The Yokohama International Women's Ekiden held in Yokohama, Japan, was one of the prominent ekiden races of the year. It was held annually from 1983 to 2009, and was discontinued because of the replacement of the Tokyo Women's Marathon by the Yokohama Women's Marathon. [1]
The traditional Ekiden relay consists of two laps of ten kilometers, three of five kilometers and one of 7.195 meters, the total adds up to a traditional marathon. [2]
Year | Country | Time |
1983 | ![]() | |
1984 | ![]() | |
1985 | ![]() | 2.18.27 [3] [4] |
1986 | ![]() | 2.16.42 [3] [4] |
1987 | ![]() | 2.16.49, [5] |
1988 | ![]() | 2.15,41 [6] |
1989 | ![]() | 2.18.33. [7] |
1990 | ![]() | |
1991 | ![]() | 2.16.23 [8] |
1992 | ![]() | 2.16.41 [9] |
1993 | ![]() | |
1994 | ![]() | |
1995 | ![]() | 2.17.31 [10] |
1996 | ![]() | |
1997 | ![]() | |
1998 | ![]() | |
1999 | ![]() | |
2000 | ![]() | 2.15.14 [11] |
2001 | ![]() | |
2002 | ![]() | |
2003 | ![]() | 2.15.10 [12] |
2004 | ![]() | |
2005 | ![]() | 2:13:40 [13] |
2006 | ![]() | 2:13:55 [14] |
2007 | ![]() | 2:14:48 [15] |
2008 | ![]() | 2:14:47 [15] |
2009 | ![]() | 2:15:05 [1] [16] |
Håkon Wium Lie is a Norwegian web pioneer, a standards activist, and the Chief Technology Officer of Opera Software from 1998 until the browser was sold to new owners in 2016. He is best known for developing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) while working with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994.
Lars Saabye Christensen is a Norwegian/Danish author.
The Baneheia murders was a double rape and murder that occurred in Norway on 19 May 2000. The victims were two girls, 10-year-old Lena Sløgedal Paulsen and 8-year-old Stine Sofie Austegard Sørstrønen. They were found raped and killed in the Baneheia area in Kristiansand. The murders received massive media attention in Norway in the early 2000s.
Ingrid Fiskaa is a Norwegian activist and politician for the Socialist Left Party.
Harald Karsten Maurice Langemyhr is a Norwegian businessman who been indicted by Norwegian prosecuting authority and is scheduled for a 14-week trial in Oslo Tingrett starting September 5, 2011.
Revolve NTNU is Norwegian University of Science and Technology's team for Europe's Formula Student motorsport competition. Established in 2010 and with their first car completed in 2012, when they were the first Norwegian team to participate at the Formula Student competition, the team has expanded to 80 students from different engineering disciplines at the university. They built Norway's first electric race car and Scandinavia's first four-wheel-drive electric race car.
The Pelle group was a Norwegian resistance group that conducted acts of sabotage against the German occupation of Norway in Østlandet during the autumn of 1944.
The Edvard Prize is a Norwegian music award in given by TONO, copyright organization for musicians and composers. The honor, which was given for the first time in 1998, is given each year and is only given to organization members. The goal is to enhance the musical life and increase awareness of Norwegian composers and writers and their works. The prize is named after the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg.
The Vennesla Library and Culture House is a public library serving the inhabitants of Vennesla Municipality in Agder, Norway. The new library building completed in 2011 has won several architecture prizes and has been praised both within Norway and abroad.
Anne Gravingen and Bendik Romstad are a married couple who are both former advertising agents, now food entrepreneurs, who have worked together continuously since they studied together at Westerdals School of Communication in 1994. They were named by Aftenposten in 2005 as Norway's most creative couple.
Endre Lund Eriksen is a Norwegian author and politician.
A Town Betrayed is a 2010 Norwegian documentary about the prelude of the Srebrenica massacre (1995), written and directed by journalists Ola Flyum and David Hebditch and produced by Fenris Films, NRK, among others. It was shown on NRK's Brennpunkt on 26 April 2011 and SVT on 28 August 2011.
The 2020 Gjerdrum landslide was a quick clay landslide that occurred in the early hours of 30 December 2020 at Ask village, the administrative centre of Gjerdrum, Norway. It spanned a flow off area of 300 by 700 metres and additionally affected 9 hectares by debris flow. Several buildings were destroyed, most of them houses and apartment buildings.
The Cotillion Coach is a miniature coach constructed in 1888 for the celebration of the 70th birthday of Christian IX of Denmark. It was later refurbished for the celebrations of the 18th birthday of Margrethe II and once again used at the 70th birthday of Queen Ingrid. It is on display in the Royal Mews and Carriage Museum at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen.
Loft is a traditional two-storey wooden building preserved mostly in Norway. A loft was used for storage and sleeping, and is known since the early Middle Ages. Loft buildings dating from around 1200 are preserved in rural areas. Lofts were typically built in log technique, unlike the post and lintel construction in stave churches. Many lofts have an external corridor or balcony resting on a log corbel. The oldest non-religious wooden buildings in Norway are lofts. In addition to the stave church, Christian Norberg-Schulz regards the loft as Norway's most important contribution to history of architecture.
Resett, also known as, was a Norwegian online newspaper, which publisheed news and op-ed content. The website was launched in 2017 with Helge Lurås as editor-in-chief. Resett aimed to "present cases from a different angle than established mass media, and to cover news that other media do not want to cover". The newspaper closed operations in December 2022.
Andrea Norheim is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a defender for HB Køge.
Trond Håndlykken Kvernstrøm is a Norwegian TV producer.
Den tradisjonelle Ekiden-stafetten består av to etapper på ti kilometer, tre på fem kilometer og en på 7.195 meter, slik at den totale lengden tilsvarer et vanlig maratonløp.
Ingrid Kristiansen førte laget fram i teten etter 24 av de 42.195 kilometerne. Derfra og inn var det Ingrid, pluss Grete Kirkeberg på 5. etappe og Kristin Sørum på 6. og siste etappe, som løp i suveren stil, mer enn to minutter foran konkurrentene. Norge satte løyperekord med 2.16.42. Sovjet, som hadde rekorden fra i fjor med 2.18.27, klikket fullstendig denne gang, og havnet på sjuendeplass. USA, favoritt sammen med Sovjet, tok 2. plass med 2.18.51. Amerikanerne ble hektet av fullstendig på 4. etappen. De ledet etter tre etapper, men Mary Custy ble innhentet og deretter fullstendig fraløpt av Ingrid Kristiansen på 4. etappe. Ingrid hadde fenomenale 30.29 på sine 10 kilometer. Det er et halvt minutt bedre enn hennes egen verdensrekord på bane, og like mye bedre enn den uoffisielle baneløps-verdensrekorden til Grete Waitz.
De norske jentene løp fortere enn ventet, fortere enn alle andre og faktisk fortere enn noe lag noengang har gjort, da de vant søndagens "Ekiden" maratonstafett på ny rekordtid 2.16,42, godt foran sterke løpernasjoner som USA og Portugal. ...Selvsagt var Ingrid Kristiansen den aller største helten med sin fenomenale fjerdeetappe. De 10 kilometrene gjorde Ingrid unna på 30,39, ny etapperekord med 2,33 minutter; 20 sekunder fortere enn Ingrids egen verdensrekord på 10 000 m på bane; 20 sekunder fortere enn Grete Waitz bestetid på distansen fra Central Park i New York, og så vidt vites, den raskeste mil noen kvinne noensinne har løpt. ...Likevel var de norske jentene blant de tre beste i etappetid på fire av seks etapper; to av dem besørget av lagets tenåringer, Anita Håkenstad (2. plass på 3. etappe med 16,01) og Christin Sørum (3. plass 6. etappe med 16,05) . Gjennomsnittsalderen i det norske laget var på litt over 22 år, inkludert lagets nestor Ingrid Kristiansen på 29......
Ekiden maraton, internasjonal kvinnestafett over 42 km:; < 1) Portugal (Lucilia Soares, Rosa Mota, Albertina Dias, Aurora Cunha, Albertina Machado, Conceicao Ferreira) 2.16.49, 2) Norge (Anne Jorunn Flaten Rakstad, Bente Moe, Anita Håkenstad, Ingrid Kristiansen, Grete Kirkeberg, Maiken Sørum) 2.17.38, 3) Sovjet (Jelena Romanova, Ljudmila Matvejeva, Maria Vasiljuk, Marina Rodtsjenkova, Svetlana Guskova, Tatjana Kasankina) 2.20.11,
Sovjet, inspirert av løperesset Olga Bondarenko, vant maratonstafetten Ekiden søndag på tiden 2.15,41 og slettet den to år gamle norske rekorden for løpet med 61 sekunder. Norge kom inn på sjetteplass, nærmere fem minutter etter Sovjet.
De seks kinesiske jentene løp den 42.195 lange stafetten på 2.18.33. Hele stafetten ble avgjort på andre etappe. Da stakk Zhong Huandi fra lederfeltet, og Kina ledet klart helt inn til mål, hvor de var 300 meter foran Japan. Hjemmefavorittene åpnet svakt, men løp seg stadig oppover og kom i mål på 2.19.40. Sovjet, som hadde Olga Bondarenko på sisteetappen, ble nummer tre med 2.20.56,
1) Kina 2.16.23, 2) Romania 2.18.12, 3) Sovjet 2.18.28, 4) Japan 2.18.48,
SUS VANT STAFETT-MARATON SUS vant lørdag ekiden-stafetten i Yokohama. Stafettløpet over maratondistansen 42.195 meter ble avgjort i spurten, da SUS' ankerkvinne Olga Bondarenko snek seg tre sekunder foran rumenske Elena Fidatov. De seks jentene fra SUS noterte tiden 2.16.41. Storbritannia kom inn til tredjeplass. (NTB-AP)
1) Japan 2.17.31, 2) Russland 2.18.44, 3) Mexico 2.18.45,
1) Kenya (Martha Komu, Wincatherine Ndereva, Jane Omoro, Ruth J. Kutol, Lucia Subano, Ann Wamboi) 2.15.14, 2) Japan (Mizuki Noguchi, Kazue Ohgoshi, Takako Kotorida, Yoko Shibui, Emiko Kojima, Eri Yamaguchi) 2.15.36, 3) Romania (Iulia Olteanu, Camelia Atina Gherasim, Maria Grosu, Christina Iloc, Christina Pomacu, Constantina Dita) 2.15.43,
Russisk seier i gateløp Galina Bogomolova spilte hovedrollen da Russland beseiret Japan i ekiden-stafetten for kvinner i Yokohama søndag. Bogomolova passerte ledende Rie Matsuoka på 5. og nest siste etappe, og ga Alena Samokhvalova en ledelse som holdt til mål i stafetten som til sammen måler 42,195 kilometer - det vil si en maraton. Russlands vinnertid var 2.15.10. Derartu Tulu løp Etiopia inn til 2. plass foran fjorårsvinner Japan.