Tetracladium (fungus)

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Tetracladium marchalianum spore02.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Leotiomycetes
Order: Helotiales
Family: Helotiaceae
Genus: Tetracladium
De Wild.

Tetracladium is a genus of fungi belonging to the order Helotiales. [1] Species within this genus are primarily known for their ubiquitous presence in various habitats, including soil, decaying plant matter, and aquatic environments. The genus name "Tetracladium" derives from the Greek words "tetra," meaning four, and "cladion," meaning branch, referring to the typical branching pattern observed in the conidiophores of these fungi.



The genus Tetracladium was first described by DeWildeman in 1893. [1] Initially, up until the turn of the 20th century, nine different aquatic species were distinguished based on the observable characteristics of their spores. They have distinct tetraradiate conidiospores measuring approx. 60x100 μm. Although Tetracladium species have been extensively studied, their sexual reproduction process continues to elude researchers. Some recently described species rely on subtle morphological or developmental differences, which may only be apparent under specific laboratory conditions. [2]

Within the fungal kingdom, Tetracladium is classified in the group called Dikarya, under the phylum Ascomycota, order Pezizomycotina, and class Leotiomycetes, placed within the Han Clade 9/Stamnaria lineage/Vandijckellaceae clade. [3] Currently, the genus comprises 11 recognized species, with nine described from aquatic habitats and three from terrestrial environments, identified using DNA sequencing and morphological characteristics.

The eleven species are:

Distribution and Ecology

Tetracladium spp. can be found in a wide range of environments, including freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. [4] They are often associated with decaying organic matter such as submerged wood, leaf litter, and other plant debris. [5] Tetracladium spp. play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, particularly in the decomposition of organic material. By participating in the decomposition process, Tetracladium spp. contribute to the recycling of nutrients, which are then made available to other organisms. [6] Their distribution is global, with species being reported from diverse locations including temperate [7] ., and polar habitats. [8]

Tetracladium spp. engage in various ecological interactions with other organisms. They form relationships with certain plants. [9] These fungi can also interact with bacteria and other fungi in complex microbial communities associated with decomposing organic matter.

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Saprotrophic bacteria are bacteria that are typically soil-dwelling and utilize saprotrophic nutrition as their primary energy source. They are often associated with soil fungi that also use saprotrophic nutrition and both are classified as saprotrophs.


  1. 1 2 "Tetracladium De Wild". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 27 February 2021.
  2. Bärlocher, Felix (1992). "The Ecology of Aquatic Hyphomycetes". Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-76855-2.
  3. Johnston, P.R.; Quijada, L.; Smith, C.A. (2019). "A multigene phylogeny toward a new phylogenetic classification of Leotiomycetes". IMA Fungus. 10 (1).
  4. Selosse, M.A.; Vohník, M.; Chauvet, E. (2008). "Out of the rivers: are some aquatic hyphomycetes plant endophytes?". New Phytologist. 178.
  5. Butler, S.K.; Suberkropp, K. (2022). "Aquatic Hyphomycetes on Oak Leaves: Comparison of Growth, Degradation and Palatability". Mycologia. 76 (1).
  6. Butler, S.K.; Suberkropp, K. (2022). "Aquatic Hyphomycetes on Oak Leaves: Comparison of Growth, Degradation and Palatability". Mycologia. 76 (1).
  7. Yan, H.; Ge, C.; Zhou, J.; Li, J. (2022). "Diversity of soil fungi in the vineyards of Changli region in China". Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 68.
  8. Bridge, P.D.; Newsham, K.K. (2009). "Soil fungal community composition at Mars Oasis, a southern maritime Antarctic site, assessed by PCR amplification and cloning". Fungal Ecology. 2 (2).
  9. Lazar, A.; Mushinski, R.M.; Bending, G.D. (2022). "Landscape scale ecology of Tetracladium spp. fungal root endophytes". Environmental Microbiome. 17 (1).