1796 State of the Union Address

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1796 State of the Union Address
DateDecember 7, 1796
VenueHall of the House of Representatives, Congress Hall [1]
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [1]
Type State of the Union Address
Participants George Washington
Previous 1795 State of the Union Address
Next 1797 State of the Union Address

The 1796 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first president of the United States, on Wednesday, December 7, 1796. It was given in Congress Hall, Philadelphia. He gave it directly to Congress. He began with:

In recurring to the internal situation of our country since I had last the pleasure to address you, I find ample reason for a renewed expression of that gratitude to the Ruler of the Universe which a continued series of prosperity has so often and so justly called forth.

He ended with,

God's providential care may still be extended to the United States, that the virtue and happiness of the people may be preserved, and that the Government which they have instituted for the protection of their liberties may be perpetual. [2]

The President also noted negotiations with the Creek Nation regarding purchase of land, which had stalled at that time. The President also recommended the establishment of an official military academy noting that a nation should "never be without an adequate stock of military knowledge for emergencies". [3]

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The 1918 State of the Union Address was given by the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, on Monday, December 2, 1918, to the houses of the 65th United States Congress. He gave these war statistics, "A year ago we had sent 145,918 men overseas. Since then we have sent 1,950,513, an average of 162,542 each month, the number in fact rising, in May last, to 245,951, in June to 278,760, in July to 307,182, and continuing to reach similar figures in August and September, in August 289,570 and in September 257,438." By the end of 1918, America had won the peace, and World War I was over. He said, "And throughout it all how fine the spirit of the nation was: what unity of purpose, what untiring zeal!" He ended with, "I shall make my absence as brief as possible and shall hope to return with the happy assurance that it has been possible to translate into action the great ideals for which America has striven."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1805 State of the Union Address</span> Address by US president Thomas Jefferson

The 1805 State of the Union Address was given by the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, on Tuesday, December 3, 1805. He did not give it directly to the 9th United States Congress, but only presented his written address. It was the first of his second term in the White House. He began with, "At a moment when the nations of Europe are in commotion and arming against each other, and when those with whom we have principal intercourse are engaged in the general contest, and when the countenance of some of them toward our peaceable country threatens that even that may not be unaffected by what is passing on the general theater, a meeting of the representatives of the nation in both Houses of Congress has become more than usually desirable." He ended with, "On this first occasion of addressing Congress since, by the choice of my constituents, I have entered on a second term of administration, I embrace the opportunity to give this public assurance that I will exert my best endeavors to administer faithfully the executive department, and will zealously cooperate with you in every measure which may tend to secure the liberty, property, and personal safety of our fellow citizens, and to consolidate the republican forms and principles of our Government."

The 1793 State of the Union Address was given by George Washington, the first president of the United States. It was given in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Congress Hall. Washington stood before the 3rd United States Congress on Tuesday, December 3, 1793, and said, "While on the one hand it awakened my gratitude for all those instances of affectionate partiality with which I have been honored by my country, on the other it could not prevent an earnest wish for that retirement from which no private consideration should ever have torn me." He ended with, "Permit me to bring to your remembrance the magnitude of your task. Without an unprejudiced coolness the welfare of the Government may be hazarded; without harmony as far as consists with freedom of sentiment its dignity may be lost."


  1. 1 2 "Joint Meetings, Joint Sessions, & Inaugurations | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives". history.house.gov. Retrieved 19 September 2024.
  2. "State of the Union Address: George Washington (December 7, 1796) | Infoplease.com". infoplease.com. Retrieved 2014-07-25.
  3. "Eighth Annual Address to Congress | The American Presidency Project". www.presidency.ucsb.edu. Retrieved 2024-12-26.
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