08.
  9. "Baby teethers recalled due to contamination hazard: Health Canada". 22 August 2022. Archived from the original on 2022-08-22.
  10. "Contamination fear spurs teether recall". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 1 October 2022.