1876 State of the Union Address

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1876 State of the Union Address
Horticultural Hall, from Robert N. Dennis collection of stereoscopic views 3.jpg
Centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876
DateDecember 5, 1876 (1876-12-05)
VenueHouse Chamber, United States Capitol
Location Washington, D.C.
Coordinates 38°53′23″N77°00′32″W / 38.88972°N 77.00889°W / 38.88972; -77.00889
Type State of the Union Address
Participants Ulysses S. Grant
Henry Wilson
Samuel J. Randall
Previous 1875 State of the Union Address
Next 1877 State of the Union Address

The 1876 State of the Union Address was given by the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, on Tuesday, December 5, 1876. In it he said these words, "Reconstruction Era, as finally agreed upon, means this and only this, except that the late slave was enfranchised, giving an increase, as was supposed, to the Union-loving and Union-supporting votes. If free in the full sense of the word, they would not disappoint this expectation. Hence at the beginning of my first Administration the work of reconstruction, much embarrassed by the long delay, virtually commenced." [1]

In foreign policy matters, the President mentions the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the Kingdom of Hawaii. In domestic matters the President hailed the success of the Centennial Exposition. [2]

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The 1875 State of the Union Address was given by Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States on Tuesday, December 7, 1875. It was written by him, but not presented to the 44th United States Congress by him. He said, "In submitting my seventh annual message to Congress, in this centennial year of our national existence as a free and independent people, it affords me great pleasure to recur to the advancement that has been made from the time of the colonies, one hundred years ago. We were then a people numbering only 3,000,000. Now we number more than 40,000,000. Then industries were confined almost exclusively to the tillage of the soil. Now manufactories absorb much of the labor of the country." The Industrial Revolution had begun.

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The 1870 State of the Union address was delivered by the 18th President of the United States Ulysses S. Grant on December 5, 1870, to the 41st United States Congress. This was Grant’s second annual message, emphasizing Reconstruction, foreign relations, and domestic reforms.


  1. "State of the Union Address: Ulysses S. Grant (December 5, 1876)". InfoPlease. Retrieved 7 February 2018.
  2. "Annual Message to Congress (1876)". Teaching American History. Retrieved 2024-12-28.
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