Trail of Broken Treaties | |||
Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan Part of American Indian Movement(AIM) | |||
Date | October–November 1972 | ||
Location | |||
Goals | Native American sovereignty | ||
Methods | Occupation protest | ||
Parties | |||
The Trail of Broken Treaties (also known as the Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan [1] and the Pan American Native Quest for Justice [2] ) was a 1972 cross-country caravan of American Indian and First Nations organizations that started on the West Coast of the United States and ended at the Department of Interior headquarters building at the US capital of Washington, D.C. Participants called for the restoration of tribes’ treaty-making authority, the abolition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and federal investment in jobs, housing, and education. [3]
The protest inspired sizable gatherings of Native Americans throughout the journey, with the caravan described as "over four miles long and included some 700 activists from more than 200 tribes and 25 states" when it departed St Paul, Minnesota, for Washington, D.C. [4]
The eight organizations that sponsored the caravan included the American Indian Movement (AIM), the Canadian National Indian Brotherhood (later renamed the Assembly of First Nations), [5] the Native American Rights Fund, the National Indian Youth Council, the National American Indian Council, the National Council on Indian Work, National Indian Leadership Training, and the American Indian Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. [6] In Minneapolis, AIM headquarters, activists developed a Twenty-Point Position paper to define their demands. [7] [8]
The 1960s were a period of increasing activism by American Indians (and First Nations in Canada) as they worked to renew civil rights and improve relations with federal governments that had repeatedly failed to satisfy treaty obligations. By this time numerous American Indians were living in urban settings, encouraged to relocate from reservations by the federal government in an effort to find more work opportunities, but often isolated by discrimination, poor educations in public schools, police harassment, and limited work. The lengthy occupation of Alcatraz by student activists from San Francisco and the founding of the American Indian Movement (AIM) in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by mostly Ojibwe activists were examples of rising activism.
To raise national awareness of issues related to Indian-federal relations, AIM and other organizations conceived a cross-country caravan to promote their cause. Protesters joined portions of the caravan in West Coast cities: Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, which they departed on October 6, [4] by bus and auto. [1] The three caravans merged in Minneapolis, Minnesota [9] where leaders drafted a Twenty-Point proposal of demands. [8] The caravan reached the nation's capital of Washington, D.C., in early November, the week before the presidential election (in which incumbent President Nixon was re-elected). The protesters had chosen this time period as best to present the next administration with "an agenda for action on Indian problems." [1] The large gathering of Native Americans in the US capital made national news as they advocated for their rights and sought to meet with government officials to negotiate a new relationship. [1]
As the eastward-bound caravan continued to swell in size, directives were issued to officials at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), instructing them not to provide assistance to these groups. [10] Attempts were made to characterize the movement as an urban militant faction, detached from the beliefs held by those residing on reservations. [10] [11] Ironically, the caravans found widespread support as they made stops at reservations across the country, with numerous well-educated members and respected elders from these communities actively joining the movement. [10] [11] Reports indicate escalating conflicts between the National Tribal Chairmen's Association (NTCA) and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), with those possessing Native tribal leaders on their boards facing internal challenges and striving to salvage their standing. [11]
The extensive gathering of Native Americans in the U.S. capital garnered national attention as they fervently advocated for their rights, aiming to initiate discussions with government officials to establish a new relationship. [10] The caravan arrived in Washington, D.C., on November 3, 1972. [10] Housing arrangements fell under, forcing the protestors to spend their first night in a rat-infested church basement. [12] Despite negotiations, attempts to secure auditorium space and the use of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) kitchen were denied. [13] Amidst ongoing discussions, General Services Administration guards prompted the protesters to leave, escalating tensions as police in riot gear arrived and forcibly breached windows. [13] The building was surrounded, and snipers positioned on the nearby Interior Department building. [13] Undeterred, protesters maintained their positions, marking the beginning of the "occupation" of the BIA. [13] A banner proclaiming "Native American Embassy" adorned the building's facade, with a teepee erected on the front lawn, designating the property as "liberated territory,". [14]
During their occupation, protesters spent days scrutinizing and retrieving files that brought to light concerns about unjust dealings regarding land, water, fishing, and mineral rights. [10] [11] Simultaneously, some individuals seized artifacts, pottery, and artwork, contending that these items rightfully belonged to various tribes. [13] [11] The standoff concluded a week later when the protesters consented to engaging in serious negotiations regarding their Twenty-Point thesis, [12] signifying the end of the occupation. Subsequently, the caravan received $65,500, intended for travel and food expenses, to be divided among all participants. [13] [11] Notably, this funding was allocated from the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), with money that was originally designated for other Native American initiatives. [11] While amnesty was granted to all protesters, it did not extend to cover damages incurred at the federal government building during the occupation. [15] The federal government finally appointed a negotiator and agreed to appoint a Native American to a post within the BIA. [16]
As the caravan dispersed, government officials maintained a resistant posture. The Nixon Administration, having refused to meet the protesters during the occupation, continued to distance themselves from the demands outlined in the Twenty-Point Position paper. [10] Despite the momentum generated by the caravan and the subsequent negotiations, there was limited acknowledgment or tangible action taken by the government to address the issues raised by the activists. [10]
The aftermath of the Trail of Broken Treaties revealed ongoing tensions between federally affiliated indigenous organizations. The accusations of corruption and internal conflicts within groups like the National Tribal Chairmen's Association (NTCA) and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) persisted, [11] reflecting a broader struggle for representation and influence within the Native American community.
While the government appointed a negotiator and agreed to appoint a Native American to a post within the BIA as part of the resolution, [10] [11] the broader systemic issues and demands outlined by the activists received limited attention. [10] The federal response after the caravan dissolution showcased the complexities and challenges inherent in advocating for Native American rights and policy reform during this pivotal period of activism. The Trail of Broken Treaties, though impactful, highlighted the ongoing struggle for meaningful change and justice for Native American communities.
The Nixon Administration offered a lukewarm response to the Twenty-Point Paper. [10] While a significant portion of the demands centered on reinstating the practice of making treaties on a tribal or regional basis to delineate the specific rights of Indian tribes, the administration asserted its inability to overturn the legislation from the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act. [10] Citing this legal framework, the administration contended that the U.S. government cannot engage in treaty-making with its own citizens. [10]
While the demonstration was widely covered by national media, including increasingly important television reporting, the media largely focused on issues related to the federal government, rather than what the protesters identified as failures of the government and their stressing tribal sovereignty as the basis for seeking new relations and negotiations. Having captured media attention, AIM organized additional demonstrations to advocate for Native American justice, such as the Wounded Knee Occupation protest beginning in February 1973. [17]
The Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan, a seminal moment in Native American activism during the early 1970s, left an enduring impact that rippled through subsequent decades. This cross-country journey and the subsequent occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) building elevated the visibility of Native American challenges, spotlighting broken treaties and socio-economic struggles. The unity displayed during the caravan empowered indigenous communities, fostering a collective strength that fueled future collaborative efforts. The legacy of the Trail of Broken Treaties lives on in the continued advocacy efforts within Native American communities, inspiring subsequent generations to engage in social and political movements. This historic event remains a testament to the resilience and determination of indigenous communities in their ongoing pursuit of justice, sovereignty, and cultural preservation.[ improper synthesis? ][ citation needed ]
The Twenty-Point Position Paper was drafted by rights activist Hank Adams [18] a participant in the Trail of Broken Treaties. The paper was intended to assert the sovereignty of the Indian Nations and to re-open treaty negotiations: [7]
The Lakota are a Native American people. Also known as the Teton Sioux, they are one of the three prominent subcultures of the Sioux people, with the Eastern Dakota (Santee) and Western Dakota (Wičhíyena). Their current lands are in North and South Dakota. They speak Lakȟótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family.
The American Indian Movement (AIM) is an American Indian grassroots movement which was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in July 1968, initially centered in urban areas in order to address systemic issues of poverty, discrimination, and police brutality against American Indians. AIM soon widened its focus from urban issues to many Indigenous Tribal issues that American Indian groups have faced due to settler colonialism in the Americas. These issues have included treaty rights, high rates of unemployment, the lack of American Indian subjects in education, and the preservation of Indigenous cultures.
Tribal sovereignty in the United States is the concept of the inherent authority of Indigenous tribes to govern themselves within the borders of the United States.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), also known as Indian Affairs (IA), is a United States federal agency within the Department of the Interior. It is responsible for implementing federal laws and policies related to Native Americans and Alaska Natives, and administering and managing over 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of reservations held in trust by the U.S. federal government for indigenous tribes. It renders services to roughly 2 million indigenous Americans across 574 federally recognized tribes. The BIA is governed by a director and overseen by the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, who answers to the Secretary of the Interior.
An American Indian reservation is an area of land held and governed by a U.S. federal government-recognized Native American tribal nation, whose government is autonomous, subject to regulations passed by the United States Congress and administered by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, and not to the U.S. state government in which it is located. Some of the country's 574 federally recognized tribes govern more than one of the 326 Indian reservations in the United States, while some share reservations, and others have no reservation at all. Historical piecemeal land allocations under the Dawes Act facilitated sales to non–Native Americans, resulting in some reservations becoming severely fragmented, with pieces of tribal and privately held land being treated as separate enclaves. This intersection of private and public real estate creates significant administrative, political, and legal difficulties.
Dennis J. Banks was a Native American activist, teacher, and author. He was a longtime leader of the American Indian Movement, which he co-founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1968 to represent urban Indians. He was a pre-eminent spokesman for Native Americans. His protests won government concessions and created national attention and sympathy for the oppression and endemic social and economic conditions for Native Americans.
Clyde Howard Bellecourt was a Native American civil rights organizer. His Ojibwe name is Nee-gon-we-way-we-dun, which means "Thunder Before the Storm". He founded the American Indian Movement (AIM) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1968 with Dennis Banks, Eddie Benton-Banai, and George Mitchell. His elder brother, Vernon Bellecourt, was also active in the movement.
The Wounded Knee Occupation, also known as Second Wounded Knee, began on February 27, 1973, when approximately 200 Oglala Lakota and followers of the American Indian Movement (AIM) seized and occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, United States, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The protest followed the failure of an effort of the Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) to use impeachment to remove tribal president Richard Wilson, whom they accused of corruption and abuse of opponents. Protesters also criticized the United States government's failure to fulfill treaties with Native American people, and demanded the reopening of treaty negotiations with the goal of fair and equitable treatment of Native Americans.
The Treaty of Point Elliott of 1855, or the Point Elliott Treaty,—also known as the Treaty of Point Elliot / Point Elliot Treaty—is the lands settlement treaty between the United States government and the Native American tribes of the greater Puget Sound region in the recently formed Washington Territory, one of about thirteen treaties between the U.S. and Native Nations in what is now Washington. The treaty was signed on January 22, 1855, at Muckl-te-oh or Point Elliott, now Mukilteo, Washington, and ratified 8 March and 11 April 1859. Between the signing of the treaty and the ratification, fighting continued throughout the region. Lands were being occupied by European-Americans since settlement in what became Washington Territory began in earnest from about 1845.
The Red Power movement was a social movement which was led by Native American youth who demanded self-determination for Native Americans in the United States. Organizations that were part of the Red Power Movement include the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the National Indian Youth Council (NIYC). This movement advocated the belief that Native Americans should have the right to implement their own policies and programs along with the belief that Native Americans should maintain and control their own land and resources. The Red Power movement took a confrontational and civil disobedience approach in an attempt to incite changes in Native American affairs in the United States compared to using negotiations and settlements, which national Native American groups such as National Congress of American Indians had before. Red Power centered around mass action, militant action, and unified action.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs building takeover refers to a protest by Native Americans at the Department of the Interior headquarters in the United States capital of Washington, D.C., from November 3 to November 9, 1972. On November 3, a group of approximately 500 American Indians with the American Indian Movement (AIM) took over the Interior building in Washington, D.C. It being the culmination of their cross-country journey in the Trail of Broken Treaties, intended to bring attention to American Indian issues such as living standards and treaty rights.
The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is an American Indian and Alaska Native rights organization. It was founded in 1944 to represent the tribes and resist U.S. federal government pressure for termination of tribal rights and assimilation of their people. These were in contradiction of their treaty rights and status as sovereign entities. The organization continues to be an association of federally recognized and state-recognized Indian tribes.
Native American self-determination refers to the social movements, legislation and beliefs by which the Native American tribes in the United States exercise self-governance and decision-making on issues that affect their own people.
The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 authorized the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and some other government agencies to enter into contracts with, and make grants directly to, federally recognized Indian tribes. The tribes would have authority for how they administered the funds, which gave them greater control over their welfare. The ISDEAA is codified at Title 25, United States Code, beginning at section 5301.
Henry Lyle Adams was an American Native rights activist known as a successful strategist, tactician, and negotiator. He was instrumental in resolving several key conflicts between Native Americans and state and federal government officials after 1960. Born on a reservation in Montana and based in Washington state for much of his life, he participated in protests and negotiations in Washington, DC and Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
Pan-Indianism is a philosophical and political approach promoting unity and, to some extent, cultural homogenization, among different Indigenous groups in the Americas regardless of tribal distinctions and cultural differences.
The National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) is the second oldest American Indian organization in the United States with a membership of more than 15,000. It was the second independent native student organization, and one of the first native organizations to use direct action protests as a means to pursue its goals. During the 1960s, NIYC acted primarily as a civil rights organization. It was very active in the movement to preserve tribal fishing rights in the Northwest.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to United States federal Indian law and policy:
Carter Camp was an American Indian Movement activist. Camp played a leading role in the 1972 Trail of Broken Treaties that traveled to Washington, DC, where protesters took over the Department of Interior building. Camp was also one of the organizers of the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, to highlight the Lakota desire for sovereignty.
From 1969 to 1974, the Richard Nixon administration made important changes to United States policy towards Native Americans through legislation and executive action. President Richard Nixon advocated a reversal of the long-standing policy of "termination" that had characterized relations between the U.S. federal government and American Indians in favor of "self-determination." The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act restructured indigenous governance in Alaska, creating a unique structure of Native Corporations. Some of the most notable instances of American Indian activism occurred under the Nixon Administration, including the Occupation of Alcatraz and the Occupation of Wounded Knee.
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