Winston Churchill Memorial Trusts

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Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Founded1 February 1965
FocusEnhancing communities by providing opportunities for individuals to expand knowledge in other countries
OriginsLiving memorial to Sir Winston Churchill
Area served
UK, Australia, New Zealand
MethodTravel Fellowships
Endowment £2.75 million (UK:1965) [1] :2
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Obverse Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Obverse Side.png
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Obverse
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Reverse, Recipient name redacted Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Reverse Side.png
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship Medal, Reverse, Recipient name redacted

Winston Churchill Memorial Trusts (WCMT) are three independent but related living memorials to Sir Winston Churchill, based in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. They exist for the purpose of administering Churchill Fellowships, also known as Churchill Travelling Fellowships, to provide an opportunity for applicants to travel overseas to conduct research in their chosen fields.


The Trusts were established in 1965, after the death of Churchill, by a combination of public subscription and government contributions.

The operating name of the UK Trust is The Churchill Fellowship.



In 1962 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh asked Churchill what type of memorial he would like the world to remember him by. He liked the idea of an unusual type of memorial, to be set up after his death, and suggested something like the Rhodes Scholarships, but available to everybody, on a wider basis. The concept was developed jointly by the English-Speaking Unions of the Commonwealth and of the United States. Several countries planned a nationwide appeal after Churchill's to set up a National Churchill Trust. The plans were kept secret at Lady Churchill’s request until after his death. [2]

The Trusts were founded to "perpetuate and honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill" by administering the award of travelling fellowships known as Churchill Fellowships. [1] :9

An attempt in 1964 by then Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and George A. Drew to launch a fourth Trust in Canada did not come to fruition, in part due to the illness and death of the latter. [1] :5

In 2019 The Queen granted permission for Churchill Fellows to use the post-nominal honorific CF; [3] [4] in 2021 the Trusts adopted the operating name of the Churchill Fellowship. [5]


The UK Trust was founded on 1 February 1965, the day after Churchill's funeral. [1] :1 Elizabeth II extended her Royal Patronage to the Trust in 1965. [1] :2


Before Churchill's death, planning for the fund-raising appeal for the establishment of a Churchill Trust in Australia continued under the code name Operation “G” (for Gratitude), under the leadership of (later Sir) William John Kilpatrick. [6] Immediately on the announcement of Churchill's death on the 24 January 1965, a nationwide appeal for funds was launched by Prime Minister Robert Menzies, with Kilpatrick as Chairman of the Appeal Committee. Commonwealth and State Governments as well as Australian companies and individuals donated generously. The Returned Services League performed a nationwide doorknock on Sunday 28 of February, which raised £911,000. A total of £2,206,000 was raised, and the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust founded to administer the funds. [2]



The recipients organise their own travel and undertake their own research. Upon their return, they submit a report to the Trustees. Once their report is accepted, they are formally installed as Fellows and receive their insignia, consisting of a specially minted Churchill Medal, at a national award ceremony. Applicants must be citizens of the respective country and the research must necessitate foreign travel.[ citation needed ]

An implication taken from the award of a Fellowship is that the recipient is a leader or has potential leadership in their field of endeavour, and that the Fellowship will strengthen their usefulness to society. They are encouraged to promote the Fellowships, encouraging others to apply, and thus perpetuating the memory of Churchill.[ citation needed ]


The UK Trust, situated in London, [7] award 150 travelling fellowships to fund successful applicants' travel for four to eight weeks anywhere in the world, researching their chosen topic among global leaders in their field. Upon return, the organisation helps the Fellows to share their learning with professions and communities across the country. They are not academic research grants, but intended for practical research into real-world issues, covering eight themes: Arts and culture; community and citizenship; economy and enterprise; education and skills; environment and resources; health and wellbeing; governance and public provision; and science and technology. [8]

In 2019 the Patron of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (UK), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, granted the use of the post-nominal letters "CF" (for "Churchill Fellow") to recipients of the award. The stated aim of the honorific is 'to mark the contribution of Churchill Fellows to national life'. [3] In 2021 the Trusts adopted the operating name of The Churchill Fellowship. [5]


The Australian WCMT has chapters with regional committees in each state and territory, [9] with the national office at Churchill House in Canberra. All directors and regional committee members serve in an honorary capacity. [2]

The aim of the fellowships is to "provide an opportunity for Australians to travel overseas to conduct research in their chosen field that is not readily available in Australia...with further opportunity in their pursuit of excellence for the enrichment of Australian society". There are no prescriptions as to theme or topic. [2]

Recipients of Churchill Fellowships are entitled to use the post-nominal letters CF upon completion of their fellowship. [10]

New Zealand

The New Zealand WCMT is administered by the Department of Internal Affairs. [11] Lieutenant-General Sir Jerry Mateparae, former Governor-General of New Zealand, is patron of the Trust, which assists fellows to travel overseas for a period of from three weeks to three months to investigate topics in their trade, industry, profession or business, that will help them to increase their contribution to the community and their field back in New Zealand. [12]

Notable fellows by country and year

United Kingdom

YearFellowOccupation /
Purpose / project / findingsLocation of study
1967Dr. Mary Remnant MusicologistBrought back to life, in reconstructed form, the sound of medieval musical instruments depicted on church walls and in carvings across Europe. [13] Europe
1971 Christopher J. Walker Historian" write a history of modern Armenia". [14] Armenia
1976Dr. Jane Wilson-Howarth EcologistDiscovered numerous species that were new to science and named one, a springtail, Troglopedetes churchillatus in honour of Churchill. [15] [16] Nepal
1981 John Elkington Business authorEnvironmental industry and its use in implementing the World Conservation Strategy.United States [17]
1982 Nick Danziger Travel artist and authorTravelling on foot and by traditional local transport, Danziger traversed from western Europe to China, and published Danziger’s Travels as a result. [18] [19] [20] Western Europe and China
1983 Harold Cudmore Olympic Sailor YachtsmanDeveloping tactics for match racingBahamas and United States
1988 Charles Farthing Medical doctorStudied AIDS at the Bellevue Hospital in New York [21] United States
1989 Serge Lourie Housing Association ChairStudied urban renewal and housing in order to help tackle the housing crisis in the United Kingdom France and United States
2000 Paul Darke Academic and Disability rights activistExploring disability access to pilgrimages and shrines [22] France and Spain
2014Professor Andrew Rowland [23] Children's DoctorInvestigated the impact of mandatory reporting of child abuse, the work of children's advocacy centres and strategies used to identify children at risk of child sexual exploitation and trafficking. United States, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong
2016Amy VarleHousing consultantPioneering strategies for 21st century homeless prevention and responseUnited States


YearFellowOccupation /
Purpose / project / findingsLocation of study
1972 Lionel Gilbert Lecturer and curatorTo study the educational use of museums in the UK [24] UK
1972 Rob Morrison Zoology researcherTo examine the administration of Field Study Centres and the courses offered in same [25] UK
1984 Roger McNeice Numismatist To study developments in the conservation and preservation of coins and medals. [26] UK
2008Dr Elizabeth Grant Architect, anthropologist and academic, University of Adelaide To study the design of prisons for Indigenous prisoners [27] Denmark, US, Canada, New Zealand
2009 Sarah Maddison Social scientist and academicTo study models of Indigenous representation [28] US and Canada
2009 Shan Raffel FirefighterTo study emergency planning, preparation and response to fires and other incidents in large tunnels [29] Germany, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, US
2009 Corinne Unger ScientistTo study leading practice abandoned mine rehabilitation and post-mining land use [30] Austria, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada
2016 Lindy W. Cayzer BotanistTo unlock critical taxonomic information on the Pittosporaceae in overseas herbaria [31] Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Netherlands, France, UK
2017 Garry Stewart Choreographer To undertake a comparative study of seven major international choreographic centres [32] [33] Canada, France, India, Netherlands, UK, US
2017 Anthea Williams Theatre and film directorTo research the best play, writer and audience development models in English speaking theatres [34] Canada, United Kingdom, US
2019 Jared Thomas Writer and museum curatorTo investigate colonised people's interpretative strategies in permanent gallery displays [35] New Zealand, US, Canada, Norway
2020Dr Hannah McGlade Academic, human rights advocate and lawyerTo investigate the establishment and foundation of the Sami parliaments particularly the extent of their vested power, responsibility and representative structure [36] Finland, Norway, Sweden

New Zealand

YearFellowOccupation /
Purpose / project / findingsLocation of study
1973 Don Merton Conservationist To study the management of endangered species[ citation needed ]US and Europe
2015 Jane Tolerton HistorianTo gather information for a book on New Zealand women's work in the First World War [37] United Kingdom
2017 Taiaroa Royal Choreographer To undertake choreographic research with Exhale Dance Tribe to start developing a united choreographic language and voice [38] Cincinnati
2018 Richard Davies General practitioner To study medical clinics providing services to the homeless and vulnerable [39] United Kingdom
2021 Veronika Meduna Science journalistTo carry out research for a book on the settlement of the Pacific [40] Micronesia, Melanesia and Australia

See also

Related Research Articles

The Harkness Fellowship is a program run by the Commonwealth Fund of New York City. This fellowship was established to reciprocate the Rhodes Scholarships and enable Fellows from several countries to spend time studying in the United States.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Martin Gilbert</span> British historian (1936–2015)

Sir Martin John Gilbert was a British historian and honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. He was the author of 88 books, including works on Winston Churchill, the 20th century, and Jewish history including the Holocaust. He was a member of the Chilcot Inquiry into Britain's role in the Iraq War.

Sam Faulkner is a photographer and filmmaker based in London.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Neal Ashkanasy</span> Australian academic

Neal M. Ashkanasy is an Australian academic best known for his work on emotions in the workplace. He was honored for his "service to tertiary education, to psychology and to the community." He began his career as a civil engineer but is now a Professor of Management at the University of Queensland Business School.

Nick Danziger HonFRPS CF is a British photographer, film maker and travel writer.

Jean Gloria Edith Puketapu or Jean Puketapu-Waiwai was a Ngāi Tūhoe Māori language native speaker and co-founder of the first kōhanga reo.

Carolyn Narelle Watson is an Australian conductor.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elizabeth Grant (anthropologist)</span> Australian architect and anthropologist (1963–2022)

Elizabeth Grant CF was an Australian architectural anthropologist, criminologist and academic working in the field of Indigenous Architecture. She was a Churchill Fellow and held academic positions at The University of Adelaide, as Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at RMIT University's RMIT School of Architecture and Design, Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra and the University of Queensland. She researched, wrote, and was an activist focused on architecture and design with Indigenous peoples as architectural practice and a social movement, and the observance of human rights in institutional architecture. Her expertise in Indigenous housing and homelessness, design for Indigenous peoples living with disability, and indigenising public places and spaces made her a regular guest on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National and ABC Local Radio. She wrote and reviewed architectural projects for architectural magazines such as Architecture Australia, the journal of the Australian Institute of Architects, and the Australian Design Review.

Leo Baker is a writer and film director. Leo was the sole animator of the 2011 Oscar Award winning short animation The Lost Thing. Between 2013 and 2016 Leo co-directed a feature documentary film The Will To Fly about the life and sport career of Olympic freestyle aerial skier Lydia Lassila.

Veronika Meduna is a scientist, science journalist and broadcaster who was the founding New Zealand editor of The Conversation.

Abigail "Abi" Walker is a Scottish surgeon and retired international female field hockey goalkeeper.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jane Tolerton</span> New Zealand writer

Jane Tolerton is a New Zealand biographer, journalist and historian.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roger Mills (badminton)</span> English badminton player and coach

Roger J Mills (1942–2020) was a former English international badminton player and coach.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Courtney Johnston</span> Chief executive of Te Papa museum

Courtney Johnston is a New Zealand museum professional, a national radio correspondent, and the chief executive of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shan Raffel</span> Australian firefighter

Shan Raffel CF is an Australian firefighter serving as an operational station officer in Brisbane. After the death of two colleagues in 1994 and the serious injury of two others in 1996, he submitted a proposal for an intensive international study of compartment fire behavior training (CFBT). Raffel visited the United Kingdom and Sweden for 6 weeks to study the most advanced teaching tactics and training facilities. Upon return, he shaped the first nationally recognized training program in Australia and has since assisted numerous fire services in Australia and internationally with the development of their training facilities and teaching materials.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joshua Powell</span> British conservation biologist (born 1993)

Joshua John Powell CF is a British conservation biologist. He is one of the faces of WWF's #WWFVoices campaign on global biodiversity.

Emma Appleton is an Australian landscape architect and urban designer notable for her contributions to urban planning and development. She is the Director of City Strategy at the City of Melbourne, Victoria.

Lindy Webster Cayzer CF is an Australian botanist.

Taiaroa Royal is a New Zealand dancer and choreographer. Royal co-founded the contemporary Māori dance company Okareka with Taane Mete. As a dancer he has performed with New Zealand companies the Royal New Zealand Ballet, Douglas Wright Dance Company, Atamiria and Black Grace. He has choregraphed contemporary dance and also music videos including for Evermore and Ardijah, and for the World of Wearable Art (WOW) in Wellington. He is a 2023 recipient of an Arts Foundation of New Zealand Laureate Award.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Bath., Alan A. (1985). A survey of the work of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust in the operation of the scheme of Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowships 1966–1983. London: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. ISBN   978-0-9510028-0-3.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "About the Churchill Trust". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (Australia). Retrieved 2 November 2019.
  3. 1 2 "Honorific for Churchill Fellows". Retrieved 31 December 2021.
  4. "Annual Report 2020-21" (PDF). The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. p. 6. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 August 2021. Retrieved 20 August 2021. On completion of their Churchill Fellowships, recipients are entitled to use the post-nominals CF after their name in recognition of their status as a Churchill Fellow.
  5. 1 2 "About us: Our trustees". The Churchill Fellowship. 2021. Retrieved 27 December 2021.
  6. Damian, Veltri. Kilpatrick, Sir William John (Bill) (1906–1985) (Published first in hardcopy 2007 ed.). Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. Retrieved 2 November 2019.
  7. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (UK)". Archived from the original on 2 August 2019. Retrieved 10 May 2009.
  8. "What we do". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (UK). Archived from the original on 4 September 2019.
  9. "Contact us". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (Australia). Retrieved 2 November 2019.
  10. "Annual Report 2020-21" (PDF). The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. p. 6. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 August 2021. Retrieved 20 August 2021. On completion of their Churchill Fellowships, recipients are entitled to use the post-nominals CF after their name in recognition of their status as a Churchill Fellow.
  11. "New Zealand Winston Churchill Memorial Trust" . Retrieved 10 May 2009.
  12. "The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of New Zealand". International Churchill Society. In Finest Hour (161), Winter 2013-14. 21 February 2015. Retrieved 2 November 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  13. Christopher Page (October 1987). "Mary Remnant, English Bowed Instruments from Anglo-Saxon to Tudor Times. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986. xxv + 182 pp". Early Music History. 7. Cambridge University Press: online 05 December 2008: 243–248. doi:10.1017/S0261127900000607. S2CID   192640596.
  14. "Islam and the West: A Dissonant Harmony of Civilisations". Archived from the original on 8 February 2012. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  15. Wilson, J.M. (1982). "A review of world Troglopedetini (Collembola) including an identification table and descriptions of new species". Cave Science: Transactions of the British Cave Research Association. 9 (3): 210–226.
  16. "Fellows Today – Dr. Jane Wilson-Howarth" . Retrieved 10 May 2009.
  17. "John Elkington 1981". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Retrieved 28 May 2016.
  18. Danziger, Nick (1988). Danziger's travels: beyond forbidden frontiers . London: Paladin. ISBN   978-0-586-08706-0.
  19. "Nick Danziger – Bio" . Retrieved 10 May 2009.
  20. "Fellows Today – Nick Danziger" . Retrieved 10 May 2009.
  21. "Charles Farthing". News. British HIV Association. 9 April 2014. Retrieved 12 May 2014.
  22. "Exploring disability access to pilgrimages and shrines | Winston Churchill Memorial Trust". Retrieved 30 September 2020.
  23. "Dr Andrew Rowland's Story".
  24. Australian College of Educators (2012). "Dr. Lionel Gilbert OAM". Australian College of Educators. Retrieved 17 October 2012.
  25. "Morrison, Robert's profile". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Retrieved 8 January 2017.
  26. "Roger McNeice OAM". Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Retrieved 12 July 2015.
  27. "investigate the design of correctional facilities for Indigenous prisoners – New Zealand, Canada, Denmark" . Retrieved 6 January 2015.
  28. Maddison, Sarah (21 September 2010). "To study Indigenous representation organizations in Canada and the United States" (PDF). The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Australia. Retrieved 16 January 2012.
  29. "Shan Raffel QLD 2009". Winston Churchill Trust. Retrieved 26 December 2021.
  30. "Corinne Unger QLD 2009". Winston Churchill Trust. Retrieved 26 December 2021.
  31. "Cayzer, Lindy's Fellowship Profile | WINSTON CHURCHILL MEMORIAL TRUST". Retrieved 25 April 2020.
  32. "Mr Garry Stewart". Flinders University. Retrieved 7 January 2022.
  33. "To study the structure and function of choreographic centres in various international locations". Churchill Trust. 3 January 2022. Retrieved 7 January 2022.
  34. "Anthea Williams". The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Archived from the original on 18 August 2021. Retrieved 20 August 2021.
  35. "2019 Churchill Fellowship Award Recipients". Churchill Trust. Retrieved 22 November 2019.
  36. "Hannah McGlade". Churchill Trust. Retrieved 18 December 2021.
  37. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust 2015 fellowships and their research reports". Department of Internal Affairs. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  38. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust 2017 fellowships and their research reports". Department of Internal Affairs. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  39. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust 2018 fellowships and their research reports". Department of Internal Affairs. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
  40. "Winston Churchill Memorial Trust 2021 fellowships and their research reports". Department of Internal Affairs. Retrieved 30 December 2021.