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Reverend Willie Ray Lampley rose to national attention in the United States of America as a self-proclaimed prophet, the head of the Universal Church of God (Yahweh) based in Vernon, Oklahoma which was part of the Christian Identity movement. Lampley was also the leader of a small far right paramilitary group called the Oklahoma Constitutional Militia. In November 1995 he (aged 65) and his wife Cecilia (aged 47), along with John Dare Baird (aged 53) and Larry Wayne Crow (aged 56), were arrested under charges of conspiracy to manufacture and possess a destructive device. According to the FBI, their plan was to bomb abortion clinics, gay bars, federal buildings (including welfare offices of the Department of Human Services), the office of the Anti-Defamation League in Houston, Texas, and the office of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama. [1] [2] According to court documents, Lampley intended to use a destructive device consisting of 'homemade C-4' made of ammonium nitrate, nitromethane, aluminum powder and a detonation device (made from toaster parts). Lampley's plans were interrupted when FBI informant Richard Schrum alerted authorities that the homemade bomb was about to be tested at Elohim City. [2] [3] The FBI held that their foiling the plot "saved as many lives as what was lost in Oklahoma City". [1]
Lampley's anti-government attitudes became apparent in 1989 when during a civil case he declared he owed "No Allegiance to this God-rejecting rebellious Democracy." [1] At the time he also declared that he was an "Ambassador of the Most High God" and that the United States was about to be devastated by natural disasters followed by foreign attack "because the government had turned away from God." [1]
In January 1992, Lampley sent a letter to several organizations including California Governor Pete Wilson. In the letter, Lampley designated himself as "Prophet of the Most High" and that he and his associate John Trescott were "The Two Witnesses" of the Book of Revelation. They declared (emphasis theirs) "In Accordance with the ORDER OF DESTRUCTION which was filed in the Supreme Court of the United States as the result of failure to answer or to comply with a LAWFUL PROCLAMATION AND DEMAND AT THE COMMON LAW OF GOD, the State of California is presently being destroyed and will continue to be destroyed by authority as stated in Revelation 11:3-13.... The Kingdom of God will be established on this earth beginning October 7, 1994... Please write us if you want to be a part of this end-time work." [4] In February 1992, Lampley sent out a letter declaring that he and Trescott would start on a five-week tour of seven western states to give testimony to their leaders in warning "that The Great Tribulation had begun on March 26, 1991 and that it would last for 1,260 days". [4] Trescott later ended his association with Lampley and Anderson Fields Jr. took his place as one of the "two witnesses". [4]
Lampley was deeply affected by the 1993 burning of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, keeping a framed photograph of the fire within his otherwise undecorated church which was set-up like a home office. [3]
In a letter sent to the governor of Texas and the governor of Idaho, Lampley wrote (emphasis his) "According to the plan of Almighty God, each state in this Union was supposed to have been a mini-republic under the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, not under Jewish International Bankers. …You will be taken away just as any other real criminal should be and unless there are some real changes on your part before Sept. 20th, this year [1994], you will die." [5]
Lampley produced a pamphlet titled God's Prophets Throughout History, claiming that there was a New World Order conspiracy and "the stage has been set for the trio, Rome, Moscow, and the United States, to take over the whole world." [5]
In April 1995, Vietnam War veteran Larry Wayne Crow of Bentonville, Arkansas left his career as a corporate pilot for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., telling his friends that he was going to become a preacher. He then joined with Lampley, taking Trescott's place as one of the "Two Witnesses". They continued to send out letters including one to an Oklahoma congressman. [1] [5] The two also began attending local militia meetings inspiring them to create their own – the Oklahoma Constitutional militia. [5] Members of other militias advised Lampley to keep his group small so that they "can act independently… the smaller number of people that know about what you're doing, the better off you are." [6]
In June 1995, they wrote President Clinton a letter warning of an imminent foreign invasion led by United Nations' troops. [1]
Due to the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, the FBI increased its scrutiny of militia groups in the Southwest with a particular interest in Oklahoma and Texas. [1] In May 1995, Schrum (aged 50) "a veteran law enforcement officer with 20 years' experience, mostly with the Tulsa Police Department" volunteered to assist the government. By July, he had joined Lampley's church as an informant for the FBI. He later told reporters that "I was to monitor the militia situation ... anybody that might be a potential terrorist or anything that would cause a situation like Oklahoma City. I joined some of the militias and found that most were scared, afraid of Mr. Lampley, so naturally that is where I headed. It turned - after about a six-month surveillance - it turned out to be that type of situation. … They were very determined to complete what their goals were. They are convinced that everything they say is true with the predictions of a prophet. …He was making all these prophecies and none of them were coming true. So he had to get to a point where he had to make some of them come true. You know nobody would believe him anymore. So he was kind of pressured by his own ideas in having to do something." [1]
In August 1995, Lampley and Crow visited the Tri-States Militia in Gregory County, South Dakota looking for support in an attack on buildings. [7] At the time Crow stated "We need to do four or five to create problems for the government. God won't be mad at us if we drop four or five buildings. He will probably reward us." [1] Crow also gave Lampley a book with bomb making instructions at this time. [1]
Having returned from South Dakota, the pair tried to recruit Dennis Mahon of Tulsa, the Oklahoma organizer for the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) into their scheme. Tapes of the conversation recorded by Schrum have Lampley telling Mahon "We're going to need you to help support the underground. We have a situation developing where we're going to have to help the underground actually begin to make some strikes. We're thinking about getting rid of some ADL (Anti-Defamation League) people. " [1] Mahon refused to participate holding that Lampley could not be taken seriously and had seemed "to have a problem with reality…just go[ne] nuts over the Bible." [1]
Lampley acquired six 35-pound bags of ammonium nitrates and a gallon of nitromethane while secretly being photographed by FBI agents as he loaded them into his car. [5]
Acting for the FBI, Schrum wore a microphone on November 10, 1995, and taped Lampley, Cecilia, and Baird making bombs with the same explosive as used in the Oklahoma City bombing which they intended to test at Elohim City, a white-separatist enclave in Adair County run by Lampley's friend Reverend Robert Millar. The choice of test site was protested by Baird who said "the Feds were all over that place…tryin' to spook 'em into doin' somethin' so they can jump on their shit." [8]
The next day, November 11, 1995, the church and several trailer homes next to it were raided by the FBI. [9] Semiautomatic rifles, handguns, ammunition, bomb making equipment, six bags of C-4, and The Anarchist's Cookbook were seized. Lampley, Cecilia, and Baird were arrested at a McDonald's parking lot by Indian Nations Turnpike near Vernon and the three were held at the Muskogee jail. Crow surrendered to U.S. Marshals at Albuquerque, New Mexico three days later. [1] The Oklahoma Highway Patrol bomb squad blew up the seized explosives in a field behind the church.
From his jail cell, Lampley denied that the explosives were for destroying buildings rather they "for use in future guerrilla warfare when the United States is invaded by foreign troops." [1] He also claimed to be indifferent to the criminal charges as "God is going to destroy the nation in three years and 11 months anyway." [1] Schrum told reporters that "Lampley is totally convinced. He believes it beyond a doubt that he's the prophet of God, that he's going to die from all this, and in three days he will rise from the dead and inherit the earth." [1]
While in jail, Lampley told an interviewer that the United Nations was "The Beast of Revelations [chapter] 13" and that it was set to invade the USA because "the American people are from the tribe of Ephraim, from the House of Joseph, we're Israelites" and the Antichrist was coming to punish Israelites because they were in rebellion to God's law. [8] He explained that he had been trying for seven years "to warn the [American] people either to get in harmony with God's law or the whole system is coming down…It's still the matter that, it either gets in harmony with God – well, it's too late now…" [8] He stated that "What we have done is we have filed lawsuits in eleven states, in federal district courts, letting them know that this conspiracy to overthrow the government of God and the government…uh, they have made a determination to overthrow God in the land, and this is nothing but a conspiracy and this is about to come to an end. So basically what I'm saying is, we have filed lawsuits throughout the land to warn everyone in political office that you either change, or you are going to die. And that's what it amounts to. That doesn't mean that we're going to kill them, it simply means that, uh, that they are going to be killed. I mean, all of these officials are going to die because they refuse to obey God." [8]
In face of the charges against him, Crow struck a plea bargain and cooperated with the prosecution, adding his testimony to Schrum's who also provided taped conversations as evidence. [5]
Lampley had initially told Baird's attorney that Jesus Christ would represent him throughout the trial, but as the court date approached he made use of a defense lawyer. [5]
During the two-week trial of Lampley, Cecilia, and Baird, the three defendants' lawyers' had claimed that they had been entrapped by the FBI on behalf of "an overzealous government seeking retribution against militias for the Oklahoma City bombing." [10] [11] The defense lawyers also protested that the timing of the trial was terrible as it was near the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. They pointed out that Schrum had broken off his surveillance of Lampley between August and October to investigate a different militia in Eufaula – not something that would've happened "if they really thought he was going to hurt anybody". [10] Their attorneys pointed out that Jonathan Bernstein of the Anti-Defamation League had not been warned that he was a possible target until three months after Lampley had brought him up – which was only explicable if the FBI "knew that Ray Lampley was not a threat." [10] They held that "By the time the FBI determined that Ray Lampley wasn't a threat, the investigation already had gone too far to end it." [10] They pointed out that the three had no previous criminal record. Lampley's lawyer also claimed that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to combat service in the Korean War had affected his client. [5]
The prosecution held that the entrapment defense didn't apply because the defendants were predisposed to commit the crime, and "Ray Lampley was given opportunity after opportunity to end it, but he persisted and went forward. He was not induced by (FBI informant) Richard Schrum." [10] The prosecution held that Lampley's bombs were for people he deemed "sodomites" and groups he thought were "agents of the New World Order." [10]
On April 25, 1996, after five hours of deliberation a federal jury returned a verdict of guilty of conspiring to build an ammonium nitrate bomb on Lampley, Cecilia, and Baird. [10] [11] [12] Lampley and Baird were also convicted of carrying firearms in relation to a crime, and Lampley was convicted of solicitation of a crime of violence. [11] Lampley was sentenced to imprisonment of 11 years and six months, Baird was sentenced to 120 months, Cecilia was sentenced to 51 months. [5] Crow as part of his plea deal plead guilty to misprision (concealment of a felony by one not a participant in the crime) received probation, a six-month stay in a halfway house, and was sentenced to 100 hours of community service. [5] [11]
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, on April 19, 1995, the second anniversary of the end to the Waco siege. The bombing was the deadliest act of terrorism in U.S. history prior to the September 11 attacks in 2001, and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. On April 19, 2000, the Oklahoma City National Memorial was dedicated on the site of the Murrah Federal Building, commemorating the victims of the bombing. Remembrance services are held every year on April 19, at the time of the explosion.
Timothy James McVeigh was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. The bombing killed 168 people, 19 of whom were children, injured 680, and destroyed one-third of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. It remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history.
Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, , commonly known in the United States as "The Blind Sheikh", was a blind Egyptian Islamist militant who served a life sentence at the Federal Medical Center, Butner near Butner, North Carolina, United States. Formerly a resident of New York City, Abdel-Rahman and nine others were convicted of seditious conspiracy in 1995. His prosecution grew out of investigations of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
The Order, also known as the Brüder Schweigen, Silent Brotherhood or less commonly known as the Aryan Resistance Movement, was a Neo-Nazi terrorist organization active in the United States between September 1983 and December 1984. The group raised funds via armed robbery. Ten members were tried and convicted for racketeering, and two for their role in the 1984 murder of radio talk show host Alan Berg.
Terry Lynn Nichols is an American domestic terrorist who was convicted for conspiring with Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing plot. Prior to his incarceration, he held a variety of short-term jobs, working as a farmer, grain elevator manager, real estate salesman, and ranch hand. He met Timothy McVeigh, during a brief stint in the U.S. Army, which ended in 1989 when he requested a hardship discharge after less than one year of service. In 1994 and 1995, he conspired with McVeigh in the planning and preparation of the truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. The bombing killed 168 people.
The Aryan Republican Army (ARA), also dubbed "The Midwest Bank bandits" by the FBI and law-enforcement, was a white nationalist terrorist gang which robbed 22 banks in the Midwest from 1994 to 1996. The bank robberies were spearheaded by Donna Langan. The gang, who had links to Neo-Nazism and white supremacism, were alleged to have conspired with convicted terrorist Timothy McVeigh in the months before the Oklahoma City bombing terrorist attack. Although it has never been proven, many theorists believe the ARA funneled robbery money to help fund the bombing as a direct response to the Waco and Ruby Ridge sieges.
Elohim City is a private community in Adair County, Oklahoma, United States. The 400 acres (1.6 km2) rural retreat was founded in 1973 by Robert G. Millar, a Canadian immigrant, former Mennonite, and "one of the most important leaders" in America's Christian Identity movement, a theology common to an assortment of right-wing extremist groups. The community gained national attention for its ties to members of The Order in the 1980s, as well as with convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh in the 1990s.
Ruby Ridge was the site of a siege of a cabin occupied by the Weaver family in Boundary County, Idaho, in August 1992. On August 21, deputies of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) came to arrest Randy Weaver under a bench warrant after his failure to appear on federal firearms charges.
The Montana Freemen were an anti-government Christian Patriot militia based outside the town of Jordan, Montana, United States. The members of the group referred to their land as "Justus Township" and had declared their leaders and followers "sovereign citizens" no longer under the authority of any outside government. They became the center of public attention in 1996 when they engaged in a prolonged armed standoff with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The 2007 Fort Dix attack plot involved a group of six radicalized individuals who were found guilty of conspiring to stage an attack against U.S. Military personnel stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey.
In the United States, a common definition of terrorism is the systematic or threatened use of violence in order to create a general climate of fear to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change. This article serves as a list and a compilation of acts of terrorism, attempts to commit acts of terrorism, and other such items which pertain to terrorist activities which are engaged in by non-state actors or spies who are acting in the interests of state actors or persons who are acting without the approval of foreign governments within the domestic borders of the United States.
Mountaineer Militia was a local anti-government paramilitary group, members of which plotted to blow up an FBI building Clarksburg, West Virginia in 1996. The group also used the name West Virginia Mountaineer Militia, and had ties with another militias from other states.
Alternative theories have been proposed regarding the Oklahoma City bombing. These theories reject all, or part of, the official government report. Some of these theories focus on the possibility of additional co-conspirators that were never indicted or additional explosives planted inside the Murrah Federal building. Other theories allege that government employees and officials, including US President Bill Clinton, knew of the impending bombing and intentionally failed to act on that knowledge. Further theories allege that the bombing was perpetrated by government forces to frame and stigmatize the militia movement, which had grown following the controversial federal handlings of the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents, and regain public support. Government investigations have been opened at various times to look into the theories.
On May 20, 2009, US law enforcement arrested four men in connection with a fake plot concocted by a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informant to shoot down military airplanes flying out of an Air National Guard base in Newburgh, New York, and blow up two synagogues in the Riverdale community of the Bronx using weapons supplied by the FBI. The group was led by Shahed Hussain, a Pakistani criminal who was working for the FBI to avoid deportation for having defrauded the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Hussain has never been charged in the United States with any terrorism related offenses and was paid nearly US$100,000 by the FBI for his work on this plot.
Hutaree was a militia movement group adhering to the ideology of the Christian Patriot movement, based near Adrian, Michigan, in the United States. The group formed in early 2006. The name "Hutaree" appears to be a neologism; the group's website says that the name means "Christian warriors", but an investigation by the FBI concluded the word does not have a Christian background. The group became widely known in 2010 after the United States FBI prosecuted them in federal court for an alleged plan for violent revolt. The prosecution said they intended to kill a police officer and to attack the funeral with bombs. The presiding judge dismissed these charges. Three members pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and were sentenced to time served.
Carol Elizabeth Howe is a former informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Howe became a key figure in Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories when she said that she informed authorities of a right-wing extremist plan to blow up a federal building in Oklahoma a few months before the Oklahoma City bombing.
Andreas Carl Strassmeir is a German national and the former head-of-security for the white separatist community of Elohim City, Oklahoma. He gained media attention for his alleged connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing and has become an important figure in its conspiracy theories.
The Fort Smith sedition trial was a 1988 trial of fourteen white supremacists accused of plotting to overthrow the United States federal government and conspiring to assassinate federal officials. The fourteen defendants were acquitted after a two-month trial. One of the jurors later married one of the defendants, while another said they agreed with many of their views.
On October 8, 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 men suspected of orchestrating a domestic terror plot to kidnap American politician Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, and otherwise using violence to overthrow the state government. Some have labeled the attempt as an example of stochastic terrorism, where violent rhetoric by prominent figures inspired the plot.
The Viper Militia was an anti-government militia group created in 1995. The militants planned for more than two years to bomb government buildings in the state, in addition to carrying out training with firearms.