ViennaRNA Package

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ViennaRNA Package
Original author(s) Hofacker et al.,
Developer(s) Institut für theoretische Chemie, Währingerstr
Initial release28 September 2000;23 years ago (2000-09-28)
Stable release
2.6.4 / 25 September 2023;11 months ago (2023-09-25)
Written in C, Perl, Python
Operating system Linux, macOS, Windows
Platform IA-32, x86-64
Size 13.4 MB (source code)
Available inEnglish
Type Bioinformatics
License Freeware

The ViennaRNA Package is software, a set of standalone programs and libraries used for predicting and analysing RNA nucleic acid secondary structures. [1] The source code for the package is released as free and open-source software and compiled binaries are available for the operating systems Linux, macOS, and Windows. The original paper has been cited over 2,000 times.



The three dimensional structure of biological macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids play critical role in determining their functional role. [2] This process of decoding function from the sequence is an experimentally and computationally challenging question addressed widely. [3] [4] RNA structures form complex secondary and tertiary structures compared to DNA which form duplexes with full complementarity between two strands. This is partly because the extra oxygen in RNA increases the propensity for hydrogen bonding in the nucleic acid backbone. The base pairing and base stacking interactions of RNA play critical role in formation of ribosome, spliceosome, or tRNA.

Secondary structure prediction is commonly done using approaches like dynamic programming, energy minimisation (for most stable structure) and generating suboptimal structures. Many structure prediction tools have been implemented also.


The first version of the ViennaRNA Package was published by Hofacker et al. in 1994. [1] The package distributed tools to compute either minimum free energy structures or partition functions of RNA molecules; both using the idea of dynamic programming. Non-thermodynamic criterion like formation of maximum matching or various versions of kinetic folding along with an inverse folding heuristic to determine structurally neutral sequences were implemented. Additionally, the package also contained a statistics suite with routines for cluster analysis, statistical geometry, and split decomposition.

The package was made available as library and a set of standalone routines.

Version 2.0

A number of major systemic changes were introduced in this version with the use of a new parametrized energy model (Turner 2004), [5] restructuring of the RNAlib to support concurrent computations in thread-safe manner, improvements to the application programming interface (API), and inclusion of several new auxiliary tools. For example, tools to assess RNA-RNA interactions and restricted ensembles of structures. Further, other features included additional output information such as centroid structures and maximum expected accuracy structures derived from base pairing probabilities, or z-scores for locally stable secondary structures, and support for input in FASTA format. The updates, however, are compatible with earlier versions without affecting the computational efficiency of the core algorithms. [6]

Web server

The tools provided by the ViennaRNA Package are also available for public use through a web interface. [7] [8]


In addition to prediction and analysis tools, the ViennaRNA Package contains several scripts and utilities for plotting and input-output processing. A summary of the available programs is collected in the table below (an exhaustive list with examples can be found in the official documentation). [9]

AnalyseDistsAnalyse a distance matrix
AnalyseSeqsAnalyse a set of sequences of common length
KinfoldSimulate kinetic folding of RNA secondary structures
RNA2DfoldCompute MFE structure, partition function and representative sample structures of k,l neighborhoods
RNAaliduplexPredict conserved RNA-RNA interactions between two alignments
RNAalifoldCalculate secondary structures for a set of aligned RNA sequences
RNAcofoldCalculate secondary structures of two RNAs with dimerization
RNAdistanceCalculate distances between RNA secondary structures
RNAduplexCompute the structure upon hybridization of two RNA strands
RNAevalEvaluate free energy of RNA sequences with given secondary structure
RNAfoldCalculate minimum free energy secondary structures and partition function of RNAs
RNAforesterCompare RNA secondary structures via forest alignment
RNAheatCalculate the specific heat (melting curve) of an RNA sequence
RNAinverseFind RNA sequences with given secondary structure (sequence design)
RNALalifoldCalculate locally stable secondary structures for a set of aligned RNAs
RNALfoldCalculate locally stable secondary structures of long RNAs
RNApalnRNA alignment based on sequence base pairing propensities
RNApdistCalculate distances between thermodynamic RNA secondary structures ensembles
RNAparconvConvert energy parameter files from ViennaRNA 1.8 to 2.0 format
RNAPKplexPredict RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots
RNAplexFind targets of a query RNA
RNAplfoldCalculate average pair probabilities for locally stable secondary structures
RNAplotDraw RNA Secondary Structures in PostScript, SVG, or GML
RNAsnoopFind targets of a query H/ACA snoRNA
RNAsuboptCalculate suboptimal secondary structures of RNAs
RNAupCalculate the thermodynamics of RNA-RNA interactions

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  1. 1 2 Hofacker, I. L.; Fontana, W.; Stadler, P. F.; Bonhoeffer, L. S.; Tacker, M.; Schuster, P. (1 February 1994). "Fast folding and comparison of RNA secondary structures". Monatshefte für Chemie. 125 (2): 167–188. doi:10.1007/BF00818163. ISSN   0026-9247. S2CID   19344304.
  2. Vella, F. (1992). "Introduction to Protein Structure". Biochemical Education. 20 (2): 122. doi:10.1016/0307-4412(92)90132-6.
  3. Whisstock, James C.; Lesk, Arthur M. (1 August 2003). "Prediction of protein function from protein sequence and structure". Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. 36 (3): 307–340. doi:10.1017/S0033583503003901. ISSN   1469-8994. PMID   15029827. S2CID   27123114.
  4. Lee, David; Redfern, Oliver; Orengo, Christine (2007). "Predicting protein function from sequence and structure". Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 8 (12): 995–1005. doi:10.1038/nrm2281. PMID   18037900. S2CID   14432468.
  5. Mathews, David H.; Disney, Matthew D.; Childs, Jessica L.; Schroeder, Susan J.; Zuker, Michael; Turner, Douglas H. (11 May 2004). "Incorporating chemical modification constraints into a dynamic programming algorithm for prediction of RNA secondary structure". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101 (19): 7287–7292. Bibcode:2004PNAS..101.7287M. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0401799101 . ISSN   0027-8424. PMC   409911 . PMID   15123812.
  6. Lorenz, Ronny; Bernhart, Stephan H; Siederdissen, Christian Höner zu; Tafer, Hakim; Flamm, Christoph; Stadler, Peter F; Hofacker, Ivo L (24 November 2011). "ViennaRNA Package 2.0". Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 6 (1): 26. doi: 10.1186/1748-7188-6-26 . PMC   3319429 . PMID   22115189.
  7. Gruber, Andreas R.; Lorenz, Ronny; Bernhart, Stephan H.; Neuböck, Richard; Hofacker, Ivo L. (1 July 2008). "The Vienna RNA Websuite". Nucleic Acids Research. 36 (suppl 2): W70–W74. doi:10.1093/nar/gkn188. ISSN   0305-1048. PMC   2447809 . PMID   18424795.
  8. Hofacker, Ivo L. (1 July 2003). "Vienna RNA secondary structure server". Nucleic Acids Research. 31 (13): 3429–3431. doi:10.1093/nar/gkg599. ISSN   0305-1048. PMC   169005 . PMID   12824340.
  9. "TBI - ViennaRNA Package 2". Retrieved 11 January 2016.

See also